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American Language
Intermediate 6
Center - Fez
Jamal Morelli


Unit 13


I/Which reactions would these examples best illustrate?

1. I saw her driving her father’s car alone. She must have passed her driving
2. Just one more peep out of you and there’ll be no television tomorrow!
3. Take it from me: you should give more time to your family.

II/ Fill in the gaps with the correct modal and tense:
1. Sarah …………………………. (steal) your money. She wasn’t at home at the
2. Jim arrived late this morning. He ……………………………….. (oversleep).
3. You ……………………………… (help) me yesterday instead of folding your
arms and doing nothing.

III/Match each word with its definition:

 Eerie  Not bright

 Ore  Strange and
 
 Dim frightening
 A rock from which
metal can be obtained

III/How would you define the following word?


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