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Sean Singh

NUTR 406/408 Reflection

1.What did you learn in this class and how can you see yourself applying it in the future as it

relates to your personal and/or career goals?

This class gave me insight on how many prevalent diseases and conditions are impacted by

nutrition and what can be done to help prevent, manage, and possibly reverse these disease

states. The material taught in this course will be heavily featured in the RD exam. While I may

be interested primarily in food science and research, becoming an RD is still something I’d like

to do even if it might not be my first career choice right out of college. Pediatrics is a specialty

that has greatly interested me since I was obese in my youth and had really bad issues with body

image and self esteem because of it. Learning how to communicate and develop nutrition

treatment plans about genetic related diseases, eating disorders, and other conditions will be vital

prior entering the field

2.Which activity or assignment stood out for you and why?

The MNT project seems like a good reference tool in the future. We had to list energy needs,

protein needs, important nutrients to assess and limit, the method of nutrition administration, and

give reason to why these recommendations were made. We learned about all this material

through the lectures but having all the data in one document will make it convenient to look back

at in the future.

3.What about the way the course was taught facilitated your learning the material?
The professor did a great job of going through each disease/disorder one by one and providing

the rationale to why certain conditions are treated the way they are. We used the information

from previous classes about the properties of different macro and micronutrients and used that to

form conclusions of how diseases were treated.

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