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In three full paragraphs, tell me what you have learned about regression and

public choice models since Tuesday.

we learned how to use excel to perform linear regression. Hypothesis testing
makes inferences about the validity of economic theories (or other theories) from
a sample of the population for which the theories are believed to be true. The
four basic steps of hypothesis testing (using the t test as an example) are:
Establish null and alternative hypotheses. Choose a significance level and,
therefore, a critical t value. Run the regression and get the estimated t value.
Apply the decision rule by comparing the calculated t value with the critical t
value to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.
we learned how to read linear regression results from excel. from there, apply to
real data. learn how the A affects B. See how the variables of the economic
instrument affect the dependent variable independently. after reading the data
table, we see again that the dependent variable has a positive or negative effect
on the dependent variable. The independent variable is statistically valid and to
what extent it is statistically valid. from there we know how economic tool impact
to public choice
The public choice model helps Assess the relative merits of alternative institutions
that require a clear understanding of their impact on human behavior. Such
analyzes are necessarily abstract - hypothetical - because it is too expensive to
test with all types of organizations - at least at one time and place. However,
history provides some circumstantial evidence about the relative performance of
the political institutional alternative.

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