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Andrea Garcia

Professor Zolot


19 April 2022

Introduction to Rhetorical Analysis

On a daily basis, what I didn’t realize before, is that there are various examples of

rhetoric that we see all the time, but don’t even notice. When having a normal conversation with

one of your friends, the way that you talk to them or bring up a memory is rhetoric. For example,

if one chooses to talk with an informal or formal tone, or what specific things you talk about

most like the smell, colors, sounds of what is around. Another use of rhetoric is analyzing other

people’s appearance or their actions. Observing how other people are like which may include

seeing what they wear, how they act, and their demeanor, which is all a part of rhetoric. A way I

currently create rhetoric is by posting on social media. Social media is a medium for many

different things depending on the individual. Therefore, for some it may be a way of advertising,

fundraising, or bringing awareness to a situation. For me when I use social media, it’s usually to

bring awareness to a certain topic which targets those who watch my profile or story. Another

use of rhetoric I create is when I constructed a website for class, bringing awareness to the

depletion of coral reefs. Throughout this website, I used ethos, logos, pathos, in order to bring in

a certain audience to help donate to different organizations, have a more beneficial footprint on

the planet, and share this information with others. A rhetorical situation I have found myself in

would be different music genres or concerts, anything pertaining to music in general. The
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exigence, depending on the artist or song, can be completely different. If I am listening to

something sad it usually comes with heartbreak, longing, anger, issues, isolation or anything that

exerts that type of depressed emotion. On the other hand, there are happy, motivating, calm,

peaceful, and raging songs. It all depends on what someone is listening to as well as what the

audience’s mood is and how they are feeling which can completely change the desired meaning.

The audience of music depends on discipline, like Rap, Rock, R&B, Indie, Classical, Pop and so

on. Most of the time audiences overlap, but the mood or energy that a song gives up usually talks

to a certain audience. Some constraints that can come with music are the beliefs, cultures,

religion, language and other situational factors that may limit certain individuals to agreeing,

listening, and supporting an artist, but it usually just takes a good beat for it to be listened to

amongst a wide variety of people with different backgrounds.

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