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Spirituality, is not merely associated with religion, it has links but is also exclusive of
it. Spirituality is all about a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves. It
is about searching and finding a meaning to life and living. The natural quest of
spiritual seeking is to rediscover the original character of man.

Since spirituality is too often confused with religion, hence there is a non-availability
of a universally accepted definition of it. Spirituality is therefore believed to relate to
faith, values, love, compassion, enlightenment, higher consciousness, relating to
divinity and cosmic powers. At the very least and in particular for this essay,
spirituality is all about the ‘original’ goodness of the human kind. Human nature is
pure; it is environment that de-nudes the basic pure inherent and intrinsic nature, to
give us the deformed and ugly nature, that men demonstrate in their dealings.

Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is

something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory
experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in
nature. Spirituality means knowing that our lives have significance in a context
beyond a mundane everyday existence at the level of biological needs that drive
selfishness and aggression. It means knowing that we are a significant part of a
purposeful unfolding of Life in our universe.

Spirituality involves exploring certain universal themes – love, compassion, altruism,

life after death, wisdom and truth, with the knowledge that some people such as saints
or enlightened individuals have achieved and manifested higher levels of development
than the ordinary person. Aspiring to manifest the attributes of such inspirational
examples often becomes an important part of the journey through life for spiritually
inclined people.

So, spirituality can be defined as:

 Intangible being (phenomenon), it is difficult to define what it really is. 

 Spirituality is an enlightened focus on “WHO WE REALLY ARE”. 
 It helps us understand the purpose of our existence and to see things as they
really are

As human beings, we tend to focus more on the physical and material aspects of life
than spiritual issues. We are so engrossed in the former that we barely find the time to
think about the latter. But it is essential to know that we can only find unconditional
happiness and peace if we enrich our inner spiritual lives.

Similarly, we rarely pay heed to spirituality at work, neglecting it, and giving little or
no importance to finding meaning at work.

The concept of spirituality at work might seem like being religious at work, but
nothing can be further from the truth. Contrary to popular conception, it has nothing to
do with religious practices or beliefs.

Scenarios pertaining to spirituality

 In the late 1970s and throughout the 1990s, an expansion of management theories
included focus not just on the workers as physical beings, or as emotional beings but
also as thinking beings. With the advent of Quality circles and similar approaches
came the recognition that workers did not check their minds at the door when they
came to work, but in fact, they were actually the experts at their jobs and probably
knew more about how to make things better than the engineers. As our concept of
what it means to be human is expanding, so too are our management theories

 With recent research in quantum physics and holistic medicine, people are coming to
accept that humans are also spiritual beings, that we are the sum of body, mind
emotion and spirit. As crass as this may sound, spirituality is the new competitive
edge. Most organizations are physically efficient, and they attend to the emotional and
social needs of employees to some degree. They have learned how to involve

employees in decision making and to tap their intellectual abilities. But how many of
them have learned to tap into the human spirit?

 When we talk about Spirituality and Human spirit, there are two things: First, a
connection to something greater than ourselves, whatever one might call it; second, a
sense of meaning and purpose that guides our lives. Organizations which have long
been viewed as rational systems are considering making room for the spiritual
dimension, a dimension which has less to do with rules and order and more with
meaning, purpose and a sense of community

 An organization ‘s drive to continually change is similar to the adaptive nature of

biological organisms that evolve over time. And, as is true for biological organisms,
those organizations that do not learn to adapt, usually become extinct. For example, in
the mid-1980s it became clear to many business leaders that operating an organization
according to the previously acceptable ―command and control‖ style was no longer
competitive. This way of operating had simply become too slow, inefficient, and
resistant to change to keep up with the complexity of accelerated change experienced
by most companies.

 In response to that realization, proactive organizations began the significant

integration of high employee involvement, teamwork, and empowerment into their
management practices. A high performing organization is one that continually adapts
to its changing business environment. Adaptation occurs as a result of individual and
organizational transformation. Transformation is an irreversible change in the mind-
set of an organization ‘s leadership and employees. It sets the stage for a continuous
improvement and often a new way of operating. Such change commonly results in an
organization redefining its vision, strategy, and performance expectations.

 A poll published in USA Today found that 6 out of 10 people say workplaces

would benefit from having a great sense of spirit in their work environment.

 The French philosopher Teilhard de Chardin once said, “we are not human
beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human


Spirituality is about finding meaning, value, and motivation in one’s work beyond pay
checks and performance. It is about people finding a sense of oneness and
togetherness in an organization as a whole.

Spirituality in the workplace began in the early 1920s and emerged as a grassroots
movement with individuals seeking to live their faith and/or spiritual principles at

Now, more and more organizations realize the importance of workplace spirituality.
Also, people now acknowledge the fact that work can be meaningful to their lives as

The emerging paradigm called “spirituality in the workplace” is expressed in many ways.
Some authors say that a fundamental tension between rational goals and spiritual fulfilment
now haunts workplaces around the world, and that survey after management survey affirms
that a majority want to find meaning in their work. Other authors hold that something has
been stirring in worker’s souls for quite some time now-a longing for deeper meaning, deeper
connection, greater simplicity, a connection to something higher.

Bruce Jentner, president of Jentner Financial Group in Bath, Ohio recognizes this trend. I
have a deep conviction that everybody has a need for something bigger in life than just
making money and going to work. Other authors view this topic even more broadly,
describing work as a spiritual journey for many of us, although we talk about it in many

Chris Sangster, writes ―Spirituality can be seen basically as displaying and applying a
heightened level of awareness towards others in a selfless way. The benefits of such an
approach are clearly greater staff loyalty and retention leading to increased productivity and
creativity. In Sangster‘s opinion spiritual workers are those who think co-operatively and/or
altruistically; have a balanced objective view of the world; listen as much as (or more than)

they speak; apply three dimensional bigger picture thinking; believe in some higher driving
force and purpose beyond humankind; find the time to think things through objectively; think
laterally in order to promote realistic solutions; encourage and empower others selflessly;
work open-mindedly with a wide range of people; consistently display integrity and
trust ,and; expect the best from people without being a “soft touch”.

Spirituality at work is becoming an essential aspect of organizations around the world

and for a good reason, i.e., its numerous benefits -

 Improved overall well-being of employees.

 Increased employee productivity.

 Reduced absenteeism.

 Increased motivation and commitment.

 Increased job satisfaction.

 Improved quality of life.

 Increased employee morale.

 Reduced workplace stress.

 Reduced employee burnout.

 Reduced employee turnover rates.

 Improved work performance.

These benefits highlight the importance for employers to incorporate spirituality at


There’s a wide range of important perspectives.  

 Some people say that it’s simply embodying their personal values of honesty,
integrity, and good quality work. 
 Others say it’s treating their co-workers and employees in a responsible, caring

 For others, it’s participating in spiritual study groups or using prayer,
meditation, or intuitive guidance at work. 
 And for some, it’s making their business socially responsible in how it impacts
the environment, serves the community or helps create a better world.  

Spiritualism in the corporate world until about a decade or so back was considered
heresy, particularly across the Atlantic and to a lesser degree in the UK and the
continent. Today management scientist and gurus have come to realise that while
money matters, but in itself, it is insufficient and inadequate to keep staff motivated;
in the short-term maybe it can serve as an inspirational tool, but in the long run it will
fail to do so; instead, staff would crave for finding a purpose to their work.

Hence, we see the emphasis of corporates in finding ways and means to relate to
universal issues of green economy, climate change challenges, and social issues like
mental health, wellness at work, and many others. All these initiatives are directed to
give the organisation a sense of spirituality - the naturally blessed goodness of heart
for the greater good of the community being the cornerstone of their policies. The
basic premise of thought being that benefiting the community will inevitably benefit
the institution.

A management team that is possessed of elements of spirituality will have at its core
belief and systems, the characteristics and virtues reflecting a peaceful, calm and
placid state of mind; an attitude of benevolence, confidence and above all of equity,
fairness and justice.

To enlist commitment of the workforce, the institution has to relate itself to a higher
meaning of life. Some Organisations have a declared policy of allocating a certain

percentage of the profits to be used specifically for non-profit social welfare activities,
involving health, education, etc.

Connection between Spirituality, Religion, Values, Ethics, God

 Some business people are comfortable using the word “spirituality” in the work
environment, as it’s more generic and inclusive than “religion.”  
 Instead of emphasizing belief as religion does, the word spirituality emphasizes
how values are applied and embodied.  
 Other people aren’t comfortable with the word “spiritual” and prefer to talk
more about values and ethics when describing the same things that others would
call spiritual.  
 But there are some business people who talk about God as their business partner
or their CEO. 


In this technology-driven Digital Age, Management Education is primarily engaged in

development of skills and techno-economic competence of students with dominant
thrust on sharpening their rational faculties and quantitative ability. Deeper questions
and nobler qualitative issues like Spirituality, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
and Ethics are naturally assigned low priority in the rush for money, career, fame,
power and position both at the individual and organizational levels.

Exploration in pertinent tenets of Classical Indian Wisdom (Upanishads or Vedanta

and the Bhagavadgita) to enrich the spectrum of Management education with insights
on Humanistic Philosophy, Holistic Learning, Enlightened CSR and Ethics, and
Inspirational Leadership helps towards creating a better and more humane future for
modern organizations.
 Corporate training courses consistently focus on teaching the knowledge, skills
and abilities people need in order to successfully do the work required. 
 Great value is also placed upon one’s ability to perceive, assess, and manage the
emotions of self and others.
 It is very important for the corporate world to continue to provide training for
the development of cognitive and emotional intelligence. 
 But something more important than these two is also require. 


 Society measures individual usefulness by what he do, and often blinded by an

extreme focus on producing results. 
 Our obsession with doing is so powerful that it nearly consumes us, leaving
little energy left to ponder the true nature of our being. 
 Yet the true power behind what we do, is in knowing who we are.
 The stronger the spiritual factor of personality, the more tolerant the person is of work
failure, and the less susceptible the person is to stress.
 The stronger the spiritual factor of personality, the more the person favours the
democratic style of leadership, the more trusting the person is, and the higher the
person’s tolerance is of human diversity.
 The stronger the spiritual factor of personality, the more the person exhibits altruistic
behavior and citizenship.
 The stronger the spiritual factor of personality, the more the person’s commitment to
the organization and work group increases.


 When we develop spiritual intelligence, we enjoy an increased ability to pick out

the actions, experiences, beliefs, and values that create greater meaning and
purpose in our lives. 

 The question of what is this human life experience really all about is answered
by and through the development of spiritual intelligence.
 A person who possesses high levels of spiritual intelligence easily identifies with
his or her Higher Self or Spirit rather than with the ego.
 Another benefit of spiritual development is a new standard of personal
 A spiritually intelligent person is empowered with a greater capacity for problem
 Each of us is blessed with a mind, a body, and a spirit—all interconnected and
when developed demonstrate that the whole truly is greater than the sum of the



Creating a spiritual workplace is a long and slow process. Employers have to change
how things are done to foster spirituality at work instead of just reaching targets. They
have to take an approach that encourages spiritual practices to take place in their
workplaces. Also, each employee develops at a different rate, so employers have to be
patient in their objective.

If you are an employer, here are some steps that will help you establish and nourish
spirituality in your workplace -

 First, you need to define and set a clear mission and purpose on how your
company will serve your clients with your products and services. The goal is to
create a purpose that is beneficial to the betterment of society, not just

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 Make sure that any action your company takes does not negatively affect other
people and other companies. Set your company apart by avoiding any actions
which hurt the environment as well.

 Hire and recruit people who understand your company’s mission statement and
actively work according to your company’s purpose. Hiring people who are not
concerned about spirituality will hinder the overall development of workplace
spirituality in your company.

 Make sure all your existing employees and managers are aware of your
company’s purpose.

 Create an environment of inclusion, diversity in your company. Promote and

encourage diversity in your employees’ thoughts and ideas.

 Educate and train your employees in the skills of self-leadership and self-
awareness. Encourage them to realize their value and self-worth.

 Train your employees on proper business conduct so that they can serve your
clients in a better, meaningful way.

 Encourage your employees to be more creative. Being creative enables people

to become more involved in their tasks and find meaning in their work.

 Discourage and eliminate fear among your employees. Spirituality can only
flourish in the absence of fear. For example, if employees are afraid of making
mistakes, they will never be able to learn from them.

 Foster an environment of trust in your workplace where employees can work,

learn, and contribute together for a more significant cause.

 Promote and encourage meditation and yoga among your employees.

Meditation and yoga help people become more self-aware, eliminate stress and
stress-related problems, and improve their overall well-being.

 Organize personality development seminars for your employees in your

workplace. Personality development teaches us to manage our social, personal,

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and professional lives better. It also helps us deal with the negativity around us
and be positive.

 Get to know each of your employees individually and also encourage them to
learn more about each other. Doing so will show your concern for them, and
they will appreciate it accordingly. Also, it will create a better work
environment, boosting team morale and productivity.

 Encourage your employees to spend time on their families, personal lives,

health, and so on. Doing so will help them find happiness, contentment, and
peace of mind in their own lives and at work.


Six effects that can be associated with a model of workplace spirituality.

1. Emphasizes Sustainability

A systemic view of work and contribution in the world promotes links between
sustainability and an awareness of limited resources. This approach to design,
production, and commerce is being increasingly associated with spirituality because it
seeks to contribute to the greater good in the world. It also has the potential to actually
increase market value and attract investors.

An understanding of sustainable growth and development includes a well-thought-out

strategy that identifies potential long-term impacts or implications of actions that
could have an eventual negative impact on business. This systemic view of global
business means that a company will constantly reassess the long view of risks and
rewards associated with doing business in the long run, including a careful ongoing

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review of potentially negative and unintended consequences of business decisions on
individuals, societies, or the environment.

2. Values Contribution

More than providing excellent service for customers, global service indicates a larger
sense of responsibility to contribute to the betterment of the world. While the local
family business may not provide products and services that will improve the quality of
life in third world countries, American companies historically have fundamentally
understood that part of their role is to make the world a better place through the
products or services that they sell. Today’s spiritual organization is deliberate in
implementing a vision that is built around contributions to the betterment of mankind.
It promotes work outside of the organization that contributes to and “gives back” to
society through community and volunteer service. Spiritually aware managers and
businesses consider themselves servants of employees, customers, and the community.

3. Prizes Creativity

Creativity is a necessary part of the business cycle. When technology, markets shifts,
and demographic changes force organizations to rethink products and services,
creativity is the key to successfully navigating those changes. The artistic industries
have long recognized the spiritual nature of individual and group creative processes,
and many educators understand the importance of seamless, daily incorporation of
creativity in helping their students learn. The spiritual workplace recognizes that being
creative is not necessarily reserved for a special few, but that all people have creative
capacities. A spiritual workplace provides resources to help people to uncover their
creative potential and to practice creativity within the organization.

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4. Cultivates Inclusion

Businesses are increasingly becoming core sources of community for people in

societies. The spiritual organization respects and values individuals’ life experiences
and the lessons learned from them. Such an organization is intentional in its efforts to
include individuals who bring appropriate skill sets to a particular job, but who may
have been excluded historically from participating in a professional community of
practice due to circumstances they did not choose. Such historic exclusion from the
workplace has included people with physical disabilities, people whose skin color or
ethnic origin differs from those of the majority population, and those who have been
discriminated against due to gender or sexual orientation. Increasingly, corporations
are seeing the value of their employees working together in community toward a
commonly held vision. They have a sense that the concepts of love and acceptance
within a cultural context of care builds a sense of community that supports the work of
the company and that has a direct impact on the bottom line.

5. Develops Principles

Organizations have begun to realize the benefits of treating the whole person by
actively supporting the formulation of ethical principles that promote personal growth,
long-term character development, and personal connections of faith and work
development. Assisting employees in integrating personal growth, learning, and faith
with job performance benefits the organization. This type of principled emphasis
includes providing resources that help employees better understand themselves,
develop successful professional and personal relationships, and enhance personal
management skills. Employees are encouraged to develop an accurate and realistic
sense of the impact that other people have on them and the impact that they have on

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6. Promotes Vocation

Organizations have long been aware of the benefits of shared ownership of corporate
values by every member of the organization. By acknowledging that one’s general
search for spiritual growth and fulfillment need not be separate from one’s work,
organizations lay the groundwork for spiritual development to assist in engendering
understanding among employees. Companies that understand workplace spirituality
go beyond being supportive of learning and development by helping employees
develop a sense of “calling” or identification of passion about their lives and their
work. Such companies emphasize the discovery and appropriate utilization of
individual giftedness and encourage employees to use their unique skills within the
organization. Grounded religious faith development is recognized as an important and
deeply personal part of growth for many people, one that can help them more easily
recognize their vocations.


Workplace spirituality or spirituality in the workplace is a movement that began not so

long ago. It is a relatively new phenomenon that is gaining importance around the
world. Corporations are now emphasizing spiritual values among their employees to
unlock their full potential. Also, employees realize that they can find meaning and
fulfilment in their jobs.

The bottom line is that spiritual employees offer more than just better performance
and productivity to companies. They create better places to work in and help
companies make the world a better place in general. As such, it seems unlikely that
this phenomenon will go out of trend anytime soon.

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