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Summary of the Artifact:

The artifact that I feel best represents Standard 4: Content Knowledge is the Solid &
Liquids Science Unit I designed and implemented in my first-grade student teaching
placement. All of the parts of this unit directly aligned with the Wilson School District’s
science curriculum as well as the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) state
standards. In this unit, students gained a meaningful experience as they explored the
world around them and saw how different liquids and solids change propeties. The unit
involved various disciplines that included science, math, language arts, and art. As an
example, for science, the students used science process skills to sort, observe, and
make predictions about liquids and solids. For math, the students counted and grouped
objects based on their properties. In language arts, students participated in two shared
readings and created a short book written about solids and liquids. Lastly, for the art
discipline, students learn dances to remember the properties of liquids. In addition,
students sang songs and completed daily exit slips where they were expected to draw
and color various liquids and solids.


This unit showcases my ability to create lessons and instructional materials that are
meaningful to my students. In this unit, I integrated various disciplines and included
diverse resources and accommodations to meet the needs of all of my students. On the
website, I also included the student’s pre/post-test scores. The data from the
pre/post-tests showed a positive correlation. This means the students met my learning
objectives and mastered the concepts I taught in each of the lessons.

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