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Dear Diary,

Another day, today has been slow, Lady Capulet is even more
snappy with me than usual, I’m not sure that I can
blame although, she’s clearly overcome by jealousy it’s
not my fault the way that Capulet stares, I told him to
stop or he’s going to make it obvious and she’ll attempt
to make my life a living hell, or at least drop a few
pounds with all the running around after her. Honestly
how many scratchy, fur coats do you need? and she
brags about being a vegan, such a deluded, rich,
princess, she doesn’t even know her own child’s
birthday, she hasn’t got a clue, I had to remind her that
it’s coming up. I didn’t give her the exact date mind you,
call me cruel but I love to see her squirm. I’m so excited
for Juliet’s birthday it’s about time she got some
freedom. A young girl can’t be cooped up her whole she
needs to get out, have adventures, break a few boy’s
hearts and see the world. I bet Lady Capulet’s
threatened by Juliet, doesn’t want her child to outshine
her and highlight the wrinkles on her face by the
comparison of Juliet’s youthful, porcelain complexion.

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