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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Subject Mathematics

Grade 5th Grade


Teacher Selena Moore

Learning Number and Number Sense
Objectiv 5.2 The Student will
e b) compare and order fractions, mixed numbers, and/or decimals, in a
given set, from least to greatest and greatest to least

- The students will be able to connect the equivalencies between fractions,
mixed numbers, and decimals.
Content Knowledge

- The students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of fractions, mixed

numbers, and decimals through the use of models.
- The students will be able to order fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals
according to value.
- The students will apply the correct symbols (>,<,=, and not equal to) at the
appropriate time.

Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:

In this interactive white board activity, the students will touch the board to by shading in and dragging
Pedagogy Planning

fraction strips and will learn how to compare and order fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals.
 In this interactive white board activity the students will have the ability to
shade in pie charts of different amounts to represent a variety of fractions.
The students will also be able to move the fraction strips around. The
students will need to use the drawing tool on the board in order to shade in
the corresponding parts. The students will be given the opportunity to
compare fractions and mixed numbers using models, as well will be able to
use those fractions to convert into decimals. This gives students the
opportunity to test and demonstrate their skills.
 The teacher will take advantage of this arrangement and ask the student to
create and compare different fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals with
the tools provided. The teacher will also give students the opportunity to
create their own fractions to test their peers. Even though decimals are not a
part of the program, they can be easily implemented by the teacher.
 The teacher will arrange fractions strips and/or shade in available charts and
ask students to come up and determine which number is greater using the
correct symbol. The teacher will also shade in different areas of the same
amount and ask for equivalencies. These are only a few examples of what
can be done with the interactive white board.
 The students will be able to demonstrate a fraction or mixed number that
the teacher asks of them by drawing on the board. The students will also be
able to match, compare, and order fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals.
The students will be able to demonstrate the proper use of symbols. The
students will be able to select and name a fraction, mixed number, or
decimal that the teacher creates on the board.
 Example questions: “Which fraction is larger?”, “Which fraction is smaller?”,
“How can we represent ¾ on this pie chart?”, “Can anyone come up and
show me a fraction that is equivalent to the decimal 0.75?”, “Are these two
numbers equal to, less than, or greater than?”, “Is there another way we can
represent ¾”, “What does 8/5 look like as a mixed number?”, “Tiffany, I want
you to create a question that your peers can answer, make sure the numbers
make sense and are related to what we are doing in class”, and so much

- Students will receive a participation grade (100 points)

Web 2.0 Tech: SMART board

Technolo  Interactive White Board Activity


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