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ara a * pi * VE ERM * * JUNTR DE ANDAWOR, ee NIVEL INTERMEDIO INGLES /B1 . * PRUEBAS DE CERTIFICACION 2017/2018 NIVEL INTERMEDIO- MODELO 1 A ‘TAREA 1 MONGLOGO: YOUR BEST FRIEND You are going to talk about your best friend. © Describe your best friend and explain why he/she is so important to you ‘© Tall about when and where you met and what you used to do together in the past. © Talk about your relationship at present, what you do together and if you have a common future plan. ‘These images are hereto help you but you don't need to interpret them or use thern ta accomplish ths task NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 1 A ‘TAREA 2 DIALOGO: A JOB OFFER You have been offered a new post in your present company. Study the new job offer conditions and compare them with the ones from your present job. You think it is a good opportunity to be promoted and a great adventure but itis essential for you to keep the family together. © Try to convince your husband / wife that itis a good idea to accept the job. Give reasons (you can use the information below) © Tryto come to an agreement with him/her according to your family situation Present job Future job “40,000 euros a year 60.000 euros a year Shouts a day Move abroad Free weekends 10 hours a day -L-month holiday/year -Only two free weekends/month -Not easy to be promoted -2:month holiday /year Free school tuition for chien Easy to promote in 2 years You begin the dialogue ING-NEEIOJUN Todas las imagenes utiizadas son imagenes libres de derechos.

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