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Andi Aidil Tasbih Hasit


On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction to who I am. My name is Andi Aidil
Tasbih Hasit. I am the first of three children. I was born in Bone, January 8th 2000 . Currently,
I live in Jalan Toddopuli 6, Puri Taman Sari, Blok A10 number 11, Makassar. My dream is i
just want to be in America or Europe, get a job and live there, i know it sounds very dreamy
but i think everyone has the right to their own dreams.
I graduated from high school in 2017, and since then I have not entered college. I only
entered college this year, because I just realized that education is important. That's why when
I entered this early semester, I had a little problem about academics, considering the last time
I had an academic education was 4 years ago. but that did not hinder my intention to study,
because besides that I chose a major that I was very interested in.
There are several things that always make me very excited when studying general English
courses, the first is because it is closely related to international relations. the second is my
hobby, I like watching movies, even I feel it's not a want but a need. and the third thing is that
I feel English is a very easy language to use to express something that is normal when we
use bahasa it sounds like it's stiff, for example like "nice to meet you" an expression to
someone we just met.
Talking about my impression during the study process at the University of Bosowa, is that
I am very grateful and very comfortable following the learning process, besides I have very
friendly classmates, I also feel that all the lecturers really make the teaching and learning
process very interesting and easy to understand even though the learning process is still
daring. as well as here, I feel Miss.Dahlia way of teaching is very simple and straight to the
And to be honest, I really can’t wait to learn face to face with you Miss. Dahlia which will
definitely be very exciting because we can practice pronunciation and listening directly. So,
thank you for the opportunity, and hopefully we will be given health so that we can meet again
in the next semester. Thanks….!!

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