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Sean Singh

NUTR 409 Reflection

1.What did you learn in this class and how can you see yourself applying it in the future as it

relates to your personal and/or career goals?

Having the chance to see various professionals throughout many fields of dietetics come in and

talk about what they do and how they got to where they’re at was very valuable for someone like

me who is still somewhat undecided on the exact career path I want to take. Many of the guests

had also graduated from SDSU recently and were able to go in depth about what it took to get

the position they currently have.

2.Which activity or assignment stood out for you and why?

Meeting with the sports dietitian stood out the most for me because that was one of the first

occupations I thought about pursuing in my first year of college. I played sports throughout high

school, football and track specifically, and my time in athletics piqued my interest in working

with other athletes once I was done. Going through college, I’ve developed interests in other

fields of food science and dietetics but it was valuable to see the kind of work these RDs do.

3.What about the way the course was taught facilitated your learning the material?

Writing up reflections and coming up with questions before guest speakers arrived really forced

me to look into their specific field of dietetics. It made me more familiar with the concept the

speakers were talking about and helped me decide if that field was something I wanted to pursue.

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