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Telur dadar gulung ala Korea (A Korean-style omelet roll)

Bahan (The Ingredients)

1. 3 butir telur (three eggs)
2. 1 sdm susu (one tablespoon milk)
3. 1/2 wortel, cincang halus (half of carrot and you chopped)
4. 1/2 bawang bombai, cincang halus (half Bombay and you chopped Bombay Cloves)
5. 1 daun bawang, ambil bagian hijaunya saja dan cincang halus (1 sliced leek but take
only the green part and finely chop)
6. Garam dan lada secukupnya (Salt and pepper to taste)
Cara membuat telur dadar gulung ala Korea (How to make a Korean-style omelet roll)
1. Pecahkan telur ke dalam mangkuk, tambahkan susu dan garam. (Break eggs into a
glass bowl and add milk and salt.)
2. Kocok sampai bahan tercampur rata. (Beat until the ingredients are evenly mixed.)
3. Masukkan wortel, daung bawang, bawang bombai, dan lada. Kocok kembali. (Add
the carrots, scallions, Bombay, and peppers. We mix back.)
4. Siapkan teflon, lumuri dengan minyak sayur. Sedikit saja. Panaskan teflon. (Prepare
Teflon, heat the Teflon, and grease a little with vegetable oil in the Teflon.)
5. Tuang 1/2 campuran telur, masak dengan api kecil sampai setengah matang. (Pour the
half mixture of egg, and cook over low heat until half.)
6. Gulung telur sampai setengah saja, geser ke bagian pinggir teflon. (Roll the egg in
half, and slide it to the edge of the Teflon.)
7. Tuang 1/4 campuran telur, masak sampai setengah matang. (Pour in a quarter of the
egg mixture, and cook until half)
8. Gulung lagi, lalu geser ke bagian pinggir. Lakukan langkah yang sama sampai
campuran telur habis. (Roll again, then slide to the edge. Do the same steps until the
egg mixture is used up.)
9. Kalau sudah matang, letakkan di atas latenan. Dinginkan dulu karena telur dadar
panas mudah hancur. (When it is cooked, place it on a cutting board. Refrigerate first
because hot omelets crumble easily.)
10. Setelah cukup dingin, potong telur dadar gulung sesuai selera. (Once cool enough,
cut the omelet rolls according to taste.)
11. Telur dadar gulung ala Korea siap disajikan. Boleh juga ditambah saus tomat atau
saus sambal. (Korean-style omelet roll is ready to be eaten. You can also add tomato
sauce or chili sauce.)

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