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Closing Statement

Vaccination is a privilege, it is a product of centuries of human evolution and a gift to the

world from the minds who worked tirelessly to develop such a thing. The government’s authority

should not be questioned in the name of your health, mandating a vaccine is for the greater good

and accommodations will be met for cases of exemption. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic,

vaccinations have proven their effectiveness with studies and observations by both federal and

private researchers to further determine the safety and ability of vaccines to combat the virus. We

all get vaccinated as a kid to combat a multitude of illnesses such as chickenpox, polio,

whooping cough, measles, and plenty of more serious and deadly diseases. Vaccines have proven

to be at least 90% effective and go through extensive clinical trials through the Food and Drug

Administration. Mandating vaccines would only ensure that the entire population is protected

against the world’s most dangerous illnesses. Even if vaccines cannot stop illness, vaccines are

known to make symptoms less extreme and provide an easier experience for some of the worst

sicknesses. Vaccines are no threat, they go through many trials and checks before they are

allowed to enter a person’s body. The government should be able to exercise its right to mandate

law in order to protect our nation and our very lives as a whole. As we continue to evolve as a

species we have to make sure that our future generations become immune to the diseases which

have once wreaked havoc on our world. If there were a vaccine for the Bubonic Plague during

the mid-1300’s, most people of the time period would desperately get it without a doubt.

Accommodation will be made for those who are too physically weak or sick for a vaccine, and

the more that we vaccinate those who can take one, the less chance those less fortunate will come

in contact with diseases that can be prevented. Let’s come together and combat illness.

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