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A Solitaire Roll & Write Game

Designed By Artwork By
Mohit Patel Chirag Prakash Arora
Introduction: Example:
You roll 1, 3, 5, and 6 and choose to allocate:
Welcome to the colonial era. India is under the
3 to Influence: Place the die on the box with 3 pips
tyranny of the British Raj and sparks of rebellion under Influence.
flare across the country. You seek to ignite the 1 to Money: Place the die on the box with 1 pip under
nation and overthrow the oppressors. Sabotage Money.
the Raj’s occupied territories to free them and 5 to Rebellion: Place the die on the box with 5 pips
become a part of India’s freedom struggle. under Rebellion.
6 to Weapons: Place the die on the box with 6 pips
under Weapons.
Free 6 territories by the end of 8 turns by Step 2 British Response - Roll the die assigned to
allocating dice rolls to different tracks and using British Power. Reduce the value of the result
the dice values required by each territory. from the generated resources in Step 1. You can
spread the reduction across the resource types.
Setup: Slide the respective dice to the left against the
Take 5 six-sided dice, the Game Sheet and a results of the British die result. You do not flip
pen/pencil. 4 of the dice are your Resource dice. the dice.
1 die is the British Power die. If possible choose a
unique colored die for this. Example:
The British roll result is 4. You choose to reduce 2
Gameplay Overview: from Weapons, 1 from Money and 1 from Rebellion.
Slide the respective dice to the left i.e. Weapons die
Each turn you will roll dice, allocate them to the 4 from the box with 6 pips to 4, Rebellion die from 5 to 4
resources and use the values to move around the and remove the Money die as it only had 1 allocated to
map and take over locations. it. The face of each die remains the same.

Resources: You will now have:

A. 3 Influence
A. Influence - Influence allows you to move B. 0 Money
C. 4 Rebellion
across the map.
D. 4 Weapons
B. Money - Needed to free locations.
C. Rebellion - Needed to free locations. Step 2: British Response - Roll the die assigned
D. Weapons - Needed to free locations. to British Power. Reduce the value of the result
from the generated resources in Step 1. You can
How to Play: spread the reduction across the resource types.
Slide the respective dice to the left against the
Start Position: Determine the start position by results of the British die result. You do not flip
rolling any single die. If its value is 1 or 2, you the dice.
start at Barrackpore, If 3 or 4 at Amritsar and if 5
or 6 you start at Dandi. Example:
The British roll result is 4. You choose to reduce 2
Turn Sequence: from Weapons, 1 from Money and 1 from Rebellion.
Slide the respective dice to the left i.e. Weapons die
from the box with 6 pips to 4, Rebellion die from 5 to 4
Step 1: Generating resources - Roll the 4 resource
and remove the Money die as it only had 1 allocated to
dice. Choose and allocate one die each to the 4 it. The face of each die remains the same.
resources. Based on the rolled value, place the die
on the respective value box. These are the means You will now have:
with which you will go about freeing territories. A. 3 Influence
You cannot allocate more than 1 dice to a B. 0 Money
resource. C. 4 Rebellion
D. 4 Weapons
Step 3: Use the resources to take the below Step 4: If you have unused resource/s, you can
actions. The actions can be done in any order. choose to retain them by keeping the dice where
they are. This represents the resource count for
1. Move - Use influence to move. Reduce 1 the next turn. If not remove all dice from
influence per move. 1 unit of movement is: resources. Cross off a square in the turn count
Moving from Territory to Circle / Moving from section to complete one (1) turn.
Circle to Circle / Moving from Circle to
Territory. Moving from Amritsar to Calcutta Start the next turn with Step 1 again. If you stored
requires 5 moves. Cross each circle to mark the any resource in the previous round, you roll the
movement. When both territories linked by a remaining dice. As you cannot allocate more than
path are freed, fill the circles of the path 1 dice to a resource, assign the rolled dice to the
completely. unallocated resources.

2. Free Territories - You will need to be in the Additional Rules:

territory to free it. Each territory will require a
combination of Money [M] | Rebellion [R] | 1. It is not mandatory to use all influence points.
Weapons [W] to free. The type and value are 2. You can move into and out of a territory on the
listed at the top left of the territory box. If you are same turn.
able to free the location, use the resources and 3. You can move, try to free/free a territory and
slide the dice left by the amount used. Cross off move again.
the territory when you free it. You must free a 4. You can move back to already traversed
territory in a single turn. You cannot combine territory as well.
dice rolls across turns to free a territory. 5. Filled in paths and crossed territories do not
require influence to move into/from. When
3. Power Up - Once you free a territory, fill the moving between freed territories, you do not need
small triangle within it. This means you gain a to use any influence.
resource. Add a small triangle beside any 1 of the 6. If you use all of any resource, remove the
resource names. This stored resource can be allocated die which you will use to roll in the next
used only once anytime to add to that resource turn.
die’s total in the future. Once used, cross off the 7. If you start your turn in a British occupied
triangle. (You can even use it to add to a value of territory, add 1 to the British die roll (unless it is a
6). 6). Only exception to this is when you start the
game, on your first turn.
Continuing Example: 8. Only on the 5th turn:
Amritsar requires 3 Rebellion and 4 Weapons. Use the
If you have at least 4 territories, increase British
resources and slide the respective dice to the left. You
cross Amritsar, fill the triangle and add it to Money. Die roll by 1.
Using the 2 Influence you move towards Lahore by If you have 2 or less territories, reduce British Die
crossing off two circles. You are now 1 step away from roll by 1.

Now Lets

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