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CUnapter-3 Pairs of words Words liable to be confused Words similar in sound but different in meanings. 4. Access> approach (Si'§*) V.imp Ihave “A access to the President of Pakistan. Excess- More than due (= 7a.) Excess of everything is bad. 2. Accept- To receive a thing, to agree(t £5") The Principal accepted my request for fee concession. (GU) Except (1) ; All the students except Akram have been fined (ix=12) 3: Adapt- Make fit (WL 31H) She peopled herself to the changing fashions of age. Adopt- Take up (ti!) He adopted unfair means (Evszet) in the examination. Adept Clever, Skilful 2x) He is adept in the art of pleasing people. 4. Advice - Noun (se) — V.imp My advice fell flat (1) on him. Advise- Verb (La) | advise you not to smoke. . Affect 4- To have an effect on (t/71) 2-T English goin Point English Grammar g Composition tor a ‘Allusion- Indirect reference (1, He made many allusions frorn the ae Poetry:of ilusion- Eecre appearance (Soap, ‘Sey noone True happiness in this world is onl i g, Altar (Noun)- An elevated Place of worshi ip (ofes) He knelt down (K)by the al a — altarin the church, (e2ULtuyite Sy) He altered his decision (le3)at the eleventh how AS Fi) 9 Altogether - Reotutelyz3 4) commleas ey Jam altogether ignorant of (2_)your ec in the examination . All together- Allin one company ({_-) They went to see the picture all together. 10. All ready- all prepared Cece V.lmp » We are alll ready to leave for Lahore. Already- Before a suggested time (<2) He has already lett for Lahore. 11. Apposite- Appropriate(_t-) ‘Your answer was quite apposite. Opposite- Contrary, facing back to back (<2 4) My ho se is situated opposite to the Government College. "12. Ascent- Upward flight Gen The of the Murree Hills is not very difficult. Assent - Agreement(") The Pre sident gave his assent to the University Bill. . V.imp 7 333 yan illusion, (enuy ti AS, ou) To the Point English Grammar & Composition for B.A Antique- of old times, old fashioned! This traveller has come from the ani!que land of Egypt. 5B 16. Bare- 1.Adjective, uncovered (€) 2- Verb- To uncover(t/@) He went in the bitter cold (Us=5) bare headed. The dog bared its teeth. Bear- Noun (An animal) 2&, He was killed in the forest by a bear, (Verb) to endure t4o4in, | cannot bear this insult. 17. Ball- Security (=) ‘ The accused Gr was released (/1./{.) on bail. Bale - A bundle (2'¢’) We have four h four hundred bales of cotton in our godown. 18, Beach- Shore Ca) V.Imp We stood on the beach and enjoyed the beautiful scene of the sea. Beech- A kind of tree (23.40) We have planted many beech trees in our garden. 19. Baron- Title of nobilityOydb <1) Le V.imp The barons are very powertul in England. Barren- Not conducive to growth( A) He has many acres of serena land. 20. Berth- An alloted place (2) sea Have you got your berth reserved (44%) in the Birth- The act of being born (x) birth of our great leader Quaid-i-Azam falls in ih} { Secret Vote (+s) -not use the fake ballot (4) papers in the Adance (42) : the Chinese ballet at the theatre. To the Point English Grammar & 23. Beside- At the sige (ZED Hes siting beside me in in, Class, Besides- In addition to Coste vr) He gets a bonus besides his ca his salary (3) 24, Break- To separate into parts (33) He broke the window and entereg the house, Brake- Device tor stopping The brakes of my car are i 28. Bridal- Pertaining to marriage (5) _ She wore the bridat ting on her finger in the party, Bridle- A rope etc for a horse ()_ | require a bridle for my horse, 26. Born- To be brought into existence by birth (Ax) He was born with a silver spoon in his Mouth. Ctl to 1 Sei) Borne- Past tense of bear(t/<+1,,) He has borne his misfortunes (ue iike a brave man. Cc deel soni, showing days and months of a year (i*/¥ 2421 KCL) Viimp Please consult the wall calendar to (oa the exact day (v6 Dot your mariage. Calender (verb) - to prés cloth(reiz) Please calender this shirt of mine. (de). (9) Vip 28. Canon: A rule in Bar WEF) Composition forB.4 > Valmp To the Point English Gramizar & Composition for B.A The plerk was Sealing the ietters in his o Cell A natrow room (AF) The culprit (4) was locked up in a cell (64) Séil- To give up something for money This book is selling like hot cakes. ( a ret Pakistan is quite confident of her a ti oles eF Victory (2) in the 42.Corporal - Pertaining to body Gua) ae ~ Corporal punishment must be proh Of this Sentence, ~ ibited tee) i abbnfird iene 223)1/) in schools CpbiPibaeoh) 48.Corps- A body of troops: (24535) Grew. SP Geond. He got commi: in the medical corps of the army. a body of human being (7! 44, Cession- To cede, to give up (te) ~~ ‘The cession of East Pakistan from the West Pakistan was a tragic event (Sit!) of Muslim History. : ___, Session- period during which a public body sits Py The college hours for the summer session changed from the Ist April. 48. Casual- Occasional (dé1) v.imp __lapplied for 3, days casual leave. - Causal-Ofcause(air) ~~ __ There is causal relationship ‘8. Council. An assembly (U9) __ His father is a member of Uni ; Counsel. advice (ox) ing and ill health. 1 the Point English Grammar & Composition for B.A Clothes- Garments(!% eu) She washed her clothes hersolt. : 49. Clock (i) When the clock strikes nine, | go to bank. Cloak- A loose outer garment (42) The English women wear cloaks now-a-days, 60. Cue- Hint(o.\*/) V.imp ‘The actor missed his cue and came to the Stage late. Queue- (13) Please stand in a queue and get the tickets in your turn (5/4) D 51. Dairy- Place for keeping milk, cattle (3) v.Imp The butter of Pak Dairy is conducive (i=) to health. Diary- A note book (ts) - 52, Deceased- Dead (ep The deceased was a man of gentle habits. Diseased- sick - ill (4) Adiseased mind has a diseased body. 53. Defer- To put off (t/UH#) . THe meeting of the college council was deferred to the next month. Differ- To have a difference (t/ii5!) I differ with you in this matter. 54. Dependant- One who depends upon others (G(#) J He has to support many dependants. Dependent- Depending upon wi) eaeeiranerinnconsennay eens Deprecate- to express disapproval (Us +7t) _ He deprecated my habit of over (yA ih eaat ented Tothe Point English Grammar 4 E Composition tor. Device- A scheme (3, y >) He used a strange device Devise- Invent (e/ie) tO punish his servant, aa tee anew machine for Washing the clothes, 58, Dew - Moisture (/) that falls during night (2) a ee athe a Of the grass looked like pearis (dy) - Due- Owing as a rigth(, | paid what was due to. Cothe2ts) him. 59, Desert A barren region (1°) The desert of Gobi is the most dan Dessert- Fruit, served after a meal After the dinner, they hosted us with a delicious dessert. (tbe Ul i rd) 60. Die- To cease to exist (ty) He died of heart attack. Dye- To stain, to colour (&) "Please dye my turban (Wi) red. 61. Dose- Measured quantity of medicine (Si) _ You should anes of medicine deily. . leep(t4)/) nee room and was punished by the teacher. - 62. Draft- Script (o2»~) ‘ He prepared a draft of his statement (oo Draught- One sino") He took the cup of milk in __§8.Dual- Double (1) 339 V.Imp igerous tract of land (86.2) in the world. be read (Zp 242) His handwriting is illegible. . Seren A Peron wn aves his own county and gest sin an cer) Gaeta nS Many Pakistani emigrants are not treated wellin England. ymmigrant - One who comes into a country from another. (_f=-1) ‘Many of the immigrants in America have been given land by the Govemment. 68. Eminent-Conciusion ix”) vimp -His father is an eminent doctor of the city. Imminent- At hand—.7) : The next war is imminent. 68. Elicit- To ctaw conctusion (1/512) | elicited much information trom her. WMlict - Uniair (Ft ee as casas Sas Viep oMPOSItIOn i+ B 4 . » Flee- To run away (ty fiyy Ln. The Indian army fled away 74. Floor (73) He sat on the floor, Flour- (¢7) r The price of flour is going up NOW-a-days, 75.Further- Advance space, time, uality ete (oa fs ») He further said that he wouig leave Pakistan soon, Farther- At a greater distance Cx£1) ‘We went farther in the valley ( 341 Y from the battle field » 1965 war, V.imp_ Js')) and saw a beautiful lion there; G 16. Gait- A way or manner of walking (Up) She has got a lovely gait. is Gate- Entrance (osin1x) The main gate of the college is locked. 77. Gaol- Prison (26.5 ~The court sent the thief to gaol., ~ Goal- Distance- destination +) He reached his goal after great cifficulty. 78. Gamble- to play for money (iz) He gambled away alll his fortune. a " B4..Heal- To cure (tL) Te the Point Engh, English Grammar ‘& Composition for B.A Ghostly. Pertaining to ghost (FZ, The atmosphere of the vac; ag ant house was ghostly. ily ‘Try to lit fire in the grate, The child grates his teeth in sleep. Great (<”) The Quaid-i-Azam was a great leader of the Muslims. H 83. Hail - Small heaps of ice (d_ +1) Ithailed yesterday and the «ght became cold. Hale- Healthy (27) : He looks quite hale and hearty even in his old age. vV.imp Pericillin will heal your wound (/)soon. * Heel- The hind part of the foot. (Uz!) The heel of my right shoe needs repair (=~-) 85.Heard- Past tense of hear(t*) | have already heard this story many times. Herd- A number of beasts (7y,) A sheep was stolen from his herd, 86. Hoard- To store (iss! 25) v.imp Please do not hoard the provisions of-daily life. CivenApin) Horde- Great number (=) . The villagers were 342 Lazy or passive (<—) ‘The Idle workers were dismi Mdol- an image (=;) The Muslims do not worship idols, @. Imaginary. (3) __ She has imaginary doubts about her Success, Imaginative- Full of imagination (uy Keats is an Imaginative poet, ‘4, mpossible- That which is not possible (ot) tis impossible to reach the sun. $800 (OL e-18.) trom service, This river is impassable at this place. _@industrial - Relating to industry (G*) V.imp Pakistan has made great progress in the industrial field, Industrious- Hardworking (G*) The teachers of our College are intelligent (23) and industrious. 98. Ingenious- Clever, shrewd Gi Siva) V.imp The thiet devised (t/€171) an ingenious method to run away from the prison. (26.3) Ingenuous- Open- Frank (Jit) He is fair and ingenuous in his dealings. J ee enquiry into the murder case of Liaquat Ali khan, sudicious- Wise (2 & Composition for B. Latter - Of two things, one which Is Mentioned second? (mut Of Aslam ang Arshad, the latter is more intelligent. 87. Lessen -To make or become less(t/f) v.imp This medicine has lessened my pain. Lesson - The amount Of teaching given at one time (JF) He has taught us a lesson ‘on smoking just now $8. Lightning- Electric discharge in clouds (Eben Va) Lightning killed two birds last night, Lightening- To lessen, ey He was lightening the lose c: : the donkey. 99. Liar- One who telis lies (7 He is out and out a liar anc uitrustworthy fellow (ict) Lawyer- A solicitor (JE) : | Alawyer's often well versed in law. 100. Lose- To have no longer (t.) He lost the keys of the car on the way. Loose- Free , not tight. He is wearing a loose shirt today. 101. Loath- unwilling Ce-\2.t) 1am not loath to help you . : -Loathe (vérb)- to hate or dislike (tL. 7) He loathes selfish (7/4) and dishonest friends, 102. Lovable - Worthy of love (UeL 2.1) " His habits are sweet and lovable, Lovely- Beautiful The sights of Murree are 103. Luxuriant- Rich in growth ( The luxuriant growth (.7,3/) Luxurious- given to luxury ~The Moghals led a very luxuy V.imp Tothe Point English Grammar g Composition tor Mane- Hair growing on then, gwAS2) SPF the horse: This horse looks beautify with 405Marry- to wed (tit) Do not marry in your olg age. Merry- Happy (i) ~The merry bells Were ringing in the Church. 4), 106. Meat- Flesh of an animal (tf) “ He-bought | kilo meat from the Meet: To see (1) {met with an old friend of mine on the way, 107. Metal - A substance (oh) Gold is a costly metal. Mettle - Courage (12) x Our soldiers showed great mettle in the battlefield, 108. Medal- A round flat Piece of metal (37) . Vimp s. ~ He won a gold medal in his B.A. Examination. Meddle- To interfere without necessity (t/=14) Do not meddle in my affairs (2ut-), _ 108, Minor- One who is not yet mature (2st) The minor cannot open a bank account “Miner- A worker in.a mine Gu tfov) _ The job of a miner is very hard and difficult. 110. Moat- A ditch surroundir its lovely mane, V.imp meat shop, To the Point English Grammar ‘& Composition for B.A 346 The morale of ur army in 1965 war was very high. N 118. Naughty- Mischievous (dj?) He is a naughty boy of the class. Knotty - Difficult (LP) cannot tackle (t/F) this knotty(+14) problem. oO 114. Officious- Too eager to offer service or advice (L-/GLe) V.Imp He is very officious to ladies and always tries to please them. Official - A person working in an office (pw) The Government officials are exempted (+-/)from this law. M18. Oar- A pole with blade used to propel boat. (+2) He took the oar(<2) and rowed (up) the boat with great power. Ore- Raw metal (2) Ore is extracted (< Ut) trom the mine. (<_w¥) 116. Ordinance- Authoritative direction (247) The President issued an ordinance for the promotion of education in the country. Ordnance - Heavy artillery (26.41) The ordnance factory at Wah is doing a useful service to Our country , 12 V.imp: 117 Patrol- To go on for watching (tA siingc) A policeman patrols at night in our st Petrol- = =~" OSition for Ba 420. Pail- A vessel of metal havin She took a pail of milk on her Pale- Yellow (ik,5,) He turned pale on hearing the news of his dismissal from service, 421. Pain - Great discomfort. Suffering (1) ‘am feeling pain in my chest (wz) Pane- Single sheet of glass, He broke the window pane with a stone. 122. Pair- Things that are alike (it) , He bought a pair of shoes-from the bazaar. Pare- To cut away (£7) Please pare your nails before you come for medical test. 128, Peace- Tranquillity- Calm (ys) eee __ There was peace in Pakistan during the rule of Liaquat Ali Khan, Piece- A fragment (1%) The dog stole a piece of meet from the shop. 124. Pattern - Model (+7) _ She is a pattern of g0od conduct and decency ag: ©)for all ladies, Patron (eng) _. The President of Pakistan is the patron of this newspaper. 125, Prescribe - to lay down rules for direction (t/£)V,Imp This medicine has been prescribed by the doctor. q d the protection of law (cz) 19 round shape ( 5) head. V.lmp To the Point English Grammar & Composition for BA aa live. Populous(s\ fu”) containing more individual than i Karachi is the most populous city of our country, 129, Practice (noun) effort (UY) Vamp . Practice makes & man perfect. Practise- (verb to make an effort) (w/v) Please, practise what you preach, 130. Pray: To beg for to entreat (bus) v.imp Let us pray to God for peace and prosperity(UvA)in the country. Prey- Victim( tsi.) He fell a prey to a fatal disease. (Wis) 181, Practical- opposite of theoretical ((”) vamp I give you practical hints on the art of essay writing. Practicable- which can be put into practico( YU) ; Four plan to reform the world is not practicable. | 182. President: (1+) v.imp He is the president of college dramatic club. Precedent- Tradition(Jt=cls.) “ He set.a noble precedent of sacrifice (3) in the country, 133. Profit- gain (@t-) He sells his goods on high profit. ; Prophet- One who speaks for God (#*) _ God has sent many prophets for To the Point Englisn Grammar & Co Position for B.A ee ar Qualitative- Relating to quality (eee) Doe, He conducted a qualitative analysis of milk to know the quality of fat in it. Quantitative Relating to quantity( G2 5.) Aquantitative analysis of water telis us that it contains hydrogen and oxygen. R 138. ‘pain: (a Itrained heavily in our city yesterday. ‘Rein- (6) Also Reins _y, Imp ___ Please hold the rein of the horse strongly. ere time of tuling a state (oie) Akbar reigned India with an iron hand, #-L dbs 139. Raise- To lift lup (tu!) he She raised her fingers to her lips as a sign( __ ‘She is a virtuous and noble lad ‘He wears a belt round his Waste(/Eu) roe Point Engh Grammar & Composition for weight- (ws) she is losing her weight now-a-days, ‘ 469, Wreak- To inflict a retaliation (cl ort 4) {chal wreak vengeance (705) on the enemy'of my fat Wreck- To destroy(t A) Constant (J) hard work wrecked his Nervous system (uijLar1) Womanish(! 1 VHS" Bring-To come back with ((W) _ sib /nWFyooe!! Is Ihave planted many fragrant trees in My garden! 211. Freedom- Civil liberty (12747 7190 S08 & In a democracy, every individual enjoys full | ‘ freedoni of speech: | Liberty? Being ttéd tron? sidvery"oFGédpitie rule! 9"! Vd 5 | The plitical leader was set at liberty after two | 212, Funeral - Burial (tz) : ‘The funeral porcession of General Zia Funereal - Sad, gloomy (¢) Her funereal appearance Moved everybo "218 Genius. (45h.%2) | Dr. Igbal sad i 2 Possessed great geni Talent (edicous) -S1Uisi9} Noor Jehan has great ta alents fo 214. Ipte- Fireplace (v5 7) Gans Pu some colin the 9 Big, of a high degree Quaid-i-Azam wa: Graceful - Digniied Cs,ry van His behaviour with hig teachers was very graceful, Gracious: Kind- (wy, ) yeni 2 God is gracious torts creature, Distyeleinuc Winugmi ess ; robngod eT Sqrni.V Ge zl ‘16.Hear- To perceive Dy y, the e e 252692 \heard a cry in the street. Usten- To hear with attention (cz ,) listened to his lecture very attentively 27 House- Any building for human living (£42) V.imp live in a house opposite (441) to the hospital. zg Home- Fixed residence of a family. ~~ pees d 2 ~inummt We have association with home and not with a house. ee ic Pakistan is our home. me ‘ We’ went to our home situated in a village ‘during summar vacation. ei avin 418. Hope- Look with desire for something (tu!) Lets hope for the best. (1-15) hope to win the election this time. ¢ Expect- To look forward as like to done or happy He is expecting some guests today. vn 28Healthy- Enjoying or possessing health - (2a#)5 _ My father is quite healthy in his old age. 7. ollie bas everd - teineM .ass gael ghrelin ontt isdso io Jzoq ngirt A -IerleisM .ss inp diol wol 6 ors sretT t of stizoqqO -slsM .8ss 8 of dhid avsp 92 (2).) 1209 ism nisi lism eisl odT Yo bniv A -osieM .ess To the Point English Grammar & Composition for B.A Although he is poor, he has im Imperious- Haughty (26%) His behaviour with his clerks was imperious. ;: 223, Impunity- Freedom or safety from punishment: (Au! =1,-) The hoarders of food break law with impunity. Immunity. Safety or freedom from disease of e Uk) V.lmp Simple food: and regular exercise give Immunity from all diseases. 224.III- Suffering from a disease (.{;) V.lmp am ill with fever now-a-days Slek- Tendecy to vomit (M4 2h Ha) He feels sick when hie ‘rvels in a car. 226. Lay( Laid, laid) - To bring ‘orth and drops (tise thtL) V.Imp This hen does not lay eggs. He laid the glass of water on the table, Lie (lay, lain) To rest on a bed (oAgua) Let us fle on the hard floor in hour of need. M V.lmp longed to a martial family, 227. Marshal- A high post of title in the = ___ There are a few field marshals 228. Male- Opposite to female (+) She gave birth to a male child ta Mall- Post (3) The late mail train 226. Martial - Brave and.warlike (J°4i13) Pabar the ruler of India be SJ Fy poet teh Grammar & Compostion orp , 36! 731. Notable - Eminent person ( = 1A) V.imp Or. Abdul Qader Khan is a notable Sclentist of Pakistan, Notorlous- Known of Something bad (pts) He is @ notorious dacoit of the locality, ei 282. Physic- Medicine (.ii,,)* Modem science has failed to discover Physics - A branch of science (op) Physics deals with properties of Matter, Physique- The structure and form of body (esvdie) He enjoys sound health €nd strong physique even in his old age. R - %33. Recollect- To recall to mind Aikewniyy He recollected the past incidents of life with a touch of sorrow. Remember- Retain in memory (t41) ' still remember her innocent face. 234, Reverend - Worthy of respect (iitoy The principal of our college is a reverend old man of seventy. Reverent- Expressing or showing respect &) He stood before his teacher in a reverent style. 235. Rob- To take away be force (tz) V.Imp The passengers of the bus Were robbed by the cacoits, : Steal- To take away x @ physic for cancer, 'S opposed to light (ov He slept in the sha ated de of tree, > Shadow. er The Greedy dog saw his ‘Own shadow in the water of canal, 239. Stop- The Teverse of start ti) He stopped the bus ai ind let the Passengers say their prayers. Stay-To remain in the pi lace for sometime. ‘or aan He stayed at a hotel for a day While going to Karachi’ Te saan 240. Transient- Not permanent (4) The joys of youth are transient i Transitory- Momentary; for a short time (3) Transitory arrangements were made to conduct the BA. Examination. . U Rage 241. Union - The state of being united or) “Union Is strength" holds good even in modern times. Unison - Agreement (5471) ; They decided to go out fon Unity- Oneness (=) i 19H edtmerrt n9g281 to \ainow. bnsigveAl pes past. oe | 81 OT ~dort 2c: 242. Wreath- Flowers arranged in a circle (iy, ~ The tomb of Iqbal was decorated with Wreathe- To warp #43) She has wreathed her face in a black -2161U1 IePipoM 9, ; a= SemPestion tor B 4 —. FORA, ‘GRADE STUDENTS Difficult Pair of Words spe pair of words marked very impoHant may ah be is to lodmye 6 ai.zeoro oT ie T5}.Py.ether than A Grade | 1. Adverse Hostile Crt) Pino 2UbNIH @f t1qne MA Moteys lourg 6 z istan could not mi . Paki lake progress due to adverse circumstane , Averse - Opposed, unwilling to do a thin ing fair! 10 eveie & ai ne (< Jam not averse to the idea of Co-education in rece ie 2 Apathy: Want of feeling, inaiteines («ef Beess! wo Or. Ashraf is known for his apath to the si ut AatipatRIB RTS O8 ON, The antipathy between two brothers redilia4 in ratio § Attenuate- To make thin or lean (ty Z./ig) a 1. The germs of a certain disease are atte uated to make °vage 2.Hewas attenuated with consta i re A] tor a . Extenuate- to mitigate, to lessen the gravity ay OE Hey ie, eee aa droveb yilut 2i oH The Police are extenuating the gruesome murte E i) ay, RAG. 19190 (865. evic) -bstoibba An auger i Re Py = ay wu ofa caer el SSI 'atist tug of saute - telledeia sr pecrctell i Gs airf of eub ei bod to eoneleixe ortt ni telledelb 2iH This incident augurs a bad opening his carees (ashy) : . Havi the ability to do esi fn) a; ee giled to eonsedA -teilednU 2 ; een Sita corer Wid ni bod ni tellednw ait am capable of saving my ge froii the attack of (X=) ote? - yniteea on 21am capable of pon this knotty problem. -yniteeb aid \d belin 2i asM ulsviebau oT ~d0e0 > boog erit y19i8b Jor 902 -yio200 ud of ADs ay tes Saal orf gnildmeg of betoibbs ei Ht a2 ae The boy is Playing on the cymbals and producing music. _SYMBO!- Sign, mark (su) The cross is a symbol of Sacrifice among the Christians. 8. Custom- Common Practice (G1) & Sati is a crue! ¢Ustom among the Hindus. v.lmp Habit- Settled tendency (=.4) Man is a slave of his habits, 9. Decry: To undervalue Wy) Do not déicry the good qualities of your leader. V.Imp Descry- See, to discover (t/-31) > sae ‘The bus driver could not desery the carriage coming from the opposite direction. 10. Decided- Definite, determined (25) v.Imp He has taken a decided stand on this issue. Decisive- Conclusive, final (vais) The last ball was decisive for the cricket match. 11. Devoted- Fully dedicated to something good (+4) He is fully devoted to studies now-a-days, Addicted- Given to bad (fg) V.Imp He is addicted to gambling. 12, Disbelief - Refuse to put faith (ie 2 fa.) His disbelief in the existence of God is d Unbeliet- Absence of belief (ui#%/-+) His unbelief in God in due to igno 13. Destiny-Fate(27) i ‘Man is ruled by his destiny, Destination - Goal(+) ‘We reached our destination 14, Defy - Challenge (t lue to his pride. To the Point English Grammar & Composition tor B.A 3 16. Effective- Having power to effect (+) v.imp This medicine proved very ettective for her headache. Efficacious - Able to produce the result intended (2116) Penicillin proves efficacious in cases of infection. 17. Exceptional - Uncommon, to which an exception can be taken (Js) « He has been endowed with exceptional ability, : Exceptionable - Objectionable (izits) Your behaviour in the meeting was exceptionable. 18. Excite- To stire (tu tz) His speech was funny and excited the people to laughter. Incite - To goad, to move the mind to action me) He incited the people to disrupt the railway line. 19. Expedient- Advantageous (145) V.Imp Itis expedient for you to leave smoking @s soon as possible. Expeditious- Prompt (3) ° _ You should give an expeditious reply to my letter. 20. Excuse - To apologise for a small offence. V.imp Excuse me, may | take you pen for some time. Forgive- Pardon for a slightly serious offence. ' forgave him for his impolite behaviour in the meeting. Pardon- To apologise for serious offence Ibeg you pi aac aay "hy —Tie Point Enatish Gran:mar & Comp ition for. B.A. He feigned illness and did not go to college. ; 24. Faint- Dim (44) His eyesight became faint duel old age. a 2 3 at inferided'to daceive’ an opponent esp in Boxing Feint- a movement or ah atta The game of boxing depends ofthe Use ot feint tricks. 25. Godly - Plods (22) Viimp'"°° Christ led a godly lite God- like- Means resembling God _ The god like leader distributed’ people. sw rl89 26. Humility- Lowliness (#0) ge He prays to God with humility of min Humiliation- Means a basement (2 j - ter G6 amount of money to the needy and poor 27. Inflammatory- Interiding {0 inal CAD © He delivered an inflammatory speech. Inflammable- Easily excited (2°75 THs sae Petrol is @ highly inflammable’ liqui 28. Lea- Meadow (812) ‘ ‘She wandered all the day in lea. “°°"'" ; 2 c 3 -svipio® Lee- Windward side of ship (ZK A g qm zie 10% mint eveprot | The ship lay to the lee. 2uoiee ‘Tot ezigologs | OT -nobis9 29. Mantel- Ehloé ite place Mies ot nobreq uoy ped |, QD eed tu Put this picture on the mantel, Mantle- Cloak 2avil m1 bemisig The Christians wore mantle on the Chri 30. Mead - A meadow GBIZ99 °"! Deity) Daffodils grow in the mead. Meed- Reward C2) PY Temimue seit He his meed of praise from his pring 21. eat. To cP AGA) oreo I met an old friend of mine on the Wy Mete- To allot (tui) Mete out a square to each of these ‘ithe Point English Grammar & ¢, Compositidn YP B99 a g2.Meter- A measuring appratus (sc) This room is 20 meters. long, 109 bie efilog 6 ei oH Metre- Rhyme of a verse (_j i espeye ee Raid dilog no eroiblo2 -foxa14 .rt will you scan the metres of this poem, li6M ort te BW torloig A 33, Mendacity - Lying (2 .2") N6Q biso A -foupi9 The Chairman was not above mendacity, -thoupiq pnivalq ore Mendicity- Begging (/.) CN boov f 1 Oftol A -a109 Sp Mendicity should be banned'6y \gw"e 'q fo ebem eew ful onfT 34, Mean - Low (=) noitoels 18 estoy to pribleT - oq The Jews are generally meat Brash aay fl I new bellix eiew eiqoeq ynsM Mien- Personal bearing Gbsrenudiy qe. Gy) teen ep His mien and conduct were dignified. % : 95. Naught- Nothing (Uti£) The gain of jealousy is naught. “9m mow 1ood ert} bateew oH Nought- The figure zero (7) 2810A -omyniAt Put six noughts to the lett of the figuié. e meoq boop. A 96. Negligent- Careless or thoughtless Gigv) Vamp © 120 OSH -omni He is negligent about his dress. ee, Negligible -Smattior ahimportant(Uy.z¢p7) ebxow to rist You should not worry at yout loss, 6a pegigble amoum, 7 Notable- Famous, were si aeACS ed (ux Sihoesa VME D3) » editozed ot Ee inauenst a ‘re sage, fioest belistob s ovep oH Che) pponotosen eae Zi tormiet oT nohd @ulst oT teow v ni bruce to tney + oNI09 enisinc vesi otf no emit 2i ered To the Point Engien Grammar & Composition o a oa ne cee Nd courteous teacher, * Soldiers on police duty (2K Ua) Aleket was on duty at the Mall, Piquet- 4 card game . They are Playing piquets, 42. Pole- A long piece of metal or wood 4) The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats. Poll - Taking of votes at election iii 2h Many people were killed when the poll was being held. 43. Rest (¢7) V.lmp. The farmer is taking rest under a tree. Wrest- To take by force (Wut) He wrested the book from mer 44. Rhyme- Agreement of sound in verse Vamp A good poem contains correct rhyme scheme. Rime- Hard frost (af) - There is rime on the leaves of the trees. Pair of words from University Papers (Not included’in the assignments) iA eter Describe your sutfering in Words, Description- (<1) He gave a detalled 2 Omit-(62/t.0) “ Donotomittisieaser geet is Omission (65.524) 3. Argue (tsk) Argument (fi) 4. Height (yt) High CA) 5. Comedy (4217) Comic (217) 6. Generosity (.4)_ Generous (74) 7. Courteous. (3) & Composition for 8, 269 Courtesy (Wd 4-11) 5 advance (‘+1 £ 7) _ Advancement (17) 9, Study (Lt) Studious- (Ld Lip) 10. Scatter (*) The children show courtesy to the elders. Our army advanced and attacked the Indian 2 in 1995 War, Pakistan has made great advancement in the field of science. ' study regularly near the examination, A studious person is always successful in hie life. Do not seater the flowers on the floor Spread (¢iL¢) He has spread a white cloth on the dining table 41. See (tf) All of @ sudden, | saw a snake in the room, Witness (t4412-) ‘can witness a change in the weather. We should advertise our prodiscts to attract more customers, * This cloth is Popular due to its great advertisement, ‘The teacher advised me noi to smoke Itis not advisable for you to smoke too. much. Force is used ir, lifting the weight. 42, Advertise (4,217!) Advertisement (174i) 18, Advise- (#) Advisabie (2) 14, Force (54) Forcible(c 7) - ‘The police made forcible entry into the house to search the thief. 15. Below (2 = 731) He looked down'trom the mountain to the valley beiow. Beneath eH) Everything beneath the moon looked attractive, 16. Great (2) Quaid-i-Azam was a great leader, Big (1) Faisalabad is a big city. os 1. Character - Us»27/Ut21iHe has a good moral character. Characteristic (JA4-7) What are the characteristics of hydrogen gas? 18. Kingdom (+) There was peace and happiness in the kingdom of Shah Jehan, Empire There was a time when the sun.did not set in the British Empire. 18. National (53) Urdu is our national language. Nationality (223) ar 2. Space (wis) “Outer Space (widyg 370 To the Point English Grammar & Composition for B.A Income (Juieu) Mis income for the current year Is Not eee a ok 25. Awkward (“z.) The situation bacarno awkward at the arrival of the police 42. AY Clumsy (éi. The camel is a clumsy animal Bi 26. Speed (ii,) The speed of this bus is 60, miles per Pa ee, pc Velocity Giiut=<74) The train was running to Lahore at a terrible ae Cc 27. Willing Ce) He is willing to join this post. Wittul (642) He is disliked because he is wilful. wart 28. Flee- (ts) The Indian army fled away from the battlefield. Pp Fly (t21) The crow was flying in the air. 29. ion (Ono) We can enjoy the waves of the sea from the coast. 45. E Bank (7) He went out for a walk on the river bank. 30. Crime (2) Theft is a crime. Sin (Vins JAgs) Telling lie is. asin 46.R $1. Among (wlvLeLi<) Distribute these mangoes among all the boys. i R Between (yin) Distribute these mangoes between two boys. 47.R 92. Boast (tid=) Do not boast of your knowledge, v Boost ((iiiler) A kind word from you may boost up the morale of the, players. 93. Serial (i+) Many popular serials have been telecast by our television, Cereal (“ ti) Cereal is good diet for children, 34. Air (us) Air is present everywhere, Heir (2.15) He is the only hei 35. Personate (Kiwi ¥is) He hasto eas ee ie Personity (vx je) % Caretree (21137) 97. Escape (cz) Escapade (ity) © 98. Gap (45) Gape (HL Snyey 58. Bourne. (Js) * Borne (t{e+1,,) 40. Collaborate (LK, Vgh tothe Point English Grammar & Composition for B.A i, Remuneration (+1) work is hard but his remuneration is smal, Compensation (Ay Latin” 42, Autobiography WI I=° 3,5 My The injured travellers were given compensation by the government. lost of the autobiographies contain false accout nts of life, Biography ({4U) We do not have a standard biography of the Quaid-i-Azam, 43. Current (7) The current is strongest in the middle of the river, Currant (#”) Currant is used in the eatables.. Currant is rich in vitamins and proteins. Our College hostel is run without a prefect. God is perfect, 44 Prefect Aud 1a Perfect (4) 45.Ediets (*) We always obeyed grandmother's edicts. Addict (KE fre) He is addicted to drinking. He is tea addict. 46.Restless 22 I passed a restless night at my friend's house. He is a restive and obstinate officer. 47. Ring - (_£) + The crowd passed around the ring. Wring 22)” Wring this towel, please. 48.Sanatory 2 in=-22 The climate of this town is not sanatory. Sanitary (G°L=2*) The sanitary condition of our town is bad, 49. Servitude (uz) What a-state of servitude you are in 2 Servility (u&) One should not fall into an attitude of servility. 50. Simulate The student simulated anger att Dissimutate -tLz/_ iz! sine 1. Stile - suri Fenolys Style. t+ 82 Suspense - 2.51 Suspension -/7 So Temperance. Jn 'emperament _ 7 “Transcendent = vf Restive - stubborn (>

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