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Be sure to read ALL of the instructions prior to completing and submitting the assignment.

1). Select and watch a popular movie (i.e., comedy, drama, science-fiction, etc.).  It should NOT
be a documentary. Be sure that it is a movie that you can clearly connect to course concepts
(Syllabus attached to know what the course about) and the write-up requirements (some
examples are listed below).
2). Write a 2–3-page paper using the outline provided to you.
Paragraph 1: Briefly summarize the movie.  The summary should be approximately 6-8
sentences, so stick to the main points. (Note: the summary requires a citation and reference for
the movie).
Paragraph 2: Identify how this movie relates to this course.  In other words- what is the "issue
of health and quality of life" depicted in the movie?  Be sure to describe why you've identified it
as an issue of health and quality of life and draw a clear parallel between this movie and
something that has been addressed in the course.
Paragraph 3: Identify and describe the ethical issue depicted in the movie.  How was it handled
in the movie?  What are some other ways it could have been handled (i.e., what are some other
policy solutions)?
Paragraph 4: Describe why you chose this movie for this assignment.  How would you use it to
explain the goals of our course to other people?

-Your write-up should be at least 2 pages, and no longer than 3 pages using the following
formatting guidelines: 1" margins, double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font. Please be sure
to complete this assignment in paragraph form, use proper spelling and grammar, and put your
name at the top of the page.

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