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Katelyn Vance

Education 110

Dr. Walker

14 April 2022

Philosophy of Education
The Philosophy of Education is very important for each teacher. Some teachers and their

beliefs may be different than others, but each teacher has a calling. I have heard it said that

teaching is a work of “heart”. I really plan to show that to my students and their families, as well

as my future fellow teachers. I plan to show children love, respect, and community. Sometimes a

teacher’s support may be the only support a student receives. I plan to show my future students

that they have a purpose, and they are here on this earth to fulfill it. I plan to use lectures, group

work, and one-on-one help to students. These were beneficial to me, and I believe they help

students with listening skills, as well as group work.

Purpose of Education

The purpose of education is to enrich students’ minds with not only the curriculum, but

also life lessons. Showing students how to share, use manners, and problem solve are some of

the very important things teachers do in their careers. Education helps students’ minds grow, and

helps them achieve great things. Each grade is a building block to the next, and opens doors to

the students’ future successes. Students need to be graded as they go through their educational

journey, I believe grading is important, but should not be put on such a high level. I do not want
my students feeling sad they received a C while another received a B or an A. Yes, aiming high

is important, but comparison is not. No one is on the exact educational level, and I want my

students to know that they are a “work of art”. I want each of them to do their best, and if their

best is a 70%, they did their best and should be proud. I would use tests and quizzes, but also the

occasional free write assignment. Knowing a student and their beliefs is important to me.

Role of Teacher in Education

I still remember my teachers teaching me how to write. I remember they were so easy and kind

with me, and very patient. Teachers need to have patience, because not every student will get

something right away. Some teachers may have to teach something a little differently to another

student who may need help. I have had many teachers throughout my educational journey who

have gone above and beyond for me, and that is one of the reasons I chose to be a teacher.

Teachers show students support and encouragement, and that support is not overlooked.

Teachers have their own way that they like to have their classroom, and their own way on how

they like to teach. They can learn new skills through workshops and events. They can know their

teaching is effective by student performance. As a teacher, I want my students to feel my

classroom is a safe environment. Having a welcoming and positive space for children to learn is

helpful. I want my students to know that they are loved, and I will make that clear to them.

Having a bright and comfortable classroom, with plenty of educational toys, colorful

decorations, and much room for “traffic flow” is very important for all students. I would also

make my room easy for any students with disabilities to get around. Each child is a gift in my

eyes, and I want them to have a safe space in my class.

Role of Student in Education

Students have a very vital role in their educational journeys. Listening to the teacher, as

well as each other helps with their success. Listening, taking notes, and doing homework is very

important as they progress throughout their educational career. Students can also speak up and

ask for help. Some may feel “embarrassed” to ask for help, but that is truly what teachers are for.

They are so passionate about students and their education that they made it their vocation to help

them. There is no need to feel small about asking for help, that is what the teachers are there for.

Student evaluations are important as well, and help teachers receive feedback. When teachers

receive their feedback, they should understand each comment, and work to better themselves and

their class.

Role of Teacher in Community

The role of teachers in community is to help students and their families, as well as others.

Being a teacher, you need to get to know your students and their families to get background on

each student and their health, home-life, and possibly things going on with their families. If a

child has a learning disability, they can work with the parents on what may be best for the

student. I have seen a few instances where a teacher knew that a student was in need of

something, and their family could not afford it. That teacher bought what the student’s family

could not afford for the student. That is truly a selfless gift from the heart, and shows how

teachers really care about their students. Teachers can also help in the community by helping out
fellow teachers if maybe one of them is struggling by offering advice or some encouragement. I

plan on doing this and working hard to make every child feel seen and loved.


In conlcusion, teachers play a huge role in a student’s life. They are their teacher, but in many

cases, they mentor them what it truly means to do good to society. Teachers are hidden gems,

and it takes a special one to truly touch a student’s heart. Some may think teachers just teach

reading, writing, and arithmetic, which they do, but it is more than that. They teach compassion,

understanding, and importance. Piaget came up with the Theory of Cognitive Development, and

it ranges from birth to 12 and up. Teachers are there throughout each stage, and can help each

child throughout every milestone. It takes a special person to be a teacher.

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