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Date: April 20, 2022 Kindergarten

Subject: Literacy Topic: Speaking and Listening: Comprehension

and Collaboration
Duration: 15 minutes Materials:
 Crayons
 My Neighbor’s Dog is Purple Poem
 My Mental Image Worksheet
 Visualizing Anchor Chart
 Visualizing Sentence Stems
 Timer


 SL.K.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics
and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.K.1.A: Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to
others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion).
Learning Objective and Big Idea:

 I can create a picture in my mind before, during, and after reading.

 Students will understand that visualizing is a comprehension strategy good readers use to
form a mental image in their minds based on what is happening in a story. Readers can also
change, or revise, their visualizations often while reading.
Structure of the Activity

 Launch/Hook/Introduction (5 Minutes)
o Introduce yourself to the students
 Good morning friends! My name is Ms. Steil. I am a student teacher at an
Elementary School in Dubuque.
o Introduce the Attention-Getter (Classroom Management Technique)
 One thing I like to do to make sure my friends are listening is by saying hands on
top, that means stop. So, when I say to you hands on top I want you to freeze, put
your hands-on top of your head, and make sure your eyes are on me. (Show
 Let’s practice this together. Hands on top, that means stop. One more time, hands
on top, that means stop. Nice job!
o Explain the activity
 Today I am going to read to you a poem written by Jack Prelutsky. While I am
reading, I want you to use a strategy called visualizing. Visualizing is when
readers make a picture in their minds while reading. We make these images in
our heads while reading to understand better what the story is telling us. When
we read, we must listen to the words to create a picture in our brains to go with
the words. Sometimes, these pictures in our minds change when we read more.
 Let me show you how I visualize. I am going to read just the title of our poem.
The title says my “neighbor’s dog is purple”. I am going to close my eyes and in
my mind picture what the title says (Read the title again) The picture I see in my
head is a big purple dog with floppy ears. I see a person standing next to the dog.
While I was visualizing, you might have also thought of a picture in your mind
too. Maybe that picture was different from mine. Raise your hand if you saw a
different picture in your mind. (Students raise hands)
 We are going to listen as I read the poem and draw the images we see in our
heads on this paper. This paper has a spot for you to draw the pictures in our head
before reading, during reading, and after reading. When I say go I want you to go
back to your seats quietly so we can get ready for me to read. (Worksheet and
crayons are on the student’s desk) Do you have any questions? Ready, go.
Main Activity: (7 Minutes)

 Hands on top, that means stop. I am now going to read the poem. I want you to close your
eyes and listen as I read. (Read the first 4 lines) Open your eyes. The poem said the
neighbor’s dog is endless. Endless means that something never stops. I want you to use your
crayons and draw the picture you saw in your head on the first box. (Point to the first box) I
am going to set a timer for 1 minute for you to draw. The drawing is going to be a quick
sketch of what you see in your mind. I will read the same part of the poem again as you are
drawing. Ready, go. (Set the timer for 1 minute, read the same part of the poem again, walk
around the room)
 Hands on top, that means stop. Now I am going to read a little bit more of our poem. Close
your eyes again and listen as I read. (Read the next 4 lines) Now open your eyes and draw
what you saw in the second box (point to the second box). You will have another 1 minute. I
will read the same part again as you are drawing. Ready, go. (Read the second part again)
(Set the timer for 1 minute, read the same part again, walk around the classroom)
 Hands on top, that means stop. I am now going to read the last part of our poem. Close your
eyes once more and listen as I read. (Read the last 4 lines) Now open your eyes. The poem
said it the dog has a wicked smile. Wicked means bad. I want you to draw again what you
saw in your head in the third box (point to the third box). You will have another minute to
draw. I will read the same part again as you are drawing. Ready, go. (Set the timer for 1
minute, read the same part of the poem again, walk around the classroom)
Cooperative Learning:

 Individual Accountability: Students are able to complete the visualizing worksheets individually.
 Group Goal: Students are actively participating in the discussion with the teacher and other
Closure: (3 Minutes)

 Hands on top, that means stop. Great job friends! I saw a lot of awesome drawings! Look at the
first box on your paper and then look at the last box. Raise your hand if your image changed. I
see a lot of hands in the air!
 We learned that the more we read the poem, our mental images changed. This is what good
readers do while visualizing. Turn to a friend and tell them what you drew and how your picture
changed while reading.
 Thank you so much friends for letting me share with you a poem. I hope you are able to visualize
when you are reading to become even better readers!

 Were the students able to draw a picture of what they visualized in their heads?
 Were the students listening and comprehending what was read?

 Enrichment: Worksheet that includes a writing piece.

 Remediation: Students are given their own copy of the poem to follow along.
Self-Reflection/Self Evaluation:

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