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Sean Singh

ENS 434 Reflection

1.What did you learn in this class and how can you see yourself applying it in the future as it

relates to your personal and/or career goals?

I learned the basics of motivational interviewing such as building rapport, active listening,

evoking intrinsic motivators and core, and collaborating with the client to form a plan. Dietetics

is more than just simply knowing the nutritional knowledge, you also have to know how to

properly communicate that knowledge to get potentially resistant patients to make important

lifestyle changes. As someone who had issues in the past with confidently getting my point

across, this class has given me a sort of blueprint to follow to be more successful in those kinds

of conversations.

2.Which activity or assignment stood out for you and why?

The team ideation project stood out the most for me. We had to create an program or product that

would prove to be useful on the market. The health and fitness industry proved to be very

saturated and it was hard thinking of unique ideas without it being too niche. Our group

ultimately decided to make a multi-platform app with a library of accessible workouts where

people new to exercise can match with certified trainers. Making the app not just a carbon copy

of bigger apps such as the Nike Training Club was extremely difficult due to them having been

on the market for longer and had more chances to develop a refined product. We made ourselves

unique by separating workouts by experience level such as novice, intermediate, and advanced.
3.What about the way the course was taught facilitated your learning the material?

We used a website called TopHat to view required readings. The chapters there were made much

more concise and easier to understand compared to an average textbook so that helped out

someone like me who is traditionally a slow reader catch up on work. Many visuals were

provided to further clarify what the text was talking about.

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