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Addison Durboraw

Mrs Litle

Eng 121001

1 February 2022

Life After OJC

What difference am I going to make in the world once I have finished school? This for

me is a hard question to answer. I have no idea what I want to do in the first place which is why I

chose to attend college. I have had a bit of a rough life and ventured down a path that was rather

dark. Thankfully after many bumps in the road and some self realizations I have chosen to get

my life back together. The first step in doing so for me was conceding to myself that I must

remain sober. That venture in and of itself has been the most difficult but most rewarding.

Something as simple as alcohol has had detrimental effects on my life as a whole and seeing the

light at the end of the tunnel, which is a sober lifestyle, was all too enticing for me. So I now find

myself on this path of redemption which is not a straightforward path; it is winding, twisting and

sometimes not even apparent. As I march down the path of self improvement It is hard for me to

see where I am headed. Mostly I see myself finding employment of some sort. I am not entirely

sure what is the best fit for me. I figure if I receive an education then I will have access to more

resources to help me find my way. Imagining the changes that I will have to make and what

difference those changes will make in the world seems impossible. If I attempt to do so all that

comes to mind is making people happy. I don't know what profession I will be working in when I

have finished school but whatever I find myself doing I hope it makes at least one person happy.

Even if that one person is only me. It is as simple as that for me. I have no aspirations to become
Durboraw 2

president or be the first human on mars. My ambitions are much more humble. I want to change

my life first then I can worry about what differences I can make in the world.

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