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Define Propaganda in your

own words
And write anything you know about propaganda
What is Propaganda?

● Information that is used to influence an audience and further an
● The aim of WWI propaganda was to:
○ Recruit troops
○ Build support for the war
○ Encourage people to buy war bonds
● Posters were a cheap and effective way to spread simple messages
● Created by Australian Norman
● Depicts German troops with
spiked helmets reaching Australia
● Australia shown by typical water
tank and the clothes
● Aimed to scare Australians into
joining up and helping the war
● Famous “Uncle Sam”
● Usually has a ‘call to action’ such
as go to nearest recruiting station
● Clear, large, minimal text
● Holds the viewer accountable with
direct stare, finger pointing and
emphasis on YOU
Practice Example

Try out your own analysis for the poster

shown to the left:

1. Write a detailed description of what

is shown in the poster
2. Explain the message the author is
trying to present.
● Created by Harryl Ryle Hopp (1917)
● The German enemy is depicted as a
barbarian gorilla arriving in America
● His spiked helmet reads “Militarism”
● He holds an abducted ‘Lady Liberty’
● His blooded club is German ‘Kultur’ or
culture and moustache is similar to
Kaiser Wilhelm II
● Enemies often drawn as animals or
monsters and “un-human”
● Uses women as victims to evoke an
emotional and defensive response in
American men
● German example reads “Help us
Win! Buy War Bonds”
● This was a way of loaning your own
money to the government to fund
the war effort
● The soldier wears a typical rounded
steel helmet, has a gas mask and
‘potato masher’ grenades
● Surrounded by barbed wire
● His eyes are drawn as small
crosses for Christian symbolism
● There was a massive need for
women in the factories, to produce
the weapons, ammunition and
uniforms needed for the soldiers
● Here women of Britain are
encouraged to come work in
factories producing aircraft
● The aircraft is a large bomber plane
and tanks can also be seen
emerging from factories
● The call to action is to ‘ask at any
employment exchange for advice
and full details’
● Simple, easy to read, emotive and

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