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第⼀部分 技能题 Part One Skill Questions

⼀ Designing Test Cases--测试⽤例设计

Designing Test Cases – Can use the below template for
writing test cases or as per company standards.

The mailbox binding function,the requirements are designed

as follows:
1. Mailbox input box, the format requirements conform to the
mailbox format
1. Verify email address field is accessible by clicking on
the email field.
2. Check users can type email in the email field.
3. Verify user can paste the email address in the field by
keyboard keys Ctrl + v.
4. Verify that the user can paste the email address with
the mouse by right-clicking in the email field and
pasting the email address.
5. Verify validation for the email field is implemented or
6. Verify an error message should be shown in case if the
user adds an invalid email address or not.
7. Validate the email field by entering a valid email
address. (
8. Verify the email must contain @ in the email address.
9. Verify that an email field accepts an email containing
plus + sign in the email address.
10. Verify an email field validates an email address
containing a domain or not. (
11. Make sure there should dot present in the email
address or not.
12. Verify an email address should be considered correct
if an email contains a subdomain.
13. Check that an email address has a maximum of 2
dots in case of the subdomain.
14. Verify an email address containing a special
character consider valid.
15. Verify an email address having numbers is valid.
16. Verify an email address may contain an IP address.
17. Verify an email may have square brackets.
18. An email address with quotes” ” should consider
19. An email address may contain dash – or underscore

2. Captcha get button

1. Verify the time duration in which the captcha is
loaded on the webpage.
2. Check the time out for the Captcha. The time in
which the captcha become unchecked.
3. Test the captcha on slow internet. An invalid captcha
error message should not be shown.
4. Verify the captcha and click on the submit button two
times. It should not display an invalid captcha error.
5. Verify every time a new captcha should be shown on
page reload.
6. Verify user IP is blocked on attempting an invalid
captcha after the defined number of attempts.
7. Verify captcha is placed on the required web page.
8. verify captcha added is aligned or not.
9. Verify captcha is shown on ad blockers or not.
10. Verify captcha working on adblocker or not.
11. verify webpage accepts the valid captcha or not.
12. Verify that the user can request for new captcha
without the page loading option is present or not.
13. Verify an audio option is added for the captcha or
not as per the requirements.
14. Verify new captcha is generated in case if the
user adds the wrong captcha.
15. Verify an error message shown when page timeout
for the captcha.
16. Verify an error message should be shown in case if
the captcha is not filled by the user.
17. Verify a proper error message is shown in case if the
user not fills the captcha correctly.
18. Verify an error message is shown in case if the
captcha is partly filled by the user.

3. Verification code input box, the verification code is pure 6

1- Verify the code received in the mailbox is 6 digits
2- Verify that code is generating within the time period.
3- Verify that code is receiving only on the entered input
4- Verify that multiple email not generating with same
5- Verify that once code used than that code should not
be reused for another mail binding.
6- Verify the code expiration, when user will not use
created code within the time period then that code
should be expired.
7- Verify that resend code functionality should be
worked properly.
8- Verify that user received different-different code for
each mail bind activity.
9- Verify that when user click for the resend code and
received two code (first code and second code which
created after click on the resend code) then only
resend code should be worked.
10- Verify that a proper error message is displayed on
code entry timeout.
11- Verify error message on wrong code entered
4. Submit button
1- Verify that button is clickable or not.

2- Check that when user click on submit button without

entering data in mandatory filed then error message

for mandatory field showing or not .
3- Check that page redirect to the expected page or not

when user enter the valid data in all the fields.

4- Check the button size /color as per requirement or not

5- Check that button name showing as per requirement

or not.
6- Check that a success message is displayed when the

bind mail page is submitted correctly

7- Validate if the email entered during mail bind function

is effective with mail bind functionality or not

Please design test cases according to requirements

⼆ sql⾯试题SQL interview questions

学⽣表(学⽣id,姓名,性别,分数,地址) )student(s
_id, name, sex, score,address)
班级表(班级id,班级名称) class(c_id, c_name)
学⽣班级表(班级id,学⽣id) student_class
2. 查询⼀班得分在80分以上或者等于60,61,62的学⽣
student (s_id, name, sex, score, address)
class (c_id, c_name)
student_class (s_id, c_id)
1. query the name of the student whose address is empty
and whose surname is Zhang
Ans: SELECT name FROM student
​WHERE address = ‘ ‘ OR address IS NULL AND name
LIKE ‘%Zhang’;

2. Query a class of students whose scores are above 80 or

equal to 60, 61, 62
Ans: SELECT class.c_name , student.score FROM student
JOIN student_class
ON student.s_id=student_class.s_id JOIN class ON
WHERE student.score>80 OR student.score
GROUP BY class.c_name;

第⼆部分 逻辑题 Part Two Logic Questions

⼀ 选择题(5分⼀题)

1、 从所给的四个选项中,选出最适合的⼀个填⼊问号
From the four choices given, choose the most suitable one
to fill in the question mark, so that it presents a certain

Ans: C
Divide the following six graphs into two types, so that each
type of graph has its own common characteristics or laws.
The correct classification is

Ans : A

公⾥,它10分钟能⻜⾏多少公⾥()A plane can fly 75
kilometers in 5 minutes. How many kilometers can it fly in
10 minutes if it flies an extra 3 kilometers per minute

A.750 B. 183 C. 180 D. 153

Ans: C

The sum of a and b is 18. The sum of b and c is 26,so?

​ A.a-c=8 B. c-a=8 C. a=c D. a>c

Ans: B


There are a 5L bottle and a 6L bottle, how to get 3L water?

Ans: Steps to follow to retrieve 3L water using a 5L bottle

and a 6L bottle
a> Fill water into the 5L bottle until it is full and then
pour this water into the 6L Bottle.
b> Repeat step <a> until the 6L bottle is full. The water
left in 5L bottle is now 4L
c> Empty the 6L bottle and Pour the obtained 4L water
from 5L bottle into the 6L bottle
d> Repeat step <a> until the 6L bottle is full. The water
left in 5L bottle is now 3L.Empty the 6L bottle.

What's the next line?

Ans: 3 1 2 2 1 1

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