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Construct a problem relevant to your program which can be solved using t-test, z-test, Pearson and

test the normality, Skewness; submit an Excel printout and the 5-step solution.
1. Write a one-paragraph rationale for choosing the topic
a. why did you choose the topic?
b. is it important in your program?
c. Who will benefit from it?
2. Identify the target population
3. Identify the sampling and data gathering technique to be used
4. Identify the research design
5. Hypothesis
6. Level of significance
7. A. test statistics
7. Excel printout (identify/state the test that used)
8. Decision (accepts or failed to reject Ho)
9. Conclusion
10. implication/interpretation
11. Amazing name of your group. Role /function of each member.
I. We choose the topic “Relationship between Hours of social media usage and Hours of
sleep” not only because of we just want to know who will be the less sleep of people
among of our respondents but also to know if there is a relations between the hours of
using social media to the sleep quality of the First years students in Bachelor of
Secondary Education Major in Social Studies University of La Salette. And to find out
how many hours they will use their Social media accounts. Then to know if they are
using social media in a right use of netiquette, we choose this topic because it’s able to
determine that the use of social media before bed use leads to disturbed sleep and lessen
their sleep quality. At last, we can find out and we can suggest that who want to improve
their sleep should focus on reducing social media use at this particular time of day.
Reducing social media use before bed may be more feasible and effective than reducing
social media use across the entire day. Yes, it is important in our program because this
studies investigate students and their sleep wherein that’s because of the use of mobile
phones or handheld devices to access the Internet, that may extend the waking hours
further into the night and thereby contribute to daytime sleepiness among BSED Students
Major in Social Studies. Then one of the goals of the present study is to examine the
relationship between social media use and sleep quality then length among college
students in BSED 1 major in Social Studies. Investigation in this area is imperative as
social media use has infiltrated almost every aspect of young adults’ lives and the impact
of its effect on individuals is just beginning to emerge. To explore and understand the
relationship between Social media and hours of sleep. It is also important to identify the
reasons for heavy usage to better manage their sleep quality and quantity then also the
better sleep quality. The following research questions were used to design this study and
analyse the data collected: How many hours do First year students in BSED Major in
Social Studies students spend on using their social media and what relationships exist
between social media usage and sleep quality? It will also serve as fundamental results
for our studies wherein it will serve an answer in our questions that social media gives us
unprecedented opportunities to connect, learn, and empathize with people on a global
scale, but that doesn't mean it's superior to good old fashioned, in person communication.
Try to take some time to unplug or disconnection to improve your sleep cycle and
quality. This research studies is very important because it shown that overuse of
electronic media is related to sleep disorders. Moreover, some research studies show that
there is an association between social media dependence and poor quality of sleep.
Because knowing low quality of sleep is influencing the related daytime functioning,
working memory, and mood of individuals, the academic results of young students, and
interfered with their interpersonal interactions. The target beneficiaries of this studies is
the people who are addicted in using social media to had a better sleep quality among the
First year students of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies in
University of La Salette that will be our respondents on this studies.
II. The target population of this research study is the participants that we were recruited
from the First year students of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies
in University of La. In total, we collected data from 10 Students: 2 males and 8 females. 
III. In data collection due to the availability of monitoring its limitations, the study was
restricted to students in Social Studies. Students’ ages ranged from 17- 20. We undergo
surveys during our math time at 1:30 O’clock p.m. – 3:00 O’clock p.m. We ask the
participants the time of their sleep and the time that they were allotted for using social for
conducting and gathering of data. We conducted a face to face interview and survey,
yielding we have 10 respondents: 2 males and 8 female from college students from the
BSED 1 Major in Social Studies, the survey was meant to describe the relationship of the
sleep quality on the social media usage. Although most of these students in the
respondents are sleepless because of a high social media.

IV. The research design used a correlational design investigated the predictive value of time
allotted in using social media and sleep quality. Participants were required to answer a
series of survey question by undergoing in a interview which measured the predictor
variable that it has a relationships among the two.

V. Hypothesis 
 Ho - There is significant relationship between the hours of using social
media and the hours of sleep.
 Ha - There is no significant relationship between the hours of using social
media and the hours of sleep.
VI. Alpha                  The level of significance is 0.05
VII. Test Statistic T-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances
VIII. Decision             Accept Ho and Reject Ha
Conclusion       There is significant relationship between the hours of using social media
and the hours of sleep. So that, Accept Ho.

IX. The purpose of this survey was to know the hypotheses to learn more about the
relationship between relationship between Hours of social media usage and Hours of
sleeping habits. The statistically significant results indicated that our research seek the
answer. These results leave room for future research on the relationship between Hours of
social media usage and Hours of sleeping habits. Based on our findings, we cannot say
that social media usage can be linked to change in quality and/or quantity of sleep. Our
statistical results, and their lack of statistical significance, can be related to our small
sample size. As a result of our lack of excessive time to gather data, we only had a total
of 10 responses. Our small sample was non-probabilistic and thus lacked
representativeness of the overall population at the University of La Salette. Our results
can also be linked to the fact that the survey is based on participants’ self-evaluation of
sleep and Social media use. With this being said, we can assume that not all participants
responded truthfully, or maybe their estimates were not reliable, and we can assume that
most participants answered the survey quickly without really taking the time to answer
each question to the best of their ability. In turn, we had fewer data for the open-ended
questions than for the close-ended questions. Our questions should also have looked at
possibly one or two more social media platforms because by focusing hours of the two
variables we were limited to participants who avidly students of BSED 1 major in social
studies. Some participants may use social media in a long time and has a less sleep. This
way, we would have had more specific data for each social media adding another level of
depth to our survey. Our survey would have also benefited from a few more questions.
Perhaps we could have also asked a wider range of questions regarding sleep and social
media. For the most part our survey asked questions regarding hours of sleep and hours
of social media use. In conclusion, although the results were not statistically significant,
they pointed us in a direction toward more research and a basis for future studies. There
is significant relationship between the hours of using social media and the hours of sleep.
So that, Accept Ho.

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