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Niesha Morales

Senior Seminar

Dr. Monsour

Final Personal Thoughts

I loved coming to a Liberal Arts University. I have always enjoyed being a student, even

if I don’t always enjoy the assignments. So when I was first looking at school I thought a lot

about whether or not a Liberal Arts school was the right fit for me or not. When I decided to go

for it it was because of the fact that I wanted to learn. I wanted to learn more about the world,

not just whatever major I decided on. I didn’t want to just know about a certain focus or area of

study. Rather I wanted to continue to grow as a person so that I could make better-informed


I have not once regretted that decision. Ever since coming to this university, I have been

able to feel my own growth as well as my peers. There are things that I have learned that are

nowhere near my major. And I am aware that I would have been less likely to know this kind of

stuff if I had decided to go to a non-liberal arts school. I also am able to see that I have not

completed my growth. There are many areas, such as science and art that I have very little or

only basic knowledge of. But I am able to say that because I came here I was able to learn how

nutrition affects my body and how to better take care of myself when it comes to food. I do hope

to continue learning similar information so that i am able to take better care of myself both

mentally and physically.

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