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Summary of the Artifact:

The artifact that I feel best represents Standard 7: Planning for Instruction is a math
lesson I taught during my fall placement in a kindergarten classroom. It is also important
to note that 8 of my 21 students were English Language Learners (ELLS.) As I planned
this lesson I had to keep in mind the needs of all of my students to help them each
achieve the learning goal. I feel this lesson combines all of my educational go-to's:
differentiated instruction, group work, and whole-group presentation.


To begin this lesson, I started with a whole group mini-lesson on the topic (counting
numbers 1-5.) Then I stopped throughout the lesson to give the students an opportunity
to come up to our Smartboard and move objects into five frames that were displayed on
the screen. After the mini-lesson, the students demonstrated their learning by playing a
memory game in a small group. To accommodate my ELLS I created memory cards that
included pictures and both the English and Spanish words on each card. During this
lesson, all of the students were actively engaged. I was also amazed at the
social-emotional learning happening in this lesson. For many of my students, it was their
first time playing a structured game. I noticed how the students took turns and helped
each other find matches. I feel this lesson demonstrated my attention to detail when
designing my lessons and how I accounted for various learning styles.

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