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Suggested Outline

The effectiveness of Savills marketing department in developing brand identity

- Brief description about the field report: the business, the rationale (why choosing this
topic), the objectives of the report, and data collection (what, where, and how to collect
data for this report)
- The outline of the report

1. The introduction of Savills corporation and its marketing department

1.1. Savills corporation
1.2. Savills marketing department
2. Savills marketing department activities in developing brand identity
2.1. Brand identity
2.1.1. Personality
2.1.2. Positioning
2.1.3. Vision
2.1.4. Trade
2.2. The categories of Savills brand identity
2.2.1. Name
2.2.2. Logo
2.2.3. Tagline
2.2.4. Shape
2.3. The activities of marketing department in developing brand identity
2.3.1. Website creation
2.3.2. SEO
2.3.3. Create valuable content
2.3.4. Strong branding (using logo, color, style, shapes)
2.3.5. Social media
3. The effectiveness of brand identity activities
3.1. Website creation
3.2. SEO
3.3. Create valuable content
3.4. Strong branding
3.5. Social media
3.6. Summary of Strenghs and Weaknesses

4. Suggestions/Recommendations

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