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aauielay Phonics’ MORE Workbook 1 TE ae EDUCATORS PUBLISHING SERVICE Complete the workbook pages before reading the corresponding storybook titles, Focus Concepts MORE Workbook 1 Set 1 Storybooks Set 1A Storybooks Pages Shot a 18 Moe and Ts The Cab shoe 16 TheTin Mon Kim and Wog shot 0 17-30 N The Von ond the Ko! Ro Shor v 31-49 Tm Fania the Mud Short © 50-56 The et Halon Nip Short Vowel Review 5-64 een bug Cop Cat ShottVowelRevow 65-72 6 The Wet Pup Short Vowelevew 73-80 Meo The Cod end the Fot Cot shost Vowel Revew 61-88 Ted Del ShottVowelRevow 89-96 TheWwig Gum one Cot (© 2008 by Barbara W. Moke ons ne No patt ofthis book ‘may be reproduced oF uliized in any form oF by ony electron or ‘mechanical means. including photocopying, witha! permission In wating torn the publisher Educators Publishing Service, a vision of Schoo! Specialty Publshing.« member ofthe School Specialy Farly Printed in US.A ISBN 978.08368-1691-5, 10.11 PPG 19 red IM red Wl yellow —IN_ yellow WI blue IM blue Wl SEM orange INF green I peele WM purple brown <—IIM brown WII] black IM black Wl can cap LW a a a a __—|9g = — | P The pan is blue. The bat is brown. The jam is purple. The bag is red. The cab is yellow. The dam is green. The pig is orange. The bib is yellow. The pin is blue. The lip is red. The lid is green. The wig is brown. és ___lligator | ——gloo a — Vac eb _—mbulance | __dd ——nimals | —_nvitation N The fan is black. The mat is blue. The can is red. The pig is yellow. The bib is purple. The ham is brown. ——stronaut ___pple ____nchor AB Ercn)| ZRUMNOPG RSTUVW } __|phabet S| | i The cat is black. The pin is blue. The van is red. The hat is green. The wig is yellow. The pig is brown. dot mop on pop rod tot dog 7? hot dog e C) ° ___pple —_n T r\ _—__ctopus —_-ntenna —_) AP __.ctober | __ stronaut| __x a a ° ° 21 2 2 Yes No Did the hat fit the man? Is the man hot? Is the man fat? Is the man sad? Is the cat on his lap? Is the cat fat? & ny) aS of’ ——nvitation| ___gloo _—_—_peration ww {2 by er yah) CS __x _—_nch ___ctopus The tot is blue. The bib is yellow. The rat is red. The dog is orange. The ram is brown. The pop is green. ° __lives ds : _nkle ll __nilers —tter 27 30 Did the dog mop? Is the dog mad? Did the cat mop? Is the cat mad? Is the dog hot? Is the cat hot? Now you can rad the storybooks The Van and the Hot Rod and AI ited onthe bck cover, tub cut bug cub Jug up | 31 An 4 run sub gum 32 The cub is black. The hut is yellow. The tug is blue. The jug is red. The bus is orange. The mug is green. a U | cao eke Se ___nder __lley Ld 1 | at Ss al —nhappy | ——dd 35 The bug is yellow. The jam is red. The lid is purple. The sub is blue. The tag is orange. The cop is green. ___nbutton 39 4 The bag is purple. The pup is brown. The rug is blue. The pad is yellow. The fan is green. The pot is red. eas § 42 SS ° U ——nder —_lives —_tter —mbrella SP ——nlock —__x —peration | 43 g CSS Is the cub on the log? Is the cub hot? Is the pup hot? Is the log big? Is the pup sad? Is the cub sad? Tm. OST a i cc ° U ——nch Sax > ih @ __x —crobat _nder ___ctober —gloo 49 Now you can read the storybooks Fun inthe Mad an Tit ten hen i 0 —a_ et jet net red 0) & > vet The hen is red. The bed is green. The web is yellow. The keg is orange. The vet is brown. The jet is blue. 2 Ra) e _—lephant nchor wy SFr ——crobat __lbow ——ntenna AUCOEEGHT \ asrowne2)} _—Iphabet | ___ngine __gg a Q 55 The dad is brown. The pen is yellow. The mop is green. The ten is orange. The mug is red. The tub is blue. dt H aie ie s e ——-scape —nvitation ae OQ = em | KS Tih 5 CAH Ib —gloo _—mbroider| ___levator a —p- les — ll _——mpty an Siw The jug is purple. The bud is green. The leg is yellow. The top is red. The pan is blue. The bat is black. CG =| $ e ——ctopus _—scalator BE | EA | AS iN iN ——cho ——nvelope| —_xplosion —n ——ctober | __strich 61 63 @ & The dot is black. The bib is red. The mat is orange. The cab is yellow. The bun is brown. The hut is green. CO 64 a U e ____nder _—_ngineer —dge ——nlace __mbrella —nlock ——_ngine __ggs J Yes No Is the hen on the log? Has the hen got a net? Is the pig on the log? Is the bug in the net? Is the bib on the pig? Is the pig in the net? 68 i (Ra) € i aS ° U e ——lephant | __nk ___nter lives —lf 1 WP | (e “— ee —p ——nilers __dd 7\ n 72 Is the pup in the tub? Is the cat in the tub? Is the cat wet? Yes No Is the cat sad? Did the pup get wet? Is the pup on the rug? es war | PX] __x ___nvelope r t m | a > ---| The gum is orange. The lip is red. The jet is blue. The cap is purple. The mom is yellow. The ham is green. a i — fe} U e ___nbutton a ( ; A. fue i ee —_lley ——scalator} —_nimals ax Ley tter __sleep —— scape 77 U e e U a The sun is yellow. The log is brown. The cup is red. The rag is orange. The bed is green. The dam is blue. ——nhappy ——xplosion| __ strich ——ngineer | ___stronaut \ NIB oo | 81 ss Is the dog on the bed? Is the cat on the rug? Is the dog on the rug? Is mom mad at the dog? Is the dog in the sun? Ts the cat in the sun? | _—_mbulance 1 __cho ——_nch __lligator —nder _—_nter __lives 85 =| The cub is yellow. The wig is brown. The can is red. The bat is black. The cot is green. The web is orange. _——mbroider| ——mbrella —gloo A —_—levator __lephant Chu 89 The nut is yellow. The rod is black. The tug is red. The peg is green. The map is blue. The pig is orange. ___Iphabet ABCDEFGHI JRLMNOPQ RSTUVWHYZ ) | —nvitation 93 SEND [LEYS J IE J Y 2) N hey w Bp Yes No Is the cat on the bus? Is the cop in the van? Did the cab hit the dog? Is the dog in the van? Is the cop on the bus? Did the cab hit the cop? Is the dog on the bus? Is the cat in the van? Is the cop sad? Did the cab hit the cat? The cat is yellow. The van is green. The cab is red. The dog is brown. The bus is orange. The cop is blue. 95 | i |< The cat is yellow. The mud is black. The pod is green. The tag is red, The net is blue. The hen is brown. Previously Taught Phonic Elements Consonant Sounds 4 ' 9 n i k a Sight Words ° bown = eronge tte black yen popup yew ble ia ened yes

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