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Meal Plan Project

Nutrition 304: Nutrition Through The Life Cycle

Professor Surabhi Buhtani

Submitted by:
Rachel Akiyama, Sarah AlHenaidi, Nayel Corral,
Dafne Perez, Nisa Perez, Sean Singh.

I. Declaration of individual contribution

- Rachel Akiyama: I used the client questionnaire to write the introduction. In order to

write the introduction, I calculated her BMI and the caloric intake needed to maintain her

weight, as well as lose weight. I also fact checked the appropriate amount of nutrient

intake for the introduction.

- Sarah AlHenaidi: Nisa was the first one to contact the group and set up a way where we

can all communicate together. I had set up our very initial meeting together via Zoom,

where we discussed how we would want to finish the assignment. I then created the

document and started to organize it, seeing what layout would be the best to use. I then

did the questionnaire, and volunteered to write the discussion part of the assignment. For

the final touches, I have included all required sections into the document for my peers to

fill in when they are done with their parts.

- Nayel Corral: I created the Nutrient Analysis table and then calculated the values

according to her DRI. I found the nutritional values from the 7-Day Meal Plan to

calculate the percentages that are conforming to her DRI. I used the DRI calculator to

find the appropriate values and percentages for all of the nutrients. In addition, I helped

Nisa in selecting the portion sizes for the 7-Day Meal Plan food items by researching the

corresponding amount of ingredients for some of the meals.

- Dafne Perez: My contribution towards this project was the Menu Costing. I used the

7-Day Meal plan for the client to figure out different costs of the food items that would be

used for Day 2 (Tuesday). I made sure to look up food items and find reasonable prices in

order to stay at a low cost budget.


- Nisa Perez: I reached out to the group to figure out the best way to communicate about

the project. I contributed to the project by creating the 7-Day Meal Plan for our client

according to her goals, health conditions and food habits. I researched reasonably priced

ingredients that she could use multiple times to keep the cost low. Most importantly, I

made sure to include traditional Filipino meals since she is from the Philippines so that

our client is more captivated. Finally, I helped Nayel with calculating some of the

percentages for the Nutrient Analysis table.

- Sean Singh: My mother agreed to take part of the 3 day food assessment and the

questionnaire related to her dietary habits and history. I recorded her dietary data using

the Cronometer app. I kept track of macronutrients and most micronutrients for all three

days and found the average. I compared each average nutrient intake to the RDA

considering her age, size, and gender and discussed what she is doing well in her diet as

well as any areas that may be of concern.

Group member Rachel’s score Sarah’s score Nayel’s score Dafne’s score Nisa’s score Sean’s score
Rachel 5 5 5 5 5 5

Sarah 5 5 5 5 5 5

Nayel Corral 5 5 5 5 5 5

Dafne Perez 5 5 5 5 5 5

Nisa Perez 5 5 5 5 5 5

Sean Singh 5 5 5 5 5 5

II. Introduction

The subject for our meal plan is Cynthia Singh. Cynthia is a 48 year old female who is

5’5 and weighs 125 pounds. Her BMI is 20.8, which is in the normal range for her height and

weight. Cynthia is originally from Manila in the Philippines and migrated to the United States in

2000. She moved away from the Philippines to the United States for a better life filled with more

financial opportunities. When Cynthia migrated to the United States from the Philippines she

weighed 90 pounds, but has been able to gain weight from her two pregnancies. Cynthia

currently lives in San Diego, California, which is typically dry and mildly hot. She works as a

general manager at McDonald’s, and her income bracket/economic status is upper middle class.

Cynthia’s ethnic origin is Filipino, her religious background is Catholic, and she has no dietary

restrictions because of her religious preferences. Cynthia has earned a bachelor’s of science in

nursing. She does not have any physical limitations or demands, and her current emotional status

is good.

Cynthia does not have any food allergies, however, she does dislike the taste of seafood.

Cynthia’s current eating patterns are that she has two meals and one snack a day. Some Filipino

foods that Cynthia enjoys are pork adobo, pansit, sisig, ampalaya, beef nilaga, and sinigang. She

is currently taking a few daily supplements, which are vitamin C, vitamin E twice a week, and

magnesium. Cynthia also uses an app on her phone in order to track how many calories she is

consuming each day. She cooks a majority of the meals in her household, therefore she does have

the time and skills to food plan and prepare meals. Typically, Cynthia tries to maintain 1,200

calories a day, which is why she prefers low calorie meals. A nutritional concern that Cynthia has

is a possible iron deficiency, which has not been diagnosed. Cynthia suffers from low blood

pressure, which is definitely something to take into account. She currently does not exercise

regularly, other than walking around. However, she is on her feet and moving during 8-10 hour

shifts. The only thing that affects Cynthia’s food choices and habits is that she dislikes the smell

and taste of seafood. As far as nutritional needs, Cynthia would like to lose five pounds, which

would still keep her at a healthy and normal range BMI.

From Cynthia’s client questionnaire, we can see that she usually has a late breakfast or

skips breakfast entirely. On the days where Cynthia does not eat breakfast, she usually has her

first meal around noon. Also from the log, we see that Cynthia may have a midday snack. After

her first meal of the day, Cynthia usually does not eat again until dinner time around 6 or 7 pm.

Cynthia’s breakfast includes foods such as pork, shrimp, and vegetables. When Cynthia skips

breakfast and has her first meal in the early afternoon, she has food items such as pork, rice, beef,

and vegetables. Then, for dinner, according to Cynthia’s food diary, we can see she eats foods

such as pasta and salads with protein and vegetables. Cynthia also logged on two of the days that

she had a latte with her first meals on those days.

According to Cynthia’s food diary, her average calorie intake per day is 1,328 kcal.

Cynthia is 5’5 and 125 pounds, so based on these measurements, her daily caloric needs are

estimated to about 1,960 kcal. Cynthia’s intake of carbohydrates average’s out to 152 grams, her

fat intake is about 61 grams, and her protein intake is about 76 grams, per day. Cynthia’s current

average caloric intake is much lower than the recommended amount for her height, weight, and

age. Cynthia did note in her client questionnaire that she prefers to eat meals that are low in

calories. However, this may raise concerns about whether or not she is getting sufficient nutrients

through her low calorie meals. Cynthia had also mentioned that she would like to lose five

pounds. In order to maintain her current weight, Cynthia would need to consume 1,647 kcal a

day. However, in order to lose five pounds, which would be considered a mild weight loss, she

would need to consume approximately 1,200 kcal a day, which would result in half a pound to

one pound of weight loss a week. It is also important to take into account that in order to lose a

few pounds, along with keeping the calories down, Cynthia would need to maintain or increase

her activity level and weekly exercise. Assessing Cynthia’s current diet, we can see that she is

deficient in a few minerals, such as iron, which she noted she may be deficient in, as well as

magnesium, which she takes daily supplements for. If Cynthia were to lose five pounds, she

would weigh 120 pounds, making her BMI 20, which is still within a healthy range for BMI.

Since the only limitation to Cynthia’s eating habits is that she does not like seafood, we

are able to create a meal plan for her fairly easily. We are able to create a meal plan for Cynthia

that still includes her traditional Filipino dishes, but we are also able to create a meal plan that

has three meals and two snacks a day, and still maintains her request for a low calorie diet. While

maintaining some dishes from her current diet, we will add in breakfast everyday, such as

oatmeal with fruit or eggs. Snacks will include food items such as yogurt, pita bread and

hummus, rice cakes, and fruits and vegetables. Lunch and dinner will include dishes like protein

bowls, salads, vegetables, as well as her usual Filipino dishes.

For the nutrient analysis of Cynthia’s meal plan, she will be consuming roughly 1,300

calories a day, 60 grams of protein, 250 grams of carbohydrates, 70 grams of fat, and 18 grams of

fiber. The values for these macronutrients are all within the DRI for Cynthia’s age, sex, height,

and weight. It is important to maintain Cynthia’s daily caloric intake as well as macronutrient

intakes since she is trying to lose a few pounds, while increasing or decreasing the

macronutrients slightly based on what she is lacking in her diet. Staying within the DRI for

macronutrients and combining that with a more active level of physical activity, Cynthia will be

able to lose five pounds while keeping a healthy BMI. Cynthia will be getting a majority of her

macronutrients from carbohydrates, next would be fats, protein, and lastly fiber. In order for

Cynthia to maintain around 1,300 kcal a day, she would need to consume anywhere between 250

grams and 400 grams of carbohydrates, 55 grams of protein, anywhere between 55 grams to 99

grams of fat, and 25 grams of fiber to meet the DRI for caloric intake.

To evaluate Cynthia in the future, we would have her keep another food diary with her

new meal plan and see how her energy levels and overall health changes or progresses with these

changes. Also, monitoring if she is meeting the goal to lose five pounds on this meal plan. We

can then reassess if there need to be any changes to the meal plan and adjust accordingly.

III. Assessment of current diet

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Average RDA UL

Calories 1,164 1,537 1,284 1,328 TEE: 1,960

Carbohydrat 182 162 108 151 221-319

es (g)

Fats (g) 62 71 50 61 44-76

Saturated 22 27 15 21 As low as
Fats (g) possible

Trans (g) 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.77 As low as


Omega-3 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.37 1.1


Omega-6 2.4 3.0 2.4 2.6 12


Cholesterol 274 333 187 265 As low as

(mg) possible

Protein (g) 64 71 94 76 45

Fiber (g) 10 10 24 14.7 25

Vitamin A 1,832 4,429 4,230 3,497 700 mcg 10,000 IU/

(IU) 3000 mcg

Vitamin D 48 57 6 37 15 mcg 4000 IU/

(IU) 100 mcg

Vitamin E 181.1 1.3 3.0 61.8 15 1000

(mg) mg/1,500

Vitamin K 1.7 2.0 417 140.2 90


Vitamin C 1002.7 1005.4 1,406 1,138 75 2000 mg


Thiamin/B1 0.8 1.2 0.7 0.9 1.1


Riboflavin/ 0.9 0.8 1.0 0.9 1.1

B2 (mg)

Niacin/B3 5.6 8.9 12.0 8.8 14 35 mg


Pantothenic 1.2 2.0 1.7 1.6 5


Pyridoxine/ 0.3 0.5 2.2 1.0 1.3 100 mg

B6 (mg)

Cobalmin/B 0.9 1.0 2.8 1.57 2.4

12 (mcg)

Folate 321 452 655 476 400 1000 mg


Calcium 947 908 962 939 1,000 2,500 mg


Copper 10,000

Iron (mg) 8.4 8.2 12.0 9.5 18.0 45 mg

Magnesium 66 93 225 128 320 350 mg


Manganese 1.7 1.8 2.2 1.9 AI: 1.8-2.3 11 mg


Phosphorus 392 538 610 513.3 0.7 4000 mg


Potassium 340 418 3,046 1,268 2,600


Selenium 89 119 41 83 55 400 mcg


Sodium 1,379 2249 2280 1,969.3 1,500 2300 mg


Zinc (mg) 3.0 4.3 7.3 4.87 8 40 mg

One thing to note is that Cynthia, the patient who agreed to take part in this dietary recall, is

trying to lose five pounds. She is currently at around 125 and wants to get down to 120, so that is

why her caloric intake may seem low. However, she still ate almost 700 Calories below her

approximate TEE. For someone who is just losing 5 pounds and has some micronutrient

deficiencies, that may be a bit excessive. For example, she is deficient in Vitamin D and hasn’t

gotten much outdoor time since the COVID-19 lockdown. Her job is mostly indoors and tends to

stay home after her workday. When she does go out, she applies high SPF sunscreen. For

someone whose bone mass is only going to decline from her current age of 48, it is essential she

gets enough Vitamin D in order to absorb enough calcium in her diet and retain as much bone

mass as possible.

IV. Menu planning

Day Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner

1 Spinach and Greek yogurt Chicken Red Bell Turkey

Mushroom and mixed Ramen Soup Pepper with Lettuce Wraps
Egg Muffin (2 berries (1 (1 bowl- 1 cup Guacamole: 1 (2 wraps): 8 oz
Muffins): 1 cup): 1 cup of of broth): ½ large red bell of ground
egg, ¼ cup of low-fat Greek hard boiled pepper with 3 turkey,
skim milk, 1 yogurt with 1 egg, 1 cup of ounces of seasoning (to
cup of spinach cup of mixed chicken broth, guacamole (85 taste- 1 tbsp of
chopped berries, 2 tbsp 1 teaspoon grams), 16 oz soy sauce), hot
finely, 1 ounce of nuts, 1 tsp sodium soy water bottle chili or
of mushrooms honey, one 16 sauce, 1 sriracha (to
chopped oz water bottle chicken breast taste) 1
finely, a pinch filet, 2-4 chopped green
of salt and ounces of onion, ½ cup
pepper, a pinch ramen noodles, of shredded
of garlic ½ cup of sliced carrot, 3
powder, a cabbage, ½ lettuce leaves,
pinch of Italian cup of Jasmine hot
seasoning, 1 shredded tea (1 cup)
Latte (2 shots carrot, ½ green
of espresso, 1 chopped
cup of almond onion, hot chili

milk, 1 (to taste), 1

teaspoon of cup of
Splenda) cranberry juice
(12 oz. glass)

2 Oatmeal (1 Pita bread Chicken Salad Rice Cake and Sausage with
cup): 1 cup of with hummus: (1 bowl): 100g strawberries rice: 4 slices of
oats with 1 cup 1 slice of of chicken (1): sausage with a
of berries and whole wheat breast grilled, 1 plain rice bowl of white
½ of a banana, pita bread with 1 cup of cake and a cup rice (1 cup), 16
1 tbsp of 2 tbsp of lettuce (1 cup), of apple, 1 cup oz. water
peanut butter, roasted red 1 hard boiled of almond
1 cup of pepper egg sliced, ½ milk (12 oz.
almond milk, 1 hummus, 16 oz cup of glass)
Latte (1 packet water bottle garbanzo
of instant beans, ½ cup
coffee, 1 cup of broccoli,
of almond half of a
milk, 1 tomato, half of
teaspoon of a cucumber, a
Splenda) few slices of a
red onion, ¼ of
an avocado, 1
tbsp ranch
dressing, 1 cup
cranberry juice
(12 oz. glass)

3 Hard boiled Avocado Toast Veggie Carrots and Chicken

Eggs (2 eggs): (1 slice of Sandwich (1 Hummus: 1 Noodle Soup
2 hard boiled bread): 1 slice sandwich, 2 cup of baby (2 cups): ¾
eggs with a of whole slices of carrots and 2 cup of
slice of toast wheat toast bread): tbsp of roasted shredded
(whole wheat), and ½ of a 2 slices of red pepper cooked
1 latte (2 small avocado, whole wheat hummus, 16 chicken, ¾ cup
espresso shots red pepper bread, ½ cup oz. water of noodles, 2
with ¾ cup of flakes, salt and of baby bottle cups of
steamed pepper, Green spinach,⅓ of a chicken broth,
almond milk) Smoothie (1 tomato, ¼ of a 1 medium
12 oz. cup)- ¼ cucumber, 2 carrot in slices,
green apple, 1 tbsp of roasted 1 medium
cup of baby red pepper celery rib, ¼
spinach, ½ cup hummus, 1 cup cup of diced
of frozen of orange juice onion, ⅛
pineapple, 1 (12 oz. glass) teaspoon
cup of water, poultry
½ cup of seasoning, ⅛
frozen mango teaspoon basil,
salt and

pepper, 1 cup
of cranberry
juice (12 oz.

4 Breakfast Rice cake (1): Greek Salad Apple and Lentil Stew (1
Sandwich (1 1 plain rice with lemon peanut butter: cup): 1 cup of
sandwich, 2 cake with ¼ of vinaigrette (½ 1 green apple, brown lentils,
slices of an avocado, cup): 2 ½ cups 1 tbsp of 1 strip of
bread): 1 egg, salt and of romaine peanut butter, turkey bacon,
1 strip of pepper, 1 Latte lettuce, a few 16 oz. water chopped
turkey bacon, (2 shots of slices of a red bottle onions, carrots,
2 slices of espresso, 1 cup onion, ¼ spinach, 8
whole wheat of almond cucumber cherry
bread, 2 slices milk, 1 slices, ¼ cup tomatoes, 1
of tomato, 1 teaspoon of of cherry cup of chicken
slice of Splenda) tomatoes broth, salt and
reduced-fat halved, pepper, pepper, italian
provolone lemon seasoning, 1
cheese, 1 cup vinaigrette (2 cup of
of arugula, salt tbsp olive oil, cranberry juice
and pepper, 1 2 tbsp apple (12 oz. glass)
cup of orange cider vinegar,
juice (12 oz. 1 ½ tbsp of
glass) freshly
lemon juice, ¾
tbsp of
imperial sugar
extra fine
sugar, 16 oz.
water bottle

5 Eggs with Cucumber (1): Longganisa Rice cake (1): Turkey

spinach, 1 cucumber with quinoa: 4 1 plain rice Zucchini
avocado and cut in slices slices of cake with1 Boats (6
toast (2 eggs, 1 with salt and longganisa tbsp of cream medium
slice of bread): lemon, 16 oz. with a bowl of cheese, 6 slices zucchinis): 6
2 eggs with 1 water bottle quinoa (1 cup) of cucumber medium
cup of spinach, and a 16 oz. on top and salt zucchinis, 1
1 slice of water bottle and pepper pound of lean
whole wheat ground turkey,
toast, and ¼ of 1 small onion
an avocado chopped, 1 cup
and 1 cup of of shredded
orange juice mozzarella
(12 oz. glass) cheese, ¾
teaspoon of
salt, 1 ½

teaspoons of
seasoning, 1
garlic clove, 1
cup of
cranberry juice
(12 oz. glass)

6 Sausage, Egg Cinnamon Greek Quinoa Grapes and Chicken

and Cheese Strawberry Salad (1 cup): cheese (1 Tortilla Soup
Breakfast Smoothie (12 1 cup of cup): 1 cup of (1 cup): 2 tbsp
Sandwich (1 oz. glass): 1 quinoa, 1 cup green grapes extra-virgin
sandwich, 2 small banana, of grape and 1 cheese olive oil, ½
slices of 1 cup of frozen tomatoes stick, 16 oz. medium onion
bread): 4 oz. strawberries, 6 halved, 1 cup water bottle finely
pork sausage, oz. vanilla of chopped chopped, 1 bell
2 large eggs, 1 nonfat Greek cucumber, ⅓ pepper finely
slice of yogurt, ½ cup cup of olives, chopped,
cheddar of orange ¼ cup diced chopped
cheese, 2 slices juice, 1 tbsp red onion, ⅓ jalapeno (to
of whole honey, ½ cup feta taste), 1 garlic
wheat bread, 2 teaspoon of cheese, salt clove,1
tbsp of salted McCormick and pepper, teaspoon chili
butter, 1 cup of Ground dressing: ¼ powder, pinch
cranberry juice Cinnamon cup olive oil, 3 of oregano,
(12 oz. glass) tbsp, red wine pinch of
vinegar, 1 crushed red
teaspoon dried pepper, salt
oregano, 16 and pepper, 14
oz. water oz. can of
bottle diced
tomatoes, 1
cup of chicken
stock, ½ large
chicken breast,
1 cup of
cranberry juice
(12 oz. glass)

7 Acai Bowl (1 Bagel: 1 slice Meditarranea Chia Seed Lemon Garlic

cup): 1 frozen of whole grain n Veggie Pudding (1 Chicken (1 6
acai berry bagel with 1 Sandwich (1 cup): 2 mason oz. chicken
packet, ½ cup tbsp of sandwich, 2 jars of almond breast): 1
of apple juice reduced fat slices of milk, 2 tbsp of garlic clove, 2
with no added cream cheese, bread): 2 chia for every tbsp lemon
sugar, ½ cup 1 latte (2 shots slices of whole ½ cup of milk, juice, 1 tbsp
of frozen of espresso, 1 wheat bread, ¼ honey (to olive oil, ½

banana slices, cup of almond of an avocado, taste), top off teaspoon

½ cup milk, 1 1 whole leaf with Italian
strawberries, ½ teaspoon of fresh lettuce, 2 strawberries seasoning, ¼
blueberries, 1 Splenda) thin slices of and teaspoon salt,
tbsp honey, tomato, 2 thin blueberries, 16 ¼ teaspoon
handful of slices of oz. water black pepper, 1
vanilla almond cucumber, bottle 6 oz. chicken
granola, fresh thinly sliced breast, 1 tbsp
thinly cut red onion, 1 salted butter, 1
strawberries, tbsp of cup of
blueberries, crumbled feta cranberry juice
and banana cheese, orange (12 oz. glass)
slices, 1 tbsp juice (12 oz.
chia seeds, 1 glass)
tbsp coconut,
16 oz. water

V. Nutrient analysis

Day 1 - % Day 2- %
Macronutrients Day 1 reached DRI Day 2 reached
Calories 1263kcal 97.2% kcal 1345kcal 103.5 %
Protein 62.3g 113.2% 55g 74.4g 135.3%
Carbohydrates 342.9g 82.8% 286-414 g 350g 122.4%
Fat 126g 127.3% 57-99 g 93.6g 164.2%
Fiber 19.9g 79.6% 25 g 26.6g 106.4%
Vitamin A 1175IU 167.9% 700IU 1367.7IU 195.4%
Vitamin C 120.9mg 161.2% 75 mg 66.3mg 88.4%
Folate 464.2ug 116.1% 400 ug 384.6ug 96.2%
Vitamin D 43.1IU 287.5% 15 IU 34.9IU 232.4%
Iron 47.7mg 265% 18 mg 15.8mg 87.9%
Calcium 893mg 89.3% 1000 mg 957.5mg 95.8%
Sodium 3578mg 238.5% 1500 mg 2003mg 133.5%

Zinc 9.4mg 117.5% 8 mg 7.2mg 89.8%

VI. Menu Costing for Day 2 (Tuesday)

Food Item Brand Name Location Purchase Purchase Serving Size Cost Per
Where The Size Price Serving
Product Was

Oats Quaker Walmart 42 oz $2.94 1 cup $0.19

Berries Great Value Walmart 16 oz $1.98 1 cup $0.99

Berry Medley

Banana Produce Food 4 less 1 bundle 0.65lb ½ banana $0.15


Peanut Butter Jif Peanut Food 4 less 16 oz $2.28 1 tbsp $0.07


Almond Milk Great Value Walmart 64 fl oz $1.98 1 cup $0.24

Almond Milk

Splenda Splenda No Walmart 100 ct $4.29 1 tsp $0.04

Calorie (1 packet)

Instant Coffee NESCAFE Walmart 0.63 oz $0.88 1 packet $0.13

TASTER'S (0.1 oz)

Whole Wheat Toufayan Pita Food 4 less 6 ct $1.59 1 pita $0.26

Pita bread Whole Wheat

Red Roasted Sabra Red Food 4 less 10 oz $3.34 2 tbsp $0.16

Pepper Roasted Pepper
Hummus Hummus

Grilled Kroger Boneless, Food 4 less 1 bag (19 oz) $6.68 100g $1.23
Chicken Breast Skinless Chicken chicken
Breasts with Rib breast
Meat grilled

Lettuce Marketside Walmart 16 oz $1.24 1 cup $0.64

Shredded chopped

Iceberg Lettuce

Eggs Good & Gather Target 12 large $2.29 1 hard $0.19

eggs, 288 oz cooked egg

Garbanzo Good & Gather Target 15 oz $0.69 ½ cup $0.04

Beans Garbanzo

Broccoli Produce Walmart 12 0z $0.77 ½ cup $0.25

Tomato Produce Food 4 less 1 bundle 0.98lb ½ tomato $0.11


Cucumber Produce Walmart 1 cucumber $0.50 6 slices (half $0.25

a cucumber)

Red Onion Produce Food 4 less 1 onion 0.88 lb ½ cup $0.16

($0.66/item) chopped

Avocado Produce Walmart 1 avocado $0.50 ¼ cup $0.25

Ranch Dressing Hidden Valley Food 4 less 8 fl oz $2.18 1 tbsp $0.13


Cranberry Great Value Vons 64oz $1.78 each 12 oz $0.33

Juice Cranberry

Rice Cake Quaker Walmart 4.47 oz $2.58 1 rice cake $0.18


Apples Gala Apples Walmart 16 oz $0.58 ½ cup $0.29

Cream Cheese Great Value Walmart 8 oz $0.80 1 tbsp $0.05

Salt Morton Salt Food 4 less 26 oz $0.98 ¼ tsp $0.03

Pepper Mccormick Food 4 less 26 oz $0.98 ¼ tsp $0.03

Black Pepper

Sausage Walmart 4.6 oz $0.56 4 sausages $0.28

Armour Star
Vienna Sausage

Rice Great Value Walmart 16 oz $0.72 1 cup $0.36

Water Glacier Water Glacier Water 5 Gallons $1.25 16 oz $0.03


Total Cost:

USDA Food Cost Plan: Low Cost Plan for April 2021 Female Category : 19-50 years of age

Budget amount for one week: $49.42 - $50.40

Budget amount for one day: $7.06

VII. Discussion and Summary

In this study the selected person, Cynthia Singh who is a 48 years old working woman.

In order to meet all the nutritional needs of Cynthia meal planning is required. Meal planning has

multiple benefits. First of all it can help her to track her diet and therefore can control it

according to her needs and health. In order to lose weight it’s important that people need to limit

their calories intake according to their body requirement (1). Additionally, as she is a working

woman therefore planning her meals beforehand and preparing it can help her to save a lot of

time. People have the tendency to spend a lot of time on deciding what to eat or find grocery

shopping a hard task to do. Therefore planning meals can help her greatly to organize her daily

routine and reduce the last minute urgency to go into the shops to grab a quick meal or snack (1).

Additionally, planning meals can help her significantly to reduce the amount of food waste.

Though she prepares her food by her own, planning can give her major power on tackling food

waste. Most importantly, planning meals ahead helps in reducing the last minute stress of

cooking. After coming back home from her job it's exhausting to decide what to eat for dinner.

Therefore planning ahead for a meal can help her to organize her schedule and reduce the chance

of nutrition deficiency. Furthermore, with meal planning she will have a clear view about her

expenses which can help to save money from unnecessary expenses (2). Most importantly meal

planning helps to make the easy option the healthiest one. Moreover, at the time when she

returns home if she knows that her meal is ready in her home then it can help her to avoid

temptation in unhealthy foods. It is a proven fact that the condition of being too tired and hungry

as well leads the people to make unhealthy food choices (3). This unhealthy food highly damages

the weight management system and therefore in her case instead of losing weight she can

actually gain it again. As she has to balance her work life along with her household therefore

there can be the tendency of cooking the same things over and over. That’s why meal planning is

also essential. It helps to keep the balance of different nutritional items and also reduces the high

risk of chronic lifestyle diseases (4). Preparing a meal plan can help her to ensure eating the right

things in the right proportion.

At present Cynthia's weight is 125 pounds and her goal is to lose 5 pounds. Right now the

average calorie intake of her is 1,328 kcal which seems to be low, but is needed in order to lose 5

pounds. In her diet vitamins particularly vitamin D is included very efficiently. This is

particularly required for the woman who is her age because after 30 years our bone mass starts to

decline and as she is deficient due to being at work all day then going back home, not being

exposed to the sun as much (5). Therefore taking adequate vitamin D and Calcium as well can

help to manage this problem.

In her menu foods like oats, berries, bananas, almond milk, peanut butter, whole wheat

pita bread, red roasted pepper hummus, romaine lettuce, grilled chicken breast, cucumber,

tomato, avocado, red onion, rice cake, cream cheese, ranch dressing, salt, pepper, longganisa and

quinoa all are included. These variety selections of foods reflect that she can have great food

options while dieting. Having foods from all different food categories ensures that she is getting

all her vitamins and minerals. Eating from those things can help her to balance between different


From her questionnaire, we know that she only dislikes the smell and taste of the sea

food, other than that, she eats all kinds of foods and is not allergic to any food items. In her menu

it was highly taken care of and no sea food items are included in her diet. Sea foods are a great

source of omega -3- fatty acid, vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus and minerals like magnesium,

iodine, zinc and potassium (6). In order to make sure that she does not suffer deficiency in such

nutrient content in the menu different items are included which can make up the same nutrient

value like the sea foods. Foods like egg yolk, almond milk, peanut butter, cream cheese, green

leafy vegetables, and whole wheat pita bread can be a great substitute of seafood. As most

packaged foods are now rich in vitamins and minerals as it is added to them. Inclusion of a

variety of food items in her diet can help to maintain her motivation towards her plan and

additionally by following this menu she can ensure the balance of different nutritional items (7).

Additionally inclusion of her traditional Filipino dishes helps to increase the attractiveness of the

foods towards her as she belongs from the Philippines originally.


Apart from this it’s important to note that at present her weight loss target is only to lose a

few pounds, 5 pounds to be exact, and therefore huge change in diet is not necessary at this

point. As per her request the focus is given to her calorie intake while ensuring that she can still

get proper nutritional value from the foods. Also the inclusion of three meals and two snacks in

her each day diet can help us to feel full while maintaining her calorie intake. Additionally, when

planning her new menu, we kept certain foods from her current diet that can help her to adjust

with the new diet plan. The inclusion of oatmeal, eggs, fruits and a lot of vegetables increase the

nutritional value of her diet. In snacks foods like rice cakes, yogurt, whole wheat pita bread,

hummus, fruits and vegetables are included which can immensely help to make her feel full and

will detract her from jumping in unhealthy snacks. As they contain protein and carbs that will

keep her feeling satisfied. In lunch and dinner, addition of protein bowls, salad and lots of leafy

vegetables can help her to manage her calorie efficiently. Additionally, preparing these foods do

not require much time and skill and therefore she does not have to invest much time in preparing

these meals.

According to the menu planned for Cynthia, she will consume around 1,300 calories in

each day along with 76 grams of protein, 150 grams of carbohydrate, and 60 grams of fat and 15

grams of fiber. These values are all maintained within the DRI of Cynthia according to her age,

sex, weight and height. In order to lose a few pounds it is highly important to maintain daily

calorie and macro nutrients intake. Her menu is planned in such a way that she can get the

majority of her macronutrients from the sources of carbohydrate, fat, protein and fiber. Though

the target is to consume 1,200 kcal in a day but at present her menu has been made by keeping

around 1,300 kcal in a day. To maintain this she has to eat near about 250-450 grams of

carbohydrate, 55 grams of proteins, and 55-99 grams of fat and 25 grams of fiber which can

ensure her DRI as well. Also maintaining DRI will help her to keep the appropriate BMI

according to her health (1). Additionally the items which are mentioned in her diet are not all

new many of items she was already eating and few are added which are not so much costly that a

middle class woman like her cannot afford.

Mentioning the appropriate quantity of each food in the menu can guide her in the

specified path. This helps her also to know exactly what amount she needs to buy those foods

and this way she can calculate her expenses as well. Additionally in the menu, we have

particularly mentioned the recipes of a few times which earlier were not in her diet and I believe

this can help her to keep the appropriate food value of that time and additionally it will save her

time as well.

We understand the fact that being a working mother is how difficult it is for her to take

time for herself. From her questionnaire we also got to know that she is not indulged in any

regular exercise and therefore to lose weight it is highly important for her to manage her calories.

But she is on her feet during her job (8-10 hours shift) where she is walking around and that is

better than not doing any physical activity. Additionally she herself prepares her foods and

therefore making complex foods can be very tiring and time consuming for her but we took that

into consideration and created very simple and easy meals where she can track all the nutritional

value of the food while preparing it. Therefore while making her menus we try to remember all

these details about her so that the menu can provide the necessary result and also she does not

need to change much of her lifestyle.


VIII. References
1. Arterburn LM, Coleman CD, Kiel J, Kelley K, Mantilla L, Frye N, Sanoshy K, Cook CM.

Randomized controlled trial assessing two commercial weight loss programs in adults

with overweight or obesity. Obes Sci Pract. 2018 Dec 21;5(1):3-14. doi:

10.1002/osp4.312. PMID: 30820327; PMCID: PMC6381299.

2. Garvin TM, Chiappone A, Boyd L, Stern K, Panichelli J, Edwards Hall LA, Yaroch AL.

Cooking Matters Mobile Application: a meal planning and preparation tool for

low-income parents. Public Health Nutr. 2019 Aug;22(12):2220-2227. doi:

10.1017/S1368980019001101. Epub 2019 May 14. PMID: 31084663.

3. Joel Furhman, MD The Hidden Dangers of Fast and Processed Food Am J Lifestyle Med.

2018 Sep-Oct; 12(5): 375–381. Published online 2018 Apr 3. doi:


4. Taylor RW, Roy M, Jospe MR, Osborne HR, Meredith-Jones KJ, Williams SM, Brown RC.

Determining how best to support overweight adults to adhere to lifestyle change: protocol

for the SWIFT study. BMC Public Health. 2015 Sep 4;15:861. doi:

10.1186/s12889-015-2205-4. PMID: 26341820; PMCID: PMC4560866.


5. Trehan N, Afonso L, Levine DL, Levy PD. Vitamin D Deficiency, Supplementation, and

Cardiovascular Health. Crit Pathw Cardiol. 2017 Sep;16(3):109-118. doi:

10.1097/HPC.0000000000000122. PMID: 28742648.

6. Bilsborough SA, Crowe TC. Low-carbohydrate diets: what are the potential short- and

long-term health implications? Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2003;12(4):396-404. PMID:


7. Taylor, R.W., Roy, M., Jospe, M.R. et al. Determining how best to support overweight adults

to adhere to lifestyle change: protocol for the SWIFT study. BMC Public Health 15, 861


IX. Appendix
Food Recall
Friday 3/26
Time Food/Drinks Amount Ingredients Location

10:00 AM Pork siomai 4 pieces Ground pork Work

Wrapper, Carrots
Green onions

10:00 AM Latte (Nonfat 20 oz 2 espresso shots Work

Nonfat milk

4:00 PM Hopia 2 pieces Ube Home


4:00 PM Lipton green tea 2 cups Home

7:00 PM Carbonara 322 g Spaghetti Home

Bacon Parmesan
Salt & Pepper
Canola oil

Saturday 3/27
Time Food/Drinks Amount Ingredients Location

11:00 AM Longganisa 4 oz Ground pork Work

Soy sauce

Brown Sugar
Salt & Pepper
Canola Oil

11:00 AM Jasmine rice 1C Work

11:00 AM Latte (Nonfat 20 oz 2 espresso shots Work

milk) Nonfat milk

6:30 PM Carbonara 386 g Spaghetti Home

Bacon Parmesan
Salt & Pepper
Canola oil

7:30 PM Lipton green tea 2C Home

Sunday 3/28
Time Food/Drinks Amount Ingredients Location

12:00 PM Brown Basmati 1C Home


12:00 PM Beef Brisket 3 oz Salt & Pepper Home

12:00 PM Bok Choy 1C Home

12:00 PM Grilled Tomato 1 whole tomato Canola oil Home

Salt & Pepper

12:00 PM Seaweed ½C Seaweed stem Home

Sesame Oil
Soy Sauce
Rice Vinegar

6:00 PM Spicy Thai 1 Regular size Mixed greens Restaurant:

Grilled Chicken Carrots Sammy’s
Salad Zucchini, Woodfired Pizza

Bean sprouts,
Thai dressing

6:00 PM Baguette 2 oz Restaurant:

Woodfired Pizza

6:00 Butter 1 Tbsp Restaurant:

Woodfired Pizza

Daily Vitamin And Mineral Supplements:

– Vitamin C
– Vitamin E twice a week
– Magnesium

1) What is your name, age, and gender?

Cynthia Singh, 48, Female

2) What is your weight and height?

5’5 125 lbs

3) What was your reason to migrate to the United States? When did you migrate?

To live a better life, more financial opportunities. I moved from Manila, Philippines to
San Diego, CA in 2000

4) Where do you currently live?

San Diego, CA

5) What is the current season in the year?


6) What is the usual climate in where you live?

Mild heat, dry, little rain, hot summers

7) What is your income bracket?

Upper Middle Class

8) What is your ethnic origin?


9) Do you have any religious preferences? Do they need any dietary restrictions?

Catholic, no restrictions

10) What is your education level (highest degree earned)?

B.S in Nursing

11) What is your current job?

General Manager at McDonald’s

12) Can you give a brief description of what you do?

Maintain a well functioning work environment, keep track of budgets and expenses,
Oversee recruitment of new employees, write up schedules, prepare food

13) What is your economic status?

Upper middle class

14) Do you have any physical limitations? Demands?


15) Can you describe your emotional status?


I’m feeling fine, not too stressed out as of late.

16) Any factors that influence your emotions that contribute to the food choices you make?

None off the top of my head.

17) What are your nutritional needs?

I’m looking to drop 5 lbs. I have no metabolic or nutritional conditions.

18) Do you have any allergies? Certain foods that don't make you feel well?

No allergies, but I don’t like seafood.

19) Can you describe your current eating patterns (how many meals, snacks, etc.)?

2 meals, 1 snack
20) How did those patterns change when you migrated to the US?

I gained weight from 2 pregnancies. I weighed 90 lbs and was very underweight.

21) Are there specific foods from your culture that you like?
Pork adobo, pansit, sisig, ampalaya, beef nilaga, sinigang

22) Do you take any supplements?

A, C, D, E, magnesium

23) Do you have time and the skills for food planning and preparation?

Yes, I use an app called MyPlate to track calories every day. I also am the main cook in
the household.

24) Does that affect the type of food you eat on a regular basis?

I try to eat 1,200 Calories a day, so I prefer lower Calorie meals

25) Do you have any nutritional concerns that we should be aware of ?

Possibly iron deficiency, undiagnosed


26) Do you suffer from any health related conditions?

Hypotension/Low blood pressure

27) What is your current exercise level?

None other than walking around and being on my feet for most of my 8-10 hour shift

28) Do you have other characteristics that might affect food habits and choices?

I dislike the taste and smell of seafood

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