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General Instructions:
Erasure is wrong
Wrong spelling’s wrong
5 points deduction if not following instructions
5 points deduction if the submission is LATE.

Identify the following questions. Write your answers on a clean sheet of paper.
Answers must be written before the number. (2 points each)

1. It is something that is developed, nurtured and cultivated.

2. Has responsibility for her own character.
3. Process through which a human person gains his/her beliefs, skills and
dispositions that make him/her a morally mature person.
4. He proposed that moral reasoning, which he thought to be the basis for ethical
behavior, develops through stages.
5. Rules imposed by authority figures are conformed to in order to avoid
punishment or receive rewards.
6. The individual strives to support rules that are set forth by others such as
parents, peers, and the government in order to win their approval or to maintain
social order.
7. They judge the morality of actions by evaluating the consequences of these
actions for a person's relationships.
8. ________ based on the use of abstract reasoning using universal principles.
9. Highest stage of functioning.
10. A stage in which a young children are unaware of rules as cooperative
agreements, they are unable to distinguish right & wrong.
11. At this stage, it emphasize the understanding of morality. (W. Kay)
12. Thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self
– centered.
13. Inner feeling or voice acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one’s
14. The individual moves beyond the perspective of his or her own society.
15. People have certain principles to which they attach more value than laws, such as
human rights.
16. A mother tells her child “if you are quiet at the mall, I will buy you an ice cream”.
What stage of moral development (Kohlberg) is this?
17. It is a principle that suggests that a moral behavior is one that is in the middle of
two extremes.
18. Authoritarian, ego – idealist, social and reciprocal considerations.
19. The child won’t grab a candy/toy at the supermarket for the fear of being slap.
What stage of moral development. (Kohlberg) is this?
20.Social rules and laws determine behavior. The individual now takes into
consideration a larger perspective, that of societal laws.
21. For him a virtuous behavior means practicing moderation that is, avoiding both
excess and deficiency.
22. – 24. Stages of Moral development according to Kay

25. – 27. Levels Moral development according to Kohlberg

28. Stage 1


30. Stage 3

“I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating”

- Sophocles

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