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Dear mother

Dear mother
I hope you are well, how could you see in the photos, I am in the city of San Andrés and
Providencia, there are very beautiful and wonderful places such as the sea of seven colors,
Santa Catalina, the blowing hole, the swimming pool, Crab Cay.
With my friends, we visited the sea of seven colors where we did diving, we admired the
landscape, and we had an incredible day, then we walked the streets where we could see
that the people reflect the Raizal heritage, a mixture of races, a place that lives with calm
but deep faith.
The magic and charm of San Andrés y Providencia made us wear comfortable clothes, such
as shorts, skirts, and other garments for a hot and humid climate that occurs in this city,
so we use sunscreen and take advantage of the weather to tan.
How much I would give
because you were here sharing by my side.


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