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Question 1

(A): __________________ for two main reasons.

(R1): For one thing _______________ for example______________________________.
(R2): For second reason ____________ for instance_____________________________.

Question 2 QUESTION 1
(A): __________________ for two main reasons.
(R1): Because firstly, ________________ for example _____________________________.
(R2): Secondly ____________ for instance_____________________________.
And that is why____________.

Question 3 QUESTION 2
(A): According to the given pass, it states that ___________________ for/as____________.
Here, the man/woman seems to agree/disagree with such new policy/requirements for several reasons.
(R1): First, she/he claims/contends that ___________. _____________. ______________.
(R2): Second, she/he notes that ___________. _____________. ______________.
And that is why____________.

Question 4 QUESTION 3
The reading art is abt __________, which is described as a ________________.
The professor in this case gives an example of ________ to illustrate this.
He/she states that (example 1) ______, (detail 1) ______________________, (detail 2)
This aforementioned example illustrates__________.

Question 5
The fe/male student’s problem in this case is that____________.
The other student suggests him two solutions.
(S1): First, he can (solution 1) __________________.
(S2): And another possibility is to (2) ________________.
I personally prefer the second solution
The first solution would not be the best choice here, because (reason 1) ______, (detail of r1) __________.
Whereas, the second solution is better because (reason 2) ________, (detail of r2) _________.
In conclusion, that is why I prefer the second solution.

Question 6 QUESTION 4
The professor here discusses on the topic of _________.
He describes two types of ____________ in his lecture.
(T1): The first type is a _________, which the professor defines as an ____________.
(Ex1): The professor gives an example of _________ to illustrate this. He notes that ________________.
(T2): The second type is a ______________, which the professor defines as_______________.
(Ex2): The professor provides an example of __________ to convey his point, he further elaborates that
And that is how the professor describes the __________.

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