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Learning activity 4

Evidence: Wisdom comes with experience

Fuente: SENA

“It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old; they grow old
because they stop pursuing dreams.” Gabriel García Márquez.

In different countries, the elderly are considered repositories of wisdom. In Colombia,

that might not be the case. Let’s change that. Think about one time where an elderly
person gave you a piece of advice that you still treasure. That person might be a relative,
an acquaintance, or a fictional character. Write a story about the event. Make sure
reported speech is the key component of your composition. The example below better
illustrates what you have to do.


This story took place in Villa de Leyva. I had gone camping with a couple of friends
right after my divorce. The campsite was a piece of land an elderly couple rents to make
some extra money. The man is probably 93 years old and the woman is 90 years old.
They are very hardworking and live in a placid state of acceptance and gratefulness that
is only attainable through experience.
I am a morning person. I like getting up really early. The second morning I was there, I
got up and went to have some coffee. Doña Rosita, the old lady, was already awake. She
told me I looked sad and asked me if I wanted to talk about it. I told her I had gotten
divorced and was feeling down. I don’t know why I felt like opening up to her. Up until
that point, I had tried to avoid the subject. Anyway, I told her I didn’t know what to do.
I told her I felt lost. She patiently listened to me until I didn’t have anything else to say.

She looked at me and told me it was ok to feel that way, but then she said it was not a
good idea to obsess over it. She said we always want answers as to why people act the
way they do, but people themselves most of the times don’t know. She told me to let go
of those feelings and embrace the many blessings my life had. She said hardships are
the ways life has to wake you up when you have lost the way. I still remember that
conversation and still feel grateful for meeting her. It was humbling to know that a
person with no formal education could possess so much wisdom. Wherever she is, I
hope she is doing great.

Evidence: Wisdom comes with experience:

Liliana will tell me about her experiences. I usually have strange dreams, sometimes they are
so strange that it is difficult to believe, among them I took the advice of an old man, whose
identity I do not know, I think he used to dream of many people. Give me practical advice, he
advises me because I advised him. I am also an old woman in this dream, sadly I asked the old
man, what good can I do for this world? Well, there is no peace, there is no freedom, and there
is news of mourning every day throughout the country. If she hears someone stabbed her and
she feels lucky when she gets stabbed, the wife sells her husband to a neighbor and comes
back for her, people say good or bad, old or young. Leave the job if you work alone, and
misfortune will rob you mercilessly. She told me: “Fear, my daughter, you are not going to be
able to change the course of what happened, and she laughed and said: As a scoundrel, don't
give up, your family, stay together, your duty is to do what you can! ! Live like a thief in your
city, the word of God in your words and deeds, so that you can cross every street without fear
and carry a very light burden of conscience. Not good. Grandfather also smiled and said, be
proud of your home, be faithful to your loved ones, live with them according to the word of
God, may you be my age, and if something tears you apart, then peace and freedom will be at
your side. Your enemies will dominate you and sooner or later you will discover that being in
the church is the end of your life and your identity. Before, you could do anything you could
think of, and I would explain firmly: "But now that you have life, remove from your soul
everything that sows bitterness in you, and when you reach my age, if you advise your
grandson, they will go Accompanied by words of wisdom, and your justice will raise its head,
I assure you., land or appearance, always support those who are transparent with conscience "-
he concluded with this sentence.

It is advice in the middle of a dream that I appreciate very much because, here there is no
longer peace, here there is no longer freedom, here there is nothing left that we can control.

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as
1. Click the title of this evidence.
2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure the
file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide in
order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them and
deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
Informa lo dicho por una o varias personas utilizando la estructura gramatical y
el vocabulario requerido.

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