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It is difficult to imagine how we are going to live in 2175. Many people would like
to live until that year and I’m not the exception. The truth is that that event will
affect not only the way that the world is, it will also affect the way we relate. We
can see this event like the famous “yin-yang”, everything good has something
bad and everything bad has something good.
Technology is going to be in his high expression, we could see technology
advantages like robots in houses, at work, at hospitals and in many places.
Transportation is also another area that will be develop for the technology. In
these days you can perceive and feel when a vehicle is on movement and many
times are annoying the bumps in the tracks. In the year 2175 you are going to
travel like if you were in your living room, you are going to enjoy the smooth
seat and there will be no problems with the bumps because the gravity and
inertia is something that we will control to perfection.

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