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The Picture of Dorian Gray OSCAR WILDE Level 4 Retold by Kieran McGovern Series Eators: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Pocter tg sors Capi tit mt ae i ie Cay in pain ol om i 1 rin a “epg © Kin MG 184 ston pre Dat Ck 4 ‘oe mre fhe age ne te rh eed Toe Gg a HK Seg ee AM wpa tsa ged id Senad pans temct for iyo race i aie engi Rea, se wit Fm “no aH Ee CM 9 En Inout Chapter 1 Chapter 2 chapter 3 Chapter 4 chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 1 Chapter Chapter 13 Activites Contents ‘An Extraondinarly Beautifl Young Man Jealous of his Own Portrait Dorian in Love ‘The Worship of Sibyl Vane Dorian Leaves Sibyl Love Becomes Tragedy ‘What I Past Is Past The Poetrat Is Hidden “Lill Show You my Soul” Basil Sees the Portrait ‘The Problem of the Body “Why Do You Look so Young?" “To Kill the Past" Page Introduction WL could sty young and the picure grow old! For that ~ for that ~ 1 would gi everything! T would give my soul fr that! When the artist Basil Hallward paints 3 picture of his friend, the young and very handsome Dorian Gray itis the most important ‘work of his life, His friend Lord Henry Worton calls it, 'the best portrait of our time? But nether man can guess how important it will he to Dorian Gray himself. Because when Dorian sees the finished portat, he makes a wish. He wishes that the beautifil young man in the picture in Front of him will grow old while he himself will look young and handsome for ever. Unfortunately for Dorian and for everyone he micets, his wish comes true ost terrible way. Basils friend, Lord Henry, Dorian to value beauty and pleasure above all things. Dorian follows this teaching, and other people suffer as a result. Dorian is interested in Dorian and teaches does not feel responsible, He sees his life as a great work of ar. As the yeats pass, Dorian’ se terrible things to keep his secret. But he sill looks young, good and beautifial, Only the face inthe pictute changes. The face in the picture grows older and more ugly with every ugly act that Dorian et life becomes worse, and he does «does. The picture shows the corruption of Dorian’ soul ‘Can Dorian bide this picture of his corrupeed soul for ever? Or ca he kill his pas? This extraondi jn London, among rich people who do not need to work, Te was this world of high society that Oscar Wilde wrote about in most of is works xy and famous story cakes place in the late 1800 In The Picwe of Dorian Gray, we can see much of Wilde's own personality. He wrote in one of his letters that the three main characters in this story ate three parts of himself. He said, “Basil Holland is what I think Tam: Lond Henry what the world thinks me: Dorian what Fold like toe ~ in other aes, perhaps. (Oscar Wilde as one of the most important English-Language vwrites ofthe nineteenth century. He was born in Dublin, Ireland, ‘on 16 October 1854. His father vasa dactor,a specialist in diseases of the eye and ear and his mother a writer and translator. He went to Dubl clever student. At Oxford he won an important prize but he was even more famous for his unusual personal style. His long bait, bright clothes, amusing conversation and ideas about art won hin ‘many followers, His habit of making fin of people also made In 1878 he moved to London. His fist book of poe jn 1881 bue ie did not bring his of the United States, where he gave talks on art and society In 1884 Wilde married Constance Lloyd, who gave birth to their to sons, Cyril in 1885 and Vyvyan in 1886, Constance was an invelligent woman who read widely and could speak several languages. She had an independent mind and was not affaid to say what she thought Wilde began to work seriously at his writing in 1887, He swrote two books of children’s stories. His ise and only fall-length The Piure of Dorian Gray (1891), frst appeared in a igazine, It came out in book form the next year and and Oxford universities, where he was an unusually appeared much money. He went on a tour American was strongly criticized for the suggested sexual interest between two men, He also wrote plays about fishionable society, including Lady Windermere’ Fan (1892), A Woman of No Importance (1893) and An Ideal Husband (1895). Most popular ofall was The Importance of Bing Earnest (1895), which many people think i one of the funniest plays ever written in English. [eis always popular in theatres and it was a very popular film in 2002, with Colin Firth and Rupert Everete Wilde also wrote a play in French, Salome (1893) which takes the story of King Heads daughter from the Bible, But in 1895 everything changed, and Oscar Wilde's success in public life was finished. Wilde had become a close fiend of Lord Alfred Douglas young man from a rich family. Douglas’ father, the Marques of Queensberry, found some letters from Wilde to Douglas and realized that the ewo men were lovers. In those dbys in nineteenth century England, this was a criminal offence. Queensberry did everything he could co ruin Wilde. Three court ces followed, andl they received much attention in the national newspapers. Wilde’ book, The Piawre of Dorian Gray. played an imporane and damaging part in these legal cases. Douglas escaped but Wilde was sent to prison for two years. After this, nand nobody was punishine ‘many of his friends turned their backs on willing to put on his ply Wilde suffered terribly during his time in prison,and he became il His confidence asa person and an artist was destroyed. At first the was nor allowed to do any writing but later he produced a long, led The Balad of Reading Gaol. We describes the € n prison, When the poem me of poem ca 1 poor soldier and the cruelty of i appeared in 898, it was a best-seller, In 1897, when Wilde came out of prison, he was a broken rman, He wanted to go back eo his wife, but she refused to have him — although she dil give him some money to live on. Ie was, impossible for him to live in England, so he lived for a time in northern France.A few loyal frends visited him there, He managed to spend a few months with Douglas, against the wishes of both families, but soon they had no money. Neither of the learned how to live cheaply, Wilde spent the last years of his life in Pats, living in cheap hotels and asking his friends for money. He had ever never started writing again and he died on 30 November 1900, at the age of forty-six. ‘Today Oscar Wilde’ sexual behaviour is no longer criticized as it was in his lifeeime. Instead, he is remembered for his brilliant \writing and for his daring and amusing ideas. His importance in the history of literature is also recognized. Asa thinker, he believed strongly in the value of beauty, in ie as well asi art. fn The Picture ‘of Dorian Garay he shows the posible dangers of this belief. Wilde is admired for his imaginative stories and plays, which both shocked and entertained the public in the strictly ‘correct world of nineteenth century England His works are still very popular, and his humorous sayings entertain people in the ewenty-fist century as much as they did in his day. Although today attitudes cowards women and sexttal preferences are different from a century ago, people stil find some ‘ruth in his humorous sayings. In The Picre of Dorian Gray, Lord Henry cells Basil “I am married so my le is fll of secrets, | know where my wife is, and my wife never knows what am doing. When we meet we tell each other lies with the most serious faces! Later he tells Dorian, Women never have anything to say but they say it charmingly” And he tells Basil," Whenever a man does a completely stupid thing, i is always fora good reason. Wilde certainly understood a lot about human nature but he vas tunable to change itor co live by the rules of is time In the lite nineteenth century, European art and literature were heading in a new direction. Before that, in the eighteenth century, there was a general opinion thae art should have a high purpose. Ie should teach people how eo have a good life oF about important social and politcal ideas. But famous nineteenth century writers like John Keats changed many people’ ideas about art and ceraure. For these writers and artists, beauty had its own importance that was above oF separate from any purpose. They found this beauty in nature ‘Wilde believed in beauty too, but for him, the greatest beauty vas notin nature but in art. Art did not need to copy nature oF to showr people the beauty of nature, Ar was important for itself In this way, Wilde work was an important bridge between the nineteenth century and the modern age Wilde also believed that the artists life was more important than the work he produced. He sad that the artist life was his most important piece of art. Ie is these ideas that he wrote about in The Picre of Dovian Gray. But in this story, the vil portrait holds a terrible secret and puts peopl’ lives in danger. It is a story of the love of beauty, the worshipping of pleasure and the corruption of a man’ soul I tell as much about the wr himself, and its ending is tragic, lke the end of Wilde's own lie Chapter 1 An Extraordin: Beautiful Young Man The room was filled with the smell of roses. Sitting on a sofa, smoking a cigarette, was Lond Henry Wotton. Through the open door came the distane sounds ofthe London street. In the centre ofthe room stood 4 portat of an extraordinarily beautifil young man. Sitting a litle distance in front of it was the artist himself, Basil Hallward. As the painter looked atthe portrait, hae smiled, “Tes your best work, Basil, the best thing you have ever don ssid Lord Henry, lowly "You really must send it next year © the Grosvenor. The painting ike that! “1 dow’t think 1 shall send ie anywhere! the painter answered, snowing his headin that odd way that used to make his frends laugh at him at Oxford University."No: | won't send it anywhere Lord Henry looked at him in surprise through the thin blue smoke of his cigarette."Not send it anywhere? My dear man, why ‘no? What oda people you painters ae!” 1 know you will hugh at me, Basil replied, bur really can't ceshibit i. L have put too much of myself Lord Henry stretched himself out on the soft and laughed. Too ‘ouch of yourself in it! Bas chs man is eruly beautiful. He does not look like you. "You don't understand me, Hart couse [am not lke him, I would be sorry ¢0 look like him, Iti better not to be diferent from other people. The stupid and ugly have the best ofthis world. Dorian Gray “Dorian Gray? Is that his name?” asked Lond Henry, walking seross the roo towards Basil Halla “Yes that i his name I wasn’ going to tell you! josvenor is really the only place to exhibit a answered the artist, ‘OF But why not?” ‘Ob, | can't explain, When [like people enormously I never tll their names to anyone. I suppose you think that’s wery Foolish "Not at all’ answered Lord Henry."not at all, my dear Basil, You Forget that Iam married so my life is full oF secrets. [never know y wile i, and my wife never knows what Lam doing. When we meet we tel each other lies with the most serious aces “hate the way you tlk about your married lite, Harry’ said Basil Halland, walking towands the door that led ina the garden, T believe you are really a very good husband, but that you are ashamed of it. You never sy 3 good thing, and you never do a wrong thing” Lord Henry laughed and the ewo men went out into the garden where m together. After a pause, Lord Heney pulled out his watch. Tan atid [have to go, Basil he std in quiet woice.“Bhut before Igo L ‘want you to exphin to me why you won't picture. want the real reason. “Ltold you the real reason exhibit Dorian Grays No, you did not. You sid that it was because there vas too much of yourself init. Now, that i childish? ‘Harry’ said Basil Hallward, looking him stright in the fice, ‘every portrait that is painted with feeling isa portrait of the artis, not the ster. [will not exhib this pieture Because | atm afraid thac have shown in it the secret of my own soul? Lond Henry laughed."And hat is that? he asked, “Oh, there is really very little to tell, Harry’ answered the painter, ‘and 1 don’t think you will understand. Perhaps you won't believe it Lord Henry smiled and picked a flower from the gras. “Tam quite sute 11 understand it? he replied, staring atthe flower, ‘and L can believe anything. The story is simply this! said the painter."Tiwo months ago 1 ‘went to a party at Lady Brandon's After I had been inthe room for shout ten minutes, I suddenly realized that someone was looking at tne. turned around and saw Dorian Gray forthe fist time. When ‘our eyes met, I felt the blood leaving my face. knew that this boy ‘woul become my whole soul, my whole art itself? ‘What did you do?” We were quite close, almost touching. Our eyes met again. 1 asked Lady Brandon toi “What did Lady Brandon say about Mr Dorian Gr “Oh, something like “Charming boy. T don't know what he does ~ 1 think he doesn't do anything, Oh, yes, he plays the piano = or is it the violin, dear Mr Gray?” Dorian and 1 both laughed and we became friends a once: ‘Laughter is not at alla bad beginning fora friendship, sid the young lord, picking another lower, and it i the best ending for Hallward shook his head. "You don’t understand what friendship 1s, Harry. Everyone is the same t© you “Thats not true” cried Lord Henry, pushing his hat back, and looking atthe summer sky. T choose my friends for their beauty roduce me to him? snd my enemies for their intelligence. man cannot be too carefil tn choosing his enemies. OF course, hate my relations. And I ate poor people because they are ugly, stupid and drank — I don't agree with a word you have suid. And [feel sure that you slon't agree ether? Lord Henry touched his pointed brown beard with his finger, snd the toe of is boot with his stick."HHow English you are, Basil ‘An Englishman is only interested in whether he agrees with an idea, not whether i is right oF wrong. But tell me more about Mr Dorian Gray: How often do you see him?” “Every day I couldn't be happy if I didn’t see him every day “How extraordinary! I thought you only cared about your ar He is all my are to me now? said the painter"L know that the work I have done since I met Dorian Gray isthe best work of my 3 life In some strange way his personality has shown me a new kind fof art. He seems like a litle boy ~ though he is really more than twenty —and when he is with me I see the world differently! "Baal, this is extraondinary! I must see Dorian Gray! Hiallward got up from his seat and walked up and down the garden. After some time he came back. Harry’ he said. ‘Dorian Gray i the reason for my art. You might see nothing in him. I see everything in him? “Then why wont you exhibit his portrait asked Lond Henry. “An artist should paint beautiful chings, but he should put nothing of his own life into them. Some day I will show the world what that beauty is. For that reason the world will never see my portrait of Dorian Gray? “Lthink you are wrong, Basi, but I won't argue with you. Tell me, is Dorian Gray very fond of you?” The painter thought for a few moments “He likes me he answered, after a pause.'l know he likes me. Of course I later him too much and tell him things that I should not. He is usually very charming t© me, and we spend thousands of wonderful hours together. But sometimes he can be horribly thoughtless and seems to enjoy causing me pain. Then I feel, Harry, that Ihave given: my ‘whole soul to someone who uses it like a lower to put in his coat ‘on a summer's diy? “Summer days are long, Basil’ said Lord Henry in a quiet voice. Perhaps you will et bored before he will. Intelligence lives longer than beaury. One day you will ook at your ffiend and you won't like his colour or something, And then you will begin to think that hhe has behaved badly towards you ~ “Harry, dont tak lke that. As long as I live, Dorian Gray willbe ‘everything to me. You cant feel what I feel. You change too often? “My dear Basil chat is exactly why I can feel it Lord Henry took 4 cigarete from his pretty silver box and lt it. Then he turned to Hallward and sad, ‘T have just remembered? 4 “Remembered what, Harry?” “Where I heard the name of Dorian Gray! “Where was i asked Hallward with a frown, “Don't look so angry, Basil. Ie was at my aunt’, Lady Agatha. She told me that she had discovered this wonderful young man. He \was going to help her work with the poor people in the East End of London, and his name was Dorian Gray. Of course I didn't know it was your friend?” “Lam very glad you dide', Harry! wig? “I don’t want you to meet him? AA servant came into the garden."Mr Dorian Gray is waiting in the house, sre said. rroduce me now, cried Lond Henry, laughing. The painter turned to his servant.Ask Mr Gray to wait, Parker will come in ina few moments! ‘Then he looked at Lord Henry. ‘Dorian Gray is my dearest fiend’ he sid'He is a beautiful person, Don spoil him, Don't try and influence him. Your influence would be bad. Don't take away from me the one person who makes me a true artist? “What silly things you say” said Lond Henry. Smil ‘allward by the arm and almost led him into the hou “You muse 1 he cook Chapter 2 Jealous of his Own Portrai As they entered they saw Dorian Gray. He was sitting at the piano, with his back co them, and he was turning the pages of some music by Schumann. "You must lend me these, Basi’ he cried, "I want 0 learn them, They are perfectly charming? “Perhaps if you sit well for me today, Dorian! “Oh, | am bored with siting, and I don't want a portrait of myself answered the boy, turning quickly. When he saw Lord 5 Henry, his fice went red for a moment.‘L am sorry, Basil. I didn't know that you had anyone with you. “This s Lord Henry Wotton, Dorian. He an old friend of mine ‘We went to Oxford together. I have just been telling him what a good siter you were, and now you have spoiled everything” "You have not spoiled my pleasure in meeting you, Mr Gray said Lord Henry, stepping forward and offering his hand."My aunt has often spoken to me about you.” “Lam afiaid Lady Agatha is annoyed with me at the moment. | promised t0 go t0 a club in Whitechapel with her lst Tuesday, and 1 forgot all about it. 1 don't know what she will say t0 Lord! Henry looked at him. Yes, he was certainly wonderfully e, with his curved red lips, honest blue eyes and gold hair worry about my aunt, You are one of her favourite people. And you ate too charming to waste time working for poor people Lon! Henry sit down on the sofa and opened his cigarette box. “The painter was busy mixing colours and geeting his brushes rea Suddenly, he looked at Lord Henry and said, "Harry, want to finish eis picture today, Would you think it very rude of me if asked you to go away?” Lond Henry smiled, and looked at Dorian Gray.'Shall I go, Mr Gray? he asked, “Oh, please don', Lord Henry. see that Basil is in one of his sifcule moods, and [hate it when he is difficult And [ want you t tell me why I should not help the poor people? “That would be very boring, Mr Gray. But I certainly will not run away if you do not want me to. Is that allright, Bail? You have ‘ofien told me that you like your sitters to have someone to talk to! Halland bit his lp.If eat i what Dorian wants. Dorian always gets what he wants? Lord Fenty picked up his hat and gloves.’No, am afraid I must 6 0. Goodbye, Mr Gray. Come and see me one afternoon in Curzon Street. Lam nearly always at home at five o'clock? “Basil! cried Dorian Gray‘ Lord Henry Wotton goes will go too. You never open your lips while you are painting, and it i horribly boring just standing here. Ask him to stay “AIL right, please stay, Harry. For Dorian and for me) said illward staring a is picture.‘es tre that I never talk when fam, ‘working, and never listen either. It must be very boring for my sitters. Sit down again, Harry: And Dorian don't move about ‘00 much, or listen to what Lord Henry says. He has a very bad influence overall his fiends! Dorian Gray stood while Hallward finished his portrait. He liked what he had seen of Lora Henry: He was so different to Basil! And hae had such a beautifil voice. AR “Have you really avery bad says? “Influence is always bad? Why? “Because to influence someone is to give chem your soul, Each person must have his own personality! “Turn your head a litle more to the right, Dorian said the painter. He was not listening to the conversation and only knew 2 few moments he said thin, fluence, Lond Henry? As bad as Basil that there was a new look on the boy’ fice. “And yet! continued Lord Henry in his low musical voice, ‘I believe that fone man lived his life fully and completely he could change the world. He would be a work of at greater than anything ve have ever imagined, Bue the bravest man among us is aftaid of | mself. You, Mr Gray, are very young but you have had passions that have made you affid, Stop" cried Dorian Gray,‘ don't understand what you are saying. [need to think? For nearly ten minutes he stood there with his lips open and his «yes strangely bright. The words that Bails friend had spoken had 7 suddenly ‘An yet, what was there to be affad of? He was not a schoolboy cor a gia, Iwas silly to be afiaid, “Let us go and sit out of the stn. don't want you to be burnt by the sun? ‘What does that matter? cried Dorian Gray, laughing as he sat dow on the seat atthe end of the garden, “Teshould matter very much to you, Mr Gray? “Why? Because you ate young, and to be young is the best thin world” “T don’t fel that, Lord Hen “No, you don't fel it now. Some day when you are old and uly ‘you will fel it terribly. Now, wherever you go, you charm the world, Will it always be s0?... You have a wonderflly beaut face, Mr Gray don't think ‘Don't frown. Its true. The gods have been good to you. But what the gods give they quickly take away. You have only a few years in whieh t0 while you are still young!” Suddenly the painter appeared atthe door and waved at thems to come in. They turned to each other and smiled “Lam waiting he cried “Please come in. The light is perfect: ‘They got up and walked towards the house together. "You are glad you have met me, Mr Gray! said Lord Henry looking at him, “Yes, Lam glad now wonder whether I will always be glad” “Always! ‘That is a terrible word. Women are so fond of vosing it ‘Twenty minutes lcer Hallward stopped painting. He stood back and looked atthe portnit for a few moments. Then he bent down and signed his name in red paint on the bottom left-hand corner. “Ics finished! he cried. ly live, perfectly and fly. Live your bie now, 10 Lord Henry came over and examined the picture. It was ce a wonderfal work of art “My dear man’ he suid. ‘It is the best portrait of our time. Mr Gray, come over and look at yourselt Dorian walked across to look at the painting, When he saw it his cheeks went red with pleasure, He fle that he recognized his own beauty for the first time. But then he remembered what Lord Henry had said, His beauty would only be there for a few years. One day he would be old and ugly. "Don't you like i cried Halls boy was silent “OF course he likes it! sid Lord Henry.‘e is one of the greatest paintings ip modern art Fill pay anyehingg you ask for it. muse have i. “Ics not mine to sll, Hay Whose is tainly rd, not understanding why the ‘Doran’ of course! answered the painter. He is very lucky’ “How sad iti said Dorian Gray, who was tll staring at his own, portrat.T will grow old and horrible. But this painting will always stay young. I will never be older than this day in Jane... ifonly i were the other way!” "What do you mean?" asked Hallard ME could stay young for that — 1 would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in 1d the picture grow old) For that — the whole workl I would not give! I would give my soul for hat “1 don think you would like that, Basil? cried Lord Hen lhughing 1 certainly would not, Harry’ said Hallward Dorian Gray curned and looked at him.'You like your at better than your fiends? ‘The painter stared in sugprise, Why was Dorian speaking like " that? What had happened? His fice was red, and he seemed quite “You will always like this painting. But how long will you like ‘me? Until [sar getting old, Lond Henry Wotton is perfectly right, 1 my beauty, I will lose everything. I shall kill myself Hallward turned white, and caught his hand. ‘Dorian! Dorian! hae cried."Don't talk like that. Ihave never had a friend like you, and [will never have another. Hovr can you be jeal of a painting You are more beautifil than any work of at 1 am jealous of everything whose beauty does not die. | am jealous ofthe portrait you have painted of me. Why should i keep what I must lose?” Hot tears came into his eye a he threw himself on the so, “You did this, Harry! sid the painter, angrily. Lord Henry shook his head, ‘Ie isthe real Dorian Gray ~ that is rn Harry, | can Berween you both ue with ewo of my best fiends at once have made me hate the best piece of work | have ever done. I will estoy it Dorian Gray watched as Hallward walked over to the painting. table and picked up a knife. The boy jumped from the sofa tore the knife fiom Hallward’s hand and threw it across the room. Don, Basil! he cried. "Don't murder ie am glad that you like my work at lat, Dorian, said the painter coldly-'T never thought you would Like i? Tam in ‘What silly peoph thi, Basi Ie is pare of myself feel cha you are, both of you!” said Lord Henry. Let's forget about the painting for one night and go to the theatre would like to come to the theatte with you, Lord Henry And you will come too, won't you Basil” 1 can't said Hallward. ‘Ihave too much work to do! ‘Wel, you and I will go together, Mr Gray ‘Dow, Basil! he ered, Don't murder it Chapter 3. Dori ‘With an acres? said Dorian Gray “How ordinary? “You would noe sy chat iF you saw her, Harry? “Who is she? Her name is Sibyl Vane? ve never heand of her No one has. People will some day, though. She is an ‘My dear boy, no woman is an artist. Women never have anything to say but they say it charmingly: How long have you known he “About three weeks? “And where did you meet he “I will tell you, Harry, but you muse not laugh. Afer all, it was you who gave me a pasion to know everything about lie. For days afer T met you I seatched the streets for beauty. walked around the East End until I founda dirty lite dheatre. see you are laughing. It is horrible of you!” am not laughing, Dorian, Go on with your story The play was Romeo and Juliet, At fest 1 was annoyed at the thought of seeing Shakespeare in such a terrible place, And when a fae old gentleman came out as Romeo I nearly walked out, But then L aw Juliet! Harry. she was the loveliest hing [had ever seem i my ie “When did you meet her? “Tent back the next night and the night after that,On the cid evening | waited for her outside the theatre? “What was she Tike? Sibyl? Ob, she was shy and gentle, She i only seventeen and there is something of a child in her. She said to me,"You look like a prince. [mast call you Prince Charming”? ‘Miss Sibyl knows how to Mater you! "You don'c understand her, Haery: She thinks that Fam like a 6 person in Shakespeare. She knows nothing of if Sibyl isthe only. thing Feare about? That isthe reason, I suppose, that you never have dinner with me now. I thoughe ie might be something romantic” "My dear Harry, we eat together every day said Dorian “You always come very late: ‘Wel, | have to see Sibyl play’ he ered. ‘Can you have dinner with me tonight, Dorian? He shook his head. "Tonight she is Ophelia; he answered, ‘and tomorrow night she will be J “When is she Sibyl Vane? “Never! “Thats good? ‘How horrible you are! Bue when you see her you will think diferendly I want you and Basil to come and watch her tomorrow night. You are. cer wwonderfl “All right. Tomorrow evening, Will you see Basl before then? Or shall Lite to bi?” ‘Dear Basil [ haven't seen him for a weck. kis rather horrible as he sent me my portait a few days ago. I love looking. nto recognize that she is at it. Perhaps you should write to him. 1 don't want to see him alone. He says things that annoy mie. He gives me good advice! Lond Henry smiled. “People are very fond of g they need themselves ‘Oh, Basl isa good man, but! don’t think he realy understands about art and beauty. Since 1 have known you, Harry, Fave discovered that! “Basil, my dear boy, puts everything cha s charming in hie into his work Jing away advice ‘must go now; Harry. My Juliet is waiting for me, Don’t forget about tomorrow. Goodbye: Chapter 4. The Worship of Sil Basil ‘wrong about these chings. Your portrait has helped him understand beauty in others. We ate to see her tonight, f that boy doesn’t forget “But how can Dorian marry an actress, Harry? It is absurd cried the painter, walking up lip “Dorian Gray fills in love with a beautfl actress who plays Jae. He asks her to marry him. Why not? I hope that Dorian Gray marries this ial and worships her for six months, Then he ean 1d down the room, biting his suedenly become fiscinated by another woman! "You don’t mean a word of that, Harry! know you don’ really want Dorian Gray life to be spoiled. You are much better than you pretend to be? Lord Henry laughed. "The reason we all like 0 think so well of others is because we are affaid for ourselves, But here is Dorian himself. He will ell you more than I can: ‘My dear Harry, my dear Basil, you must both congratulate me! said the boy, throwing off his coat and shaking each of his fiend hnands."T have never been so happy. OF course i is sudden ~ all the bese things are. And yet it seems to me to be the one thing I have been looking forall my lie “Lhope you will always be very happy, Doria “due why did you not tell me? You told Harry! “There really s not much to tell cried Dorian,‘Last night L went to see her again. After, when we were sitting together, there came 0 her eyes a wonderfill look, It was somtethi before, We kissed each other. I can’t describe to you what 1 that momen said Hallward, Thad never seen ‘Have you seen her today?” asked Lord Henry Dorian Gray shook his head. I have left her in Shakespeare’ ores. will ind her in his garden? ‘At what exact point did you use the word And how did she answer? Pethaps you forgot all about i. Dorian? 2» “My dear Harry. it was not a business meeting. [told her I loved her. The whole world is nothing to me compared to her “But my dear Dorian — ‘Hallward por his hand on Lord Henry’ arm. “Don’t Harry. You have annoyed Dorian, He is not like other men. He would newer hharm anyone? Lord Henry looked across the table. "Dorian is never annoyed with me’ he answered. Dorian Gray laughed. “When I am with Sibyl Vine T don believe in anything you have taught me.I forge all your facinatin terrible ideas! “And those are...? asked Lord Henry, helping himself to some salad, “Oh, your ideas about life, your ideas about love your ideas abou pleasure. your ideas, Harry! "Pleasure is the only ching worth ha answered, in his slow; musical voice."When we are happy we are alvays good, bur when we are good we are not always happy” yIt is to worship ideas about? “T know swhat pleasure is’ cried Dorian “That i certainly better than when someone worships you! “Harry, you are terrible! { don’t know why I like you so much, Let us go down to the theatre, When you see Sibyl you will change your ideas? They got up and put on their coats, The painter was silent and choughfil. He fel very sad. Dorian Gray would never again be to him all hat he had been in the past. Life had come between them, ‘When he arived a the theatre it seemed to Hallward that he had grown years older. Chapter 5 Dorian Leaves Sibyl The theatre was crowded that night. It was terribly hot and there were young people shouting to each other from across seats. Women were laughing loudly and their voices sounded horrible People were eating oranges and drinking from bottles. "What a place to find the perfec girl in! said Lond Henry. ‘Yes! answered Dorian Gray‘ here I found her. When you see her as Juliet you will forget e become quite diferent when she appears 1 understand what you mean, Dorian; sid the painter, ‘and 1 1g. These ugly people believe in his giel Anyone you love must be wonderful Thanks, Bail answered! Dorian Gray knew that you would tunderstand me. In a few minutes you will see the gil who T am going to give my life to. The girl who I have given everything that is good in me Then Sibyl appeared. The crowd shouted and called her name Yes, she was certainly lovely to look at, Lord Henry thought. Basil Hallward jumped to his feet excitedly. Dorian Gray sat searing at her like he was in a dream, ‘Charming! Charming!" cried Lord Henry A quarter of an hour later, Lord Henry whispered to Hallward ‘She’ one of the lovelies girl I have ever seen. But she is a terible Dorian Grays face turned white as he watched her speak She was 50 different tonight! Now she was not Juliet but a wery bad actess who did not understand Shakespeare’ wort Even the crowd became bored and began to talk loudly The only person who did not seem t0 notice was the actress herself Lowd Henry got up fiom his chair and put on his cout. ‘She is ‘beautifil, Dorian, he sid, "but she can't act. Let’ go Then Sibyl appeared. Yes, she wus Lord Henry tho Lam going to stay until the end’ answered the boy in a cold ‘ice.‘I am awfully sorry that I have made you waste an evening Harry, apologize to you both ‘My dear Dorian, perhaps Miss Vane is ill! said Hallward. "We will come some other night? ‘Come to the club with Basil and myself, We will smoke cigarettes and drink eo the beauty of Sibyl Vane. She is beautifl What more do you want? ‘Go avery, Harty! cried the boy.'T want to be alone. Cant you see my heart is breaking?” Hot tears came to his eyes as Lord Henry and Hallward lef the theatre ‘When it was over, Dorian Gray rushed to see SibylVane, Th .vas standing there alone, with a look of extraordinary happin her fae How badly 1 acted tonight, Dorian!" she cried, Horribly!” he answered, staring at her.T¢ was terrible. Are you al? Why did you make me suffer lke that The git! sniled, Dorian, dont you understand? ‘Understand what" he asked, angrily “Why I was so bal tonight. Why I will always be bad, Why Ul ‘You are ill suppose. When you are il, you shouldn’ act. My re boted. I was bored: ns Dorian she cried, ‘before I knew you, acting was the fone important thing in my ite fe was only in the theatee chat I ived. I true. Tonight forthe frst time in any ie 1 1 though thae i 9 for cach other isthe only so that 1 yas playing at love, Ou true love. Take me avay sith you, Dorian! I don’t want to be an He threw himself down on the sofa, and turned avay his fice ‘You have killed my love, he said quietly. Then he jumped up and went to the door. My God! How mad I as t0 love you! What a fool I have been! You are noth a Take me away with you, Dorian! I don’t want bu never see you again. I will never think of you, will never speak 0 you again The gil went white. "You are not serious, Dorian? You are acting?” she whispered, putting her hand on his He pushed her back Don't touch me!'he cried. Then he tarned ain lett the room, ‘Affer walking the streets of London all night, he arrived home {use afer sunrise. As he passed chrough the library, he saw the portaic that Basil Hallward had painted of him, He stared at it in suprise and walked on into his bedroom, He took his coat off and stood next to his bed. A few moments later he returned to the picture and looked at it closely Inthe poor light the fice seemed t0 have changeela lite, Now the mouth looked eruel. Ie was ceresinly serange He walked to the window and opened the curtains. The light changed the room, but the face stayed the same. Infact, the sunlight, made the mouth look even erucller Going back to his bedroom, he found a small meror that bad been a present from Lond Henry: He looked at his real face and sie no sgn of ervele. What did it mea He threw himself into a chair, and began eo think. Suddenly hhe remembered what he had said in Basil Hallwards house the ay the picture ad been finshed. Yes, he rememb perfectly. He had asked that the painting grow old so that he himself could remain young. But such things were imposible Te was tcrnble even to think about them. And, yet, there was the picture in front of him. The the erueley in the ‘mouth, Cruelty! Hd he been cruel? No, why think about Sibyl Vane? go him now nat was he to sy ofthat? It held the sectet of his ite, and old his story. Ie had taught him to love his own beauty ‘Would it teach him to hate his own soul? Would he ever look at it again? ‘He would save himself! He would not see Lord Henry again, He would go back to Sibyl Vane, marry her and try to love her again. She had suffered more than he had. Poor child! He had been selfish and cruel to het. They would be happy together. His if with her ‘would be beautifil and pure He got up from his chair, and covered the portrait, How horrible!” he sid to himself, and he walked across to the window and opened it. When he stepped out on t0 the grass he took 4 deep breath, He thought only of Sibyl. The birds thar were ng in the garden seemed to be telling the flowers about Chapter 6 Love Becomes Tragedy Iwas nearly one o'clock che next afternoon when he woke up. His servant brought hima cup of tea and some leters. One of them was, fiom Lord Henry. and had been brought by hand that morning. He pr i to one side. He went into the library for breakfast feling perfecly happy Then he saw the open window and the covered portmit. Wasi all true? Or had it just been a dream? Bur he remembered that cruel rrouth so clea Dorian Gray sent his servant away and locked all the doors. Then he pulled the cover off the painting, and saw himself face to face. I ‘was tue, The porttait had changed For hours he did not know what to do or think. Finally he went cover to the table and wrote a passionate letter c the girl he had loved. He asked her to forgive him for the terrible things he had said co her any sul to be ugly. Lam Suddenly bom. After some ced up."How well you know me! But we will not talk again of what has happened. It has been something \wonderfl, That i all, Now have to dress, Harry [fel too tired t0 fat anything, but Iwill join you later ae the theatre? ‘As Lond Henry closed the door behind him Dorian rushed to the portrait and tore off the cover. No, there was no further change in the picture. t had eceived the news of SibylVane's death before he had known of it himself, Tears came to his eyes as he remembered her. He brushed them away and looked again at the picture He felt the time had come to choose, Or had he already chosen? Yes life had decided thae for him. The portrait was going,to carry ne: that was al his sh ‘An hour later he was a¢ the theatre, and Lont Henry was sting beside him Chapter 7 ‘What Is Past Is Past? ‘As he was eating breakfast the next morn shown into the room, “1am so ghd T have found you, Dorian’ he said,"T called last hight, and they told me that you were at the theatre. OF course I knew chat vas imposible. I had a terrible evening worrying Basil Hallward was whether one tragedy would be followed by another. [can't tell you hhow heatt-broken Iam about the whole thing. Did you go and see the gis mother? What did she say about it all? ‘My dear Basil, | don’t know? said Dorian G bored.‘ was atthe theatre He looked very “You went to the theatre? said Hallwaed, speaking very slowly “You went to the theatre where Sibyl Vane was lying dead? “Stop, Basil 1 wont hear it! cried Dorian, jumping to his fee. ‘You mus not speak of such things. What is done is done, What is pasts past “You call yesterday the past? Dorian, this is horrible! Something has changed you completely. You look exactly the same as ‘wonderful boy in my picture, but now there is no heart in you. Ie is all Harry’ influence, I see that ‘The boy went to the window and looked out atthe garden fora ‘Harry has taught me many things, Basil? he sid at Ist. "You have only taught me to love my own beauty” “Lam try sorry for that, Dorian’ I don’t know ahae you mean, Basil? he said slon't know what you want, What do you wane?” wane the Dorian Gray I used to paint’ said the aris aly. “Basil! said the boy, going over to him and putting his hand on his shoulder, ‘you have come too late. Yestenlay when | heard that Sibyl Vane had killed herself Killed herself! My God Is thete no doubt about that?” eried Hillard, “My dear Basil! OF course she killed herself “The older man put his fice in his hands.How terrible, g round.'I vening round ye said in a quiet voice “No! said Dorian Gra fone of the great romantic trgedies of our time. I know you are surprised at me talking co you like this. You have not realized how I there is nothing terrible about it Ie is hhave changed. was a boy when you knew me. Tam a man now. rew passions, new thoughts, new ideas — ‘But Dorian — am different bur you rust not hike me less.Of course Lam very fond of Harry. But I know that you are better than he is. You are hot stronger ~ you are too affaid of life ~ but you are better. And hhow happy’ we ased to be together! Don't leave me, Basil and don't argue with me. Iam what Tam. “The painter fele strangely sad, Dorian Gray was extraordinarily important to him, The boy had changed his art. Perhaps his cruel 33 talk about Sibyl Vine ws just a mood that would pas aay There in him that was "Dorian!” Don’t speak!” ‘But what isthe matter? Of course I won't look at tif you don't, ‘want me to! he said coldly, walking over to the window. ‘But it seems rather absurd that I cannot see my oven work when Tam, sgoing co exhibit i in Paris in the autumn? “To exhibie if? You want to exhibit i cried Dorian Gray. A ‘errible fear was building inside him, Was the world going to see his secret? Were people going to stare at the mystery of his life? ‘That was impossible, "Yes, George Petit is going to exhibit all my’ best pictures in October. Don't worry itis only for one month Dorian Gray passe his hand across his face. It fle hot and wet. He fele that he was about to fice horrible dange mionth ago that you would never exhibit i? he cried. ‘Why have you changed your mind?” He stopped suddenly and a cruel look came into his eyes. He had remembered something Lord Henry Ina said to him, ‘Ask Bas why he wo esi your ice, He tld me ‘once and it isa very strange story” Yes, perhaps Basil to haa his secret. He would ask him and try. “Basl’ he uid, coming over quite close, and looking hitm straight in the fice. "We all have secrets, What was your reason For not wanting to exhibie my picture? Dorian, i told you, you might like me les than you do now. You told me a And you would certainly ugh at me. IFyou don't want me ever to Jook at your picture again, I won't [have always you t0 look at Your friendship is mote important to. me than exhibiting. a painting? °No, Bail you must cell me, said Dorian Gray. His feeling of fear hhad passed away. Now he just wanted to find out Basil Hallwards mystery. "Dorian, said the painter, who did not look happy. Have you ‘ever noticed something in the picture, something strange? % ‘Bil! cried the boy, staring at him with wild eyes “TL see you did, Dorian, from the moment 1 met you, your personality had the most extraordinary influence over me. 1 worshipped you. T was jealous of everyone you spoke to, 1 wanted to have you all to myself. T vas only happy when T was with you, When you were away fiom me you were stil there in my Basil 'No, don’t speak, I must tell you now what I did not tell you then, That 1 decided to paint a wonderful porta of you. 1 put all my feelin told too much, Thad put too much of myself into it, Sot decided never to exhibit the portnit. I told Harry and he laughed. When the pictune was Finished, and Fat alone with it, 1 fete that 1 was right... Later, thought that perhaps I was be foolish and whet this Paris ofr came. but I see now that the picture cannot be shown? Dorian Gray breathed deeply: The colour came back to his checks and a smile crossed his lps, The danger was over and he was safe fora while, What a sad story Basil had told, Would be ever be so Wluenced by the personality of a friend? Lond Henry had the charm of being very dangerous. Bur that was al for you into that picture. I felt, Dorian, chat I had “Ics extraordinary to me, Dorian, sid Halland, "that you saw this in the pore “{ saw something init! he answered, something that seemed t0 ime very strange! “Well, you dor ngat the thing now?" Dorian shook bis head.'You muse not ask me that, Bas [cannot let you stand in front ofthat picture “You will one day, won't you?” rind me loo! “Never? I, perhaps you are right, And now goodbye, Dorian, You hhave been the oF person in my life who has really influenced my wv ld schoolroom, Mr Dorian? she evied. ‘Bue it is fall of want the key! if you go into it, It He went back to the library and found a note fiom Lond Henry. In it was a eport from the newspaper about Sibyl Vine. Her death was officially deseribed as an accident. He fiowned, and tore the paper in two. Then he walked across the room and threw the pieces aay: How ugly i all was! And how horribly real ugliness made things! Perhaps the something. And, yet, what did ie matter? What had Dorian Gray t0 do with Sibyl Vane death? There was nothing to be afiaid of. ed her vant had read the report, and had begun to suspect Dorian Gray had not kil Chapter 9 “IWill Show You my Soul” Many years pased. Yet the wonderfil beauty that had so fascinated Basil Halhvard, stayed with Dorian Gray. Even those who had heard terrible rumours againse him, could not believe them when they met him, He alway’ had the look of someone who had kept himself pure. Many people suspected that there was somed with Dorian’ life, but only he knew about the portst. Some nights he would secretly in his hand, he would stand in fone of the picture Basil Hallward had painted. He would look first at the horrible, old face in the picture, and chen at the handsome young face that laughed back at 1 more in love with his own ter the locked room, Holding a mirror him from che bbeaury:And more and more interested in the corruption of is own soul Then something happened chat changed everything, Te was on the ninth of November, the diy before his Uhinty-cighth birthday, He was wall ng home from Lord Henry's and the night was cold and foggy. At the corner of Grosvenor Square and South Audley Stet, man passed him in the fog, He 2 ‘was walking very fast, and had the collar of his coat torned up. He had a bag in is hand. Dorian recognized hin, It was Basil Halla AA scrange fear made Dorian walk off quickly in the direction of his ‘own house Bot Hallwand had seen him, Dorian heard him hurrying after him, In afew moments his hand was on his sem, Dorian! What an extraordinary piece of luck! [ have been \waiting for you in your brary to Parison the midnight ain, and I wanted to see you before I ef T thought it was you, oF at least your cout as T pased you, But 1 vas sure, Didn't you recognize me?" ‘In this fog, my dear Basi? [ can't even recognize Grosvenor Square. I believe my house is somewhere about he Feel at all certain about it. Lam sorry you are going away. as U have not seen you for such a long time. But I suppose you will be back 1 since nine o'clack. Lam going but I don't "No, am going to be out of England for six months. Here we are at your door Let me come infor a moment. have something to ay “That would be lovely. But won't you mss your tain? cid Dorian he went up the steps and opened the door with his key. “V have plenty of time he answered. “The train doesnt go I welve-ficen, and itis only just eleven. All have with me is this bag, and 1 can easily gett Vietoria Staion in ewventy Dorian looked at him and smiled."Come in or the fog will get into my house: Hallward followed Dorian into the library. There was a bright ‘wood fire on one side of the room and v0 lamps on the other. ‘Woull you like a drink? asked Dorian, "No thanks, wont have anything more! sid the painter, taking his hat and coat of.'And now, my dear Dorian, | want to speak £0 8 1 ink you ld krow some of the tile tings th you seriously, Don't frown like that. You make it so much more dificult For me: “What isi all abou ried Dorian, throwing himself down on the sofiT hope itis not about myself. am tired of myself tonight. would prefer to be somebody different: e's about yourself! answered Hallward, in his deep voice,‘and | Dorian breathed deeply and lita cigarette.‘ls it really necesay. Bail? 1 think you should know some of the terrible things that people are saying about you: 1 don’t want to know anything about them. I love scandals about other people, but scandals about myself don't interest Every gentleman is interested in his good name, Dorian. You clon't want people to talk of you as something terrible and corrupt, [But I don't belive these runout a allAt leas can't believe them when I see you. Corruption is a thing thae writes itself across 2 man’s face Iecannot be hidden: ‘My deat Basil ‘And yet, arely see you now and you never come to my house When I hear all the terrible things people are whispering about you, don't know what to say. Why have so many of your friends killed themselves? Young men from good families like Adrian Singleton and that poor young soldier? ‘Stop. Basil. You ate talking about things of which you know nothing said Dorian. know how people talkin England. This is a ‘country where people have two faces. They whisper rumours about people like myself, and then do much worse chings when others are not looking Dorian; cried Hallward, ‘that is not the question. 1 know England is bad, but thats the reason I want you t0 be a good influence on your fiends, Instead you have lost all belief in 5 ‘goodness and honesty: You have filed those poor young men with a madness for pleasute’ Dorian smiled How can you smile like that? 1 only want you to have a clean name, You have a wonder influence. Let it be for good, Yet | wonder whether I know you? But I can't answer that question. | would need t0 see your soul “To see my soul” cried Dorian Gray. He jumped up from the sof, ning almost white with fea, “Yes! answered Hallward. There was a deep sadness i his voice “To see your soul. But only God can do that A bitter augh came fiom the lips of the younger man,"You will see it yourself, tonight!” he cried, picking up a lamp from the table, ‘Come: itis your own work. Why shouldn't you look at it tell the world all bout it afer, if you want, Nobody will believe you, If they do be feve you, they will like me better for it. Come, tell you. You have talked enough about corruption. Now you will see it fice co fie Tete was madness in every word he said. He felt a terrible Aelight that someone was going to shate his secret, The man who hhad painted the portrait was going to share his shame, The painter ‘would suffer for the est of his life with the memory of what he had done. ‘Yes! he continued, coming closer to his “1 will show you my soul, You will se what you think only God can see Hallward jumped back. “You cannot say thing like horrible and chey don't mean anything? “You think so?" He laughed again “1 know so, Dorian, you have to tell me —* “Dont touch me. Finish what you have to sy. The painter fle extrosdinariy sad, He walked ov and stood there. at, Dorian! hae cried. “They are to the fre 46 “1 am waiting, Basil’ said the young man, in a hard, clear voice He turned round.’ What I have to say is this’ he cried "You must give me some answer to the horrible things people are saying against you. Tell me that they are not ee, Dorian! Can't you see what Lam going through? My God! Don’ tell me that you are bad and corrupt and shameful? Dorian Gray smiled, ‘Come upstats, Basil? he said, quietly "1 keep a diary of my lite from day to da. will show ico you if you come up with me! “will come with you, Dorian, if you wish it 1 yee T have [ean go tomorrow. But don't ask me to read anyehing tonight. All| want ia simple answer to my question “will will not have to read for long: ‘missed ry tain. Ie does not mate ve it to you upstairs. I could not ive ico you here. You I Sees the Portrait Chapter 10 Bi He pased out of the room and began climbing the saits, Bai Hallward followed close behind. They walked sofly, as people always do at night, The lamp made strange shadows on the wall and When they reached the top, Dorian put the lamp down on the floor. He took the key out of his pocket and turned it ithe lock, “You really want to know; Basil” he asked in low voice "Yes am delighted’ he answered, smiling, Then he added, You are the one man in the world I want to know everything about me. You have influenced my life more than you think: Taking up ee lamp, hhe opened the door and went in. Cold air passed between them. “Shut the door behind you’ he whispered, he placed the lamp on the table 7 Hallward looked around the room in surprise, The room had clearly not been lived in for years, The whole place was covered ‘with dust, and chete were holes in the carpet. A mouse ran across the floor, "So you think that itis only God who sees the soul, Basil, Take the cover off the portrait, and you will see mine? ‘The voice that spoke was cold and ere. “You are mad, Dorian’ sid Hallward, frowning. “You won't tke the cover off? Then I will do-it myself! id the young man, throwing the old purple cuttain to the round ‘A ery of fear came from the painter’ lips when he saw the face in the portait. le was Dorian Gray’ fice he was looking at, and it sill had some of that wonderful beauty. But now there were terrible signs of age and corruption. But who had done it? He held the lamp up to the picture Inthe le hand corner was his name, painted in red. ‘What had happened? He had never done chat. Stil, it was his own picture. He knew it, and it made his blood turn to ice. His own picture! What did it mean? Why had ic changed? He turned, and looked at Dorian Gray with the eyes of a sick ‘The young man was standing near the wal, watching him, He hhad taken the flower out of his coat, and was smelling i. "What does this mean? cried Hallward, at st. His own voice sounded high and strange. "Years ago, when I was a boy? said Dorian Gray, closing. his hand on the flower,'you met me and fhtered me, You taught me to love my beauty: One day you introduced me to a friend of yours, He explained to me how wonderful i was to be young, You finished a portrait of me that showed me how wonderfl i was to bbe beautifil. na mad moment I made a wish — “I remember it! Oh, how wel | remember it! No! The thing is 48 npossble. There must be something wrong with the paint, Itell you the thing is impossible “Is anything really imposible?’ sai the young man, going over to the window “You told me you had destroyed it 1 was wrong, It has destroyed me! 1 don't believe it is my pictute, There was nothing bad in it nothing shamefil. You were perfect to me. This is a face from hell? “Ie isthe fice of my soul Each of us has Heaven and Hell in him, cried Dorian wildly Hallward turned again to the portat,and seared at it“My God! Is this rue® he cried. "Is this what you have done with your lie? ‘You must be even worse chan people say Hallward threw himself into the chair by the cable and put his face in his hands, The lamp fll to the oor and went out. “Good God, Dorian! What an awfal lesson! What an awful lesson!" There was io answer, but he could hear the young man crying at the window. “We must ask God for fongiveness. 1 worshipped you too much, Iam punished for it. You worshipped yourself too much, We are both punished” Dorian Gray turned slowly around and looked at him, There Ba ‘were fears in his eyes.Te is too late, Basil he sad ‘Hut dont you see that hellish thing staring at us?” Dorian Gray looked a the picture. Suddenly he Fle that he hated Basil Hallard He hated the man sitting at ehe table more than he hated anything in his ie He looked wildly around, Something shone on top of the painted cupboard that faced him, Ie was a knife he had lefe there some days before, He moved slowly towards it, passing Hallward as he did 50, He took the Knife in his hand and turned around. Hallward moved in bis chat: He rushed at him, and stuck the knife into his neck again and again, ” five minutes a servant appeared. He was half dressed and looked very sleepy “Lam sorry [had to wake you up, Francis he sid, stepping in ‘Bur I ave forgotten my key. What time is 2” “Ten minutes pase wo, “Ten minutes past two? How horribly late! You must wake me at nine tomorrow. [have some work to do. “AIL righ, sir? ‘Did anyone call this even "Mr Halland sir- He stayed here until eleven, and then he went away to catch his tain’ ‘Oh! Lam sorry I didn’t see him, Did he leave any message?” mnswered the man, looking ata clock “*No,sit. He sid he would write to you fiom Paris, “That is all, Francis. Don’t forget to call me at nine tomorrow: “No, sit The mx Dorian into the library. For a quarter of an hour he walked up and down the room, biting his lip and thinking. Then he took down a book from one of the cupboards, and began to turn the pages. “Alan ‘Campbell, 152 Hertiond Street, Mayfair? Yes, that was the man he wanted ‘went olf his bedroom, threw his hat and coat upon the table and passed Chapter 11 The Problem of the Body Atnine o'clock the next morning his servant came in with a cup of chocolate, and opened the curains. Dorian was seeping quite peaceflly lying with one hand under his cheek. As he opened his eyes a smile passed actos his lips. He turned round, and began to drink his chocolate. The November sun came into the room, and the sky was bright. It was almost lke a morning, in May. Slowly he remembered what had happened che night before ‘The dead man was sil siting there, and in ehe sunlight now, How horrible that was! Such terrible things were for the darkness, not the day. ‘After he had drunk his cup of chocolate, he went over to the table and wrote two leters. One he put in his pocket, and the other he handed to his servant. “Take ths round to 152 Hertford Street, Francis If Mr Campbell is out of town, get his address? When the servant had gone, he lit cigarette, and began drawing ‘of paper. First he drew flowers, then houses, then human fon pi faces, Suddenly he realized that every face he drew looked like Basil Hallward, He frowned and went over to le on the sof ‘An hour went past very slowly. Every second he kept looking up ut the clock. As the minutes went by he became horeibly worried. He gor up and walked around the room. His hands w strangely cold ‘At last the door opened, and his servant entered “Mr Campbell st! sid the man. The colour came back co his cheeks ‘Ask him to come in at once, Francis! He felt himself again. His fear had gone avay. In a few mom angry and rather worried ‘Alan! This is kind of you. I ehank you for coming: 4s Alan Campbell walked in, He looked very “T hoped never to enter your house again, Gray. But you said it svas a question of life and death’ His voice was hand and cold, and the kept his hands in the pockets of his coat “Yes itisa question of ie and death, Alan. And to more than one person, Sit down! Campbell ook a chairby the table, and Dorian sa opposite him. ‘The two men’s eyes met. in Dorian’ there was great sadness. He knew that what he was going to do was terrible 83 After a moment of slenc Dorian said very quietly, ‘Alan, in a locked room at the top of the house, dead man is sitting at a table, He has been dead for ten hours now: Don't stir, and don't look at me like that. You don't need to know who this man is, You dont need to know how or why he died. What you have to do is this Stop, Gray. I don't wane to know anything more. [ don't care if whae you tell me is true oF not true. | done want any part in your life. Keep your horrible secrets to yourself. They don't interest me ‘Alan, they will have to interest you. Lam awflly sorry for you, Alan. But | can’thelp myself. You ae Alan, you are a scientist. You know about chemistry, and things of 1an who can save me, that kind. What you have got to do is to destoy the thing that is ‘upstairs ‘You are mad, Dorian. 1 will have nothing to do with this! ‘He killed himself, Alan’ ‘Tam gh of that. But who made him do i? You ‘Do you sil reise to do this For me? suppose? ‘OF couse I reise. You have come to the wrong man. Go to some of your friends, Don co "Alan e was murder. killed him You don't know what he made mesufie? “Murder! Good God, Dorian, is that what you have come to? 1 vill have nothing to do with "You n {questions have old you too much already. But you muse do this, We were friends once, Alan! Don't speak of those days, Dorian. They are dead? They will hang me for this, Alan. Don't you understand? They Will kill me for what I have done st have something to do with it, Done ask any more Campbell got up to leave.“L will not have anything to do with this: "You refi a The same look of sadness came into Dorian Gray's eyes. Then he took a piece of paper and wrote something on it. He read it over and pushed it across the table. Then he got up and went over to the window. ‘Campbell looked at him in surprise and picked up the paper. As hae read itis fice went white, and be fell back in his chair. fier two oF three minutes without speaking, Dorian came and stood next to him. ‘Tam very sorry for you, Alan; he suid, putting his hand on his shoulder, ’But there is no other way have a letter written already. Here it is. You see the addres. Ifyou don't help me, [will send it. You know what will happen. But you are going to help me. Ie is impossible for you to reise now ‘Campbell put his face in his hands. “The thing is quite simple, Alan. It has to be done. Face it, and doit: A terrible sound came from Campbell lips “Come, Alan, you must decide now’ ‘Alan paused for a moment.'ls there a fire in the roon "Yes, there i a gas fi Lust go home and get some... tings? “No, Alan, you must not leave the house, Write out what you want,and my servant will get the things for you.” Tec was nearly ewo o'clock when the servant returned with an ‘enormous wooden box filed with che things Campbell had asked for. “You car have the rest of the day t0 yourself, Francis “Thank you. si? When the servant had left the two men carried the box up the stairs, Dorian took out che key and turned it in the lock. Then he stopped and Campbell saw chat his eyes were fll of tears.'T don’t think I can go in, Alan; he sid ‘The British only need one subject of conversation every three ‘months. They have been very lucky recently, though. Fint there ‘was the scandal of my wife lewving me, and then Alun Campbell kuiled himself. Now there isthe mysterious disappearance of an artist. The British police are saying that Bail did take the midnight, train on the ninth of November, bu the French police are sare that the never arrived in Paris at all? “What do you think has happened to Basil” asked Dorian, holding wp his wine against the light “Chave no idea. If Basil want o hide himself, iis no business of ‘mine. If he is dead, | don’t want to think about him, Death i the only thing that ever frightens me, I hate “Why? said the younger man, in a tired voice. “Because? sid Lond Henry, ‘itis the only thing that is final Let us have our coffee in the music rom, Dorian. You must play Chopin to me. The man who ran away with my wife plyed Chopin beautify: Poor Victoria! I was very ford of her. The house is quite lonely without her! Dorian sid nothing, but went into the next room and sat atthe piano. After the coffee had been brought in, he stopped playing “Harry’ he said, ooking over at Lord Henry.Do you think Basil was murdered? Lord Henry yawned, ‘Everyone liked Basil. Who would wane murder him? He was not clever enough to have enemies. OF course he was a wonderful painter. But a man can paint lke Velasquez and yet sill be rather boring, Basil was rally rather boring, The only thing eae ie ested me about him was that he worshipped you. ‘Twas very fond of Basil’ aid Dorian sadly’But dont people say he was murdered?” “Oh, some newspapers do, But I don't think tis likely. E know there are awfal places in Pais, but Basil was not the sort of man to {g0 t0 them.) “What would you say, Harry if [told you thac I had murdered 38 Basil? said dhe younger man, He w spoken. "No, Dorian, you would not murder anyone. [eis ordinary people ‘who murder. I is their way of finding the extraordinary pleasure that are gives ws “A way of finding the extraordinary pleasure? Do you think that a man who has murdered could do it again. Don't tell me that? “Oh! Anything becomes a pleasure ifyou do it too often’ cried Lond Henry, laughing, That is one of the most important secrets of life, [ believe, hough, that murder is always a mistake. One should never do anything one cannot talk about after dinner. Bue let us pass from poor Basil | wish I could believe that he has died some romantic death, but I can't. He probably fell inc the Seine off bus. 1 can see him now lying on his back in the direy green water. During the lst ten years he had not been painting well? Lord Henry walked across the room and touched the head of a strange grey bird that he kept in the music room, Then he turned t0 che him carefilly after he had face Dorian “Yes! he continued, taking his handkerchief out of his pocket, “his painting seemed to me to have los something. When you and hhe stopped being great friends, he stopped being a great artist. What ‘was it that separated you? I suppose he bored yout If'so he never forgave you. By the way, what happened to that wonderful portrait he did of you? I don’t think I have ever scen it since he finished it? ‘told you years ago that it was stolen? ‘Oh! I remember. You never got it back? What a shame! Ie realy was wonderful remember wanted to buy it. [wih I had it now! 1 never really liked it} said Dorian.‘L am sorry Ist for it. The ‘memory ofthe thing is hateful to me: “How sid you look! Don't be so serious, Ply me some music, Dorian, Anas you play tell me in alow voice why you sill look so young, Iam only ten yeats older than yout are, and I have grey hha and yellow skin, You ate really wonderful, Dorian’ 59 “Harry, please “You have never looked mote charming than you do tonight You remind me of the day I first saw you, You were very shy, and absolutely extraordinary. You have changed, of course, but not in appearance. You are stil the same? “Lam not the same, Harry? "Yes, you are the same. I wish I could change places with you, Dorian, ‘The world has cried out against us both, but it has alvays worshipped you. Ie always will worship you. Life has been your ar Dorian got up from the piano, and passed his hand through his hair. “Yes, life has been beautiful’ he said, quietly, ‘bur Fam nor going to have the same life, Harry. And you must not say these things to me. You don’t know everything about me. I think that i you did, even you would curn away from me. You laugh. Don't laugh: “Why have you stopped playing, Dorian? Let us go tothe club It has been a charming evening, and we must end it charmingly. There is someone I want to introduce to you ~ young Lord Poole. He has already copied your ties and he very much wants to meet you. He is quite charming and he reminds me of you ‘hope not stid Dorian, with a sad look in his eyes. Bue fam tired tonight, Harry. won't go tothe club. Is nearly eleven, and 1 ‘want to go 0 bed early lease stay. You have never played so well as tonight? “Ieis because Lam going to be good he answered, smiling. “Tam alice changed already? “You can't change to me, Dorian, said Lord Henry. You and 1 will always be friends. Come round tomorrow. We shall go t0 lunch? "Do you really want me to come, Harry? "Certainly: The patk is quite lovely now I don’e think there have been such flowers since the year I met you! oo ‘Very well I shall be here at eleven’ sid Dorian. ‘Good-night, Harry! Chapter 13. “To Kill the Past” le was a lovely night. He walked home, with his coat on his arm, smoking his cigarette. Two young men in evening dress passed hit. He heard one of them whisper to the other, That is Dorian Gray” He remembered how pleated he used to be when he was tared at, cor talked about. He was tired of hearing his own name now, ‘When he reached home, he found his servant waiting up for him, He sent him to bed, and threw himself down on the sofa in the library. He began to think about some of the things that Lord Henry had sid to him. ‘Wasit really true that one could never change? There had been a time when he had been good and innocent. He had corrupted himselfand become a terrible influence on others. He had even got pleasure from this corsuption. Yet his soul had once been the purest (of all, Was all that gone? Was there no hope for hina? In one terrible moment of passion, he had asked to say young for all rime. All his failure had been because of that, He had not bbeen punished, but perhaps punishment was what he had needed. Punishment cleaned the soul ‘The mirror that Lord Henry had given to im, so many years ago ‘now, was standing on the table. He picked it up, remembering that horrible night when he had firse noticed the ‘Once, someone who had loved him passionately had written him a smal leter. It had ended with these words:"The world is changed because you are made of gold’ He repeated them 0 himself and suddenly realized that he hated his own beauty. Throwing the ‘mirsor on the floor, he broke the glass nto litle pieces with his foot. Te was his beauty that had spoiled him. oye in the picture 6 le was better not to think ofthe past. Nothing could change eat. He had to think of his future, Alan Campbell had shot himself one ‘igh, and his cerrible secret had died with him. The interes in Basil Hallward’s disappearance would soon pass away. He was perfecly safe there What worried him was the death of his own soul. Basil had painted the portrait that had destroyed his lf, He could not forgive hin that. Ie was the portrait that had done everything, The murder had just been the madness ofthe moment, As for Alan Campbell, he had killed himelf. It was nothing to da with Dorian Gray ‘A new life! Thae was whae he wanted. That was what he was ‘waiting for: Pethaps it had begun already. He would never again spoil innocence, He would be good. He began to wonder if the portrait in the locked room had changed. Was it sill as horrible as it had been? Perhaps if his life became pure, che face in the portrait would become beautfl again. He would go and look. He took the amp from the able and wene upstaits.As he opened the door, a smile of happiness passed across his young face. Yes, he ‘would be good, and the ugly thing he had locked away would not frighten him any mote. He fle happier already. He went in quiedy, locking the door behind him. Walking straight over to the portrait he took off the purple curtain chat was covering i. An angry ery of pain change. The thing was sill hateful ~ more hateful, even, than before ‘The red mark on the hand seemed brighter and more like new blood. And why was the red mark larger than i had been? [was all ‘over the fingers now. There was blood on the painted feet, and blood on ehe hand that had not held the knife ‘What di i all mean? That he should go to the police? That he should tell the whole story, and be pur to death? He laughed. He fele the idea was absurd, If he did tll them now, who would believe hhim? There was nothing left of the murdered man anywhere. He sme from him, He could see no a had destroyed everything belonging to Basil Hallward, He himself hhad burned the bag and the coat. They would simply say he was mad, ‘Was this munder to follow hi al his ie? Was he always going to suffer because of his past? Yer what could he do? Go to the police? Never ‘There was only one thing they could use against him and that ‘was the picture ite, He would destroy it, Why had he kept itso long? Once it had given him pleasure to watch it changing and ‘growing old. Recently he had felt no such pleasure. I had kept him awake at night. When he had been away, he had been frightened that another person would see it. Just the memory of it spoiled many moments of happiness. He would destroy it He looked around and saw the knife that had killed Basil Hillard. He had cleaned it many times uneil there was no mark left ‘on it, Ie was bright, and it shone. It had killed the painter. Now it ‘would kill the painter’ work, and all chat it meant I would kill the pst. When that was dead he would be ive. He picked up the knife and pushed it into the picture ‘There was 4 cry, and a cash. The ery was so horrible that Frightened servants woke and came out of their rooms. Tivo gentlemen, who were passing in the Square below, stopped, and looked up a the great house. They hurried on until they met a policeman, and brought him back. The policeman rang the bell several times, but there was no answer. Except fora light in one of | the top windows, the house was all atk. Afer atime, he went away and stood in the garden of the next house and watched “Whose house i tha? asked the older of the two gentlemen, “Me Dorian Gray sit? answered the policeman. They looked at each other as they walked away, and laughed cruelly. They knew who Dorian Inside the house the servants were talking in low whispers to each other. Old Mes Leaf was crying. Francis was as white as death. 63 ACTIVITIES. (Chapters 1-2 Before you read 41 Look atthe Word List at the back ofthe book. ‘9 Which of these words in talics have a positive meaning? ‘absurd charming fescinating scandal shame 'b Which of these words in taics do not have a postive meaning? corrupt failure tendship rumour tragedy It an artst paints your portrait in a fortnight, how long does it take? 2 Read the Introduction and answer these questions. What do you learn about ‘8 Oscar Wilse's character and personal Ife? bb thelifeof Doran Gray? {© Wilde's opinion of art? While you road ‘3 Who says these sentences? Write the name ofthe speaker from the stony. 8 "It's yourbest work, Basi, the best hing you have ever done, ‘realy can't exhibit it. Ihave put too ‘much of mse int it! © ‘Charming boy don’t know what he oes thnk he dowsn't do anything” 4 "choose my friends for their beauty and my enemies fr thelr iteligence.” © ‘When he's with me, |e the world ditferenty” 4 Puta (/) next tothe conect answers. {Lor Horry thinks: 2 that Doran is very handsome, 'b that Doran should vist him, 0 6 that Doran has passions that make him ara 4 thatitis aot good to be young, Beauty never disappears. 1 Basis portrait of Dorian fs one ofthe greatest Paintings in modern art. ‘Ateryou read ‘5 What do you think Basil means when he says these things to Lora Henny? '2 "When | ike people enormously | never tell thelr names to anyone." bb ‘knew that ths boy would become my whole soul, my whole art set © "Them | fel, Harry, that Ihave given my whole sul to someone Who usesit ike a fower to putin his coat on a summers day. {6 How does Doran Gray ool about the folowing things? Why? 2. Siting for his portrait Lord Henry © growing old «his portrait chapters 3-5 Beore you oad Lord Henry has told Basil thet the porate ‘the real Doria’. While he goes to the theatre with Doran, Basi stays with the real Dorian \What do you think will happen to the relationship between the artist and Dotian? What wil Dotan do wit his portrait, do you think? {8 Read the tiles of Chapters 8-5 and look at the pictures on pages 18 and 28. What do you think happens to Dorian”? Wry? White you read 9 Are these sentences true (7) or false (F)? {2 Lord Henry's wif is very upset because her husband keeps photographs of Dorian in the house, os Dorian has fallen in love with a seventeen-year-old actress named Sib Vane, who plas Jul in Romeo a Jule. © ‘Sibyl calls Dorian ‘Prince Charming. DDovian wants Hary and Basi to see Sibyl perform. «© Lord Henrys jealous and annoyed because Dorian isn ove with Sy. 10 Circle the comect word in tafe in each sentence, {Basi tes Hary that it would be wondertul absurd for Dorian to marry an acres. Dorian says that pleasure sto love/ worship someone. © Aer Siby's boring performance, Dorian Is crva!/atoring to hee 4 Dorian notices tha his porvait/face has changed a litle ~ the ‘mouth looks a bt eral {© Because Dorian wants to save his potat/saut, he decides to retum to Sibyl and marry he. ‘Alter you read 11 How do these people change and why? Donan Gray Basi Haliward © Sibyl Vane 12 What has the portrait taught Dovian about himself and about ite? (Chapters 6-7 Betore you read 418 What kind of story Is Romeo and Julet? In what way is the relationship between Dorian and Siby\ similar to that play? Road ‘he tile of Chapters 6 and look tthe pictures on pages 28 and 31 ‘What do you think will happen? Why? o Wie you read 14 Put these events inthe correct order. Write 1-8, ‘8 Harry realizes that Dorian has not read his letter and 1008 not know about Siby's death Db After Lora Henry leaves, Doran understands that the portrat wil carry his shame. © Ator ome hours, Doran writes a passionate letter to Sibyl, asking her to forgive hi, 4 Harry informs Dovian of Sioy's death and warns him to keop his name out of any scandal © When Lord Henry aves, Dorian lets him in because the wants to explain his plans for anew ite {Dorian tls Hary that he has been crue! to Sibyl but ‘ow he wants to marty hee. 19 Dovian realizes that his love letter was to a dead oi, but he cannot fel stronly about her death fh The next afternoon, Darian uncovers the potat an 06s that it realy has changed, 415 Finish these sentences (a-e) with the correct words (1-5) below. ‘Basi says Dorian looks the same as before but has no 'b Basi says that Doran has been important to A fist, Basil did not exhibit the picture because it showed too much o hie. Iti not easy for Bas to tel Dorian © Dovian realizes itis crazy not to hide 1) about his feolings. 2) the porta. 3) personal felings for Dorian 4) i and his art. 8) boat “Alter you ead 46 Work with another student. Have this conversation ‘Student A: You are Dorian Gray, Sibyl is dead, Tel Lord Henry why YoU loved her and wanted to marry her. Tel hin what you have leared from this experience. 7 ‘Student 8: You are Lord Henry. Listen to Dorian and ask him ‘questions. Give your opinion of his wish to marry Siby ‘and you ideas about his future without he. 17 What do you know about these? 2. Basi’s secret and why he did not want to exhibit the portrait b Dovian's secret and wy he will not et Basi see the portal. {© Basils reason for wanting to exhibit the painting in Paris. Chapters 8-10 Before you road 18 Read the title of Chapter 8 and look a the pictures on pages 29 and {41 What do you thnk Dorian does withthe portrait? 49 Read the tiles of Chaptere 9 and 10. Who do you think Dorian wi ‘show his potato and why? Look atte pictures on pages 44 and 150, What is happening? Wile you read 20 Cirle the correct answer ‘2 Why does Darian want to put the portrait the old schooroom? 41) He wants Mrs Lea to look aftr iin there, 2) He wants to hide the terble corruption of his Soul 3) He cannot keep it downstairs because ifs too big. 'b Where is Bast Hallward going and for how long? 1) He's going to Dorians house for three hours. 2) He's going to Victoria Station for twenty minutes 3) Ho's going to Pars for six months. ‘© Why can't Basi belove the rumours about Doran? 41) Because corruption can be seen in a person's face, and Dorian's faces stil beautiful and pur. 2) Because people in England have to faces. 8) Because they cant be true. a {d_Why does Dorian want Basi to go with him upstairs? 1) Because he wil show Bas his soul inthe porra,and Basi ill have to share the blame for Doran's conupton, 2) Ho wants Basi to miss his tran 43) He wants Basi to read his cary, {© Accorting to Doran, what has Basi done to him? 1) Basi has taught Dorian how to destroy thar people, 2) Basil has taught Dorian to lovehis own beauty above anything se 8) Basil has destroyed the portrait and Devian 21 What does Dorian do? Write Yes or No, 2 Does he ery when Hallvard questions the home ite Dorian has led? Does he fet guity and ashamed immediately after he attacks Halware? © Does he go outside ator the paticoman passes his house? 4 Does he pretend that he has been out and as just arved back home atten ‘minutes past two? {© Does he think that Halward has gone to Paris? Does he relax inthe brary after Francis ‘9088 back to bed? ‘Alter you ead 22 Why ae these times importat inthe story? | midight b ttpm © 140m. 4 240am. 2 9am. 23. What do you know about 1 Adtian Singleton? the young solder? Dovian's sacrat? the portrait? aknte? ‘Bass cost and bag? (chapters 11-13 Before you road ‘24 At the end of Chapter 10, Dorian Gray looked up the address of ‘Alan Campbell of 152 Hertford Street, Mayfak. Who do you think this person might be? 25. Read the title of Chapter 11 and look atthe picture on page 57, ‘wnat do you think Dorian will do with Basis body? Why? What is happening inthe picture? while you road 26 Put one of these words in each sentence. fart blood gold ite scandals scientist secrets worship ‘4 Alan Campbell hopes never to return to Dorian’s house or to know his hoeble b When Doran opens the door to the schooloom, he sees ‘on one ofthe hands of the portrait. © Campbal is a and he uses his knowledge to destroy Basil's dead body. «People in London are taking about the of Lore Heny/s marriage, Basi's disappearance and Campbell's Kling himsett {© Lord Henry says, ‘Only ordinary people murder as a way to find the extraordinary pleasure that Gives to people ke us. {Lord Henry admires Doian's young face and he says that he wil always Dorian. 19 A lover once wrote to Dorian that the world was changed because Doran was made of 'nDorian hates his portrait and his own beautiful face and he wants Alter you read 27 At fist, Alan Campbell refuses to do what Dovan wants. Why do you thnk he changes his mind? What happens to him afterwards? 28. Wy does Doran: feel happier as he opens the schoolroom door? ‘88 more blood on the portrait? decide not to go tothe police? put the knife into the picture? look old and hon ugly after he kills hime? 29 Discuss Dorian’ life and why Lord Herr tells him, "Lie has bean your ar." Does Locd Henry understand more about Derian than Dorian understands about himsel?? Why (not)? Witting 90. When Lord Henry frst sees the portrait, Basil Hallvard tolls him, it is better not to be diferent from other people. The stupid and ualy have the best ofthis worl. Do you agree? Write your opinion, ‘81 When Dovian realizes thatthe painting will aways stay young, he wishes to stay young for ever. I would give my soul for that!” he ‘says. Explain how the porat changes Doiansife and soul 32 Imagine you are Lo Henry. You have promised Devan that you {and Basil will goto see Romeo and Juliet tomorrow night. Write ote to Basi inviting him tothe theatre. Explain why Dorian wants hi there 88 Sibyl Vane was a beautiful and popular young actress. Write 2 newspaper report about her death. ‘84. Lord Henry and Basil are both close fiends of Dorian. How are their characters ferent? Which one do you prefer? Why? '38. Would you ke Dovian Gray fora friend? Make a it of your reasons {or tking or nt liking im. m4 a Imagine you ae Dorian. Wit in your lary about the day that you arranged fr Alan Campbel to get id of Basi’s boo ‘Basi finally tes Dorian that he worshipped him atone tie. How is ‘worshipping someone diferent from loving them? Wie about this fora magazine for young adults rte a description of Doran's mind as he grows older. Why does he choose to show his soul to Basi? And why does he kil hi? ‘ire note toa tiend about ths book. Describe the book and say if you friend wil ike tor not and why WoRD LIST ‘abourd (a) very sly oF without any meaning ‘boyhood (n) the rinse when someone i a boy {charming (a) very pleasant an tractive this quality salle charm cheek (nthe sde of your fice below your eye Corrupt () to change a good thing or person into a bad one delighted (ac) very pleased this eng scaled delight exhibit) to shove publicly extraordinary (x) very unos or surprising {allure (n) the opposite of succes fascinating (a) very interesting atery (o) nice things that you sy to make a person feel good, offen Tecate you wane someting fom him/her fortnight () period of wo weeks friendship (a) the reasons frown (v/s) t0 make your fice look angry or worried betwen finds Intuence (1/s) the power to change the behaviour of other people passion (n) very strong ecing of lav or deste Portrait (n) a punting, drawing, or phoragraph oF 3 person Felation (n) sien of your family, such as an aunt oF cous remain x) to stay inthe same place or coniton rumour (1) piece of news that may oF may ot be tre ‘eandal (n) shocked discussion about somthing bad that an important person his dane shame (n) the unpleasnt fecling of Knowing thit you have done something bad and that people may think hay of you; however, ‘What a shat soul (a) the deepest and mos important pat ofa person, which many people believe will continue afer death suspect () to think that someone may be gilky of somthing bad ‘swallow (+) ro ake food oF drink go denen your throat Aragedy (0) 2 very ad event oF station: trie event or situation ust means What a py Violin (os small wooden msi instrament with strings worship (st love and admire someone very much worth (a) valuable or important enough for Yawn (a) to open your mouth very wide when tired or bored

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