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We are always proactive in preventing security issues, however nobody can assume
they will never come up.
This is why we highly recommend to stay up to date with each new plugin version.

Version 1.2 - August 12th 2020

- NEW: Support for Avada 7.0+

- NEW: Changed to the new Avada 7.0 dashboard styling
- NEW: Removed some deprecated options and added some Avada 7.0+ specific ones

Version 1.1.4 - May 01st 2020

- NEW: Added checkboxes that allow to remove the Theme Builder Layout and Icon
sections from the admin menus
- NEW: Added option to remove the desktop expandable from the welcome screen
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed the deprecated Recent Comments and Try Gutenberg Panel
widgets from the dashboard widget option
- IMPROVEMENT: Re-arranged some tabs and updated the Support / FAQ contents
- UPDATED: The FAQ and Support tab hiding checkboxes have been combined to reflect
changes in Avada and Fusion Builder
- FIXED: Removed usage of deprecated filter contextual_help
- FIXED: Avada menu in admin bar showing ThemeFusion logo on hover when custom
image is set
- FIXED: Patches count still showing, even if patcher sub-menu was hidden
- FIXED: User roles with edit_theme_options capability see the white label branding
menu (without sub-menus) even if they are not enabled for it

Version 1.1.3 - January 22nd, 2019

- FIXED: HTML stripped off from Custom Welcome Panel after save/import
- FIXED: "Privacy Policy" link on WP login screen not respecting link color

Version 1.1.2 - October 29th, 2018

- FIXED: PHP notices when admin menus were renamed but also totally hidden

Version 1.1.1 - October 23rd, 2018

- NEW: Added setting to disable Avada Theme Options sub-menu

- NEW: Added settings to disable Fusion Builder Settings and Library sub-menus
- IMPROVEMENT: Made custom welcome message available for all user roles
- FIXED: Avada, Fusion Builder and Fusion Slider parent menus not being removed
when all sub-menus are removed

Version 1.1 - October 01st, 2018

- NEW: Added import/export section for easier option migration

- NEW: Added buttons to reset single sections or all options to default
- NEW: Added options to disable admin menus for Portfolio/FAQ/Fusion Slider/Elastic
- NEW: Added option to disable the Gutenberg info panel
- IMPROVEMENT: Added a warning on settings tab change if changes are unsaved
- IMPROVEMENT: Avada widget names are now renamed according to the settings
- FIXED: ThemeFusion logo in the Avada menu in the WP admin bar not being changed
- FIXED: Fusion Slider element in Fusion Builder not being changed in name and icon
- FIXED: Notices in admin area if the Fusion Slider menu entry is unset

Version 1.0.1 - January 16th, 2018

- NEW: Added a new settings page for Fusion Slider to allow fine tuned control
- FIXED: Load text domain missing
- FIXED: Menu items not being removed from admin bar for disabled admin menus
- FIXED: Theme Options admin bar menu label not being changed correctly
- FIXED: Admin menu name changes not respected for user roles other than
- FIXED: The icon of the FWLB admin menu is missing if Avada or Fusion Builder are
bot active
- FIXED: Fatal error happening if Fusion Builder is not activated
- FIXED: Setting to remove the lost password link on login screen only working for
English language
Version 1.0 - December 19th, 2017

- First version of the plugin

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