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Our Favorite Takeaways: 

You don’t have to eat to get ready for the day because our body does this for us. Starting at about
4:00am our body releases certain hormones which stimulates the liver to pump out glucose so you
don't have to eat as soon as you wake up. 
Breakfast means, break your fast and can be done anytime of the day. It also implies that you actually
have to fast in order to be able to break your fast, it's part of the natural cycle of life.
The body has two complementary storage systems, glycogen which is easy to access and has limited
storage, and fat which is much harder to get at and has unlimited storage. So when we fast our body
switches from glycogen to stored body fat for energy which pumps you up and gives you more energy
to carry on through the day.
Fasting physiological stages: 
The eating phase. When we eat levels of insulin rise. The insulin is used to feed our cells with
glucose. Once our liver and muscle stores are full it is then stored as fat. We store sugar in our
liver in the form of glycogen. 
The fasting phase (0-6 hrs after last meal). Towards the beginning of your fast  your insulin
levels begin to drop, and your body starts to burn glycogen for fuel.
The post absorption phase (6-24 hrs after your last meal). Once your glycogen runs out the body
starts to breakdown damaged proteins through a process called gluconeogenesis to provide cells
with energy. 
The fat burning stage (24-36 hrs after your last meal). Up to this point, fat oxidation (burning)
has been steadily increasing. Some of the body’s fat has been converted to ketones for fuel
while other tissues, like muscle, can burn fat directly. 
The protein conservation stage. After 36 hrs fat oxidation takes over, and protein burning drops
to minimal amounts. At this stage nearly all of the body’s energy is derived from fat.
When your body is burning glucose it's not burning fat and when it's burning fat it doesn't burn
glucose. This is called the randle cycle.
Protein is not stored as energy. Your body uses protein to build muscle and the excess turns to glucose. 
When you fast insulin goes down and growth hormones go up, this serves to maintain muscle mass
and lean tissue, so when you are eating all the time, your growth hormone is suppressed. 
Not all carbohydrates are created equal, we need to look at the glycemic index to understand which
foods increase your insulin levels more than others
The hunger hormone ghrelin comes in waves and will fall back to baseline shortly after you skip a
meal. Our body still feeds itself by using stored fat instead of food.
24 hr fasting, Intermittent fasting and long term fasting can be an option for people with certain
diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart or kidney disease.
The world record for not eating is 382 days. But it just depends on how much stored body fat you

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