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Sean Singh

NUTR 404 Reflection

1.What did you learn in this class and how can you see yourself applying it in the future as it

relates to your personal and/or career goals?

This class went more in depth of the financial and entrepreneurship side of the food service

industry. We learned about marketing strategies, basic components of a business such staffing,

management, accounting, and HR, and how to be an effective leader/manager. I think whether or

not you own a business, it’s still important to have good leadership and management skills in

case you have to step up and provide that role. In the case of dietetics, they may be in charge of

developing food programs and rotations in settings like hospitals, schools, and prisons and must

be able to communicate with other departments to ensure the most satisfaction for the people

they are serving.

2.Which activity or assignment stood out for you and why?

The business plan project stood out the most for me. Compared to the one in 303, we focused

much more on the financial and marketing side. We had to analyze the market and competition of

the specific location we set up in, outline the staff and hierarchy, create a working schedule that

correlates with how many full time employees we have, estimate startup costs, and figure out

how we were going to finance the operation. Aside from some managerial experience as a

restaurant, all of this information especially regarding entrepreneurship was brand new to me and

very confusing at first.

3.What about the way the course was taught facilitated your learning the material?

Having the business plan separated into different parts based on what we covered at the time

during the semester was helpful. It allowed to use to work with what we know and not get too

overwhelmed since many of the students had no business experience before.

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