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Sean Singh

NUTR 304 Refleciton

1.What did you learn in this class and how can you see yourself applying it in the future as it

relates to your personal and/or career goals?

Most of the nutrition I learned in classes to this point have really only dealt with a healthy adult

population. This was the first exposure I got to what the different needs are for people of all ages.

Great emphasis was placed on prenatal, infant, and young childhood nutrition to ensure healthy

growth. I still see myself in the food research and development side and I’m unsure if I see

myself in pediatrics. However, as someone who was obese during their teenage years, I strive to

help create healthy yet affordable food options for people of all food ages.

2.Which activity or assignment stood out for you and why?

The meal plan project stood out the most for me because I based the plan off my mother. My

mother is from the Philippines and cooks lots of different Filipino dishes. Developing a nutrition

plan based on ethnic and cultural preferences was very interesting to me as I grew up on a lot of

the foods she eats and I can see the positives and negatives of a mostly non-American diet.

3.What about the way the course was taught facilitated your learning the material?

Each lecture was separated into different 15-30 minute segments rather than one long 75 minute

video. This allowed me to stop after each section and see what I needed to review on before I
moved on to later parts of the chapter because each age group had their own specific needs and

risk factors.

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