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Crónica GAI1-240202501-AA4-EV01



Nombre del estudiante

Carolina Gómez Loaiza

Centro sur colombiano de logística internacional regional Nariño


Operaciones y Servicios Microfinancieras

Ficha 2248162



ho is Pierre Joseph Proudhon for the economy of his time and today?

roudhon, a French socialist political theorist, was born in 1809 in France. The son of a
humble tavern keeper and a peasant woman, he was first a shepherd and later a
printer's proofreader. Self-taught, he stood out at an early age for his intellectual
brilliance. At the age of twenty-nine he was granted a scholarship to study in Paris,
where he published his first book, Qué es la propriété (Qu'est-ce que la propriété, 1840),
where he developed the theory that "property is theft", in that it is the result of the
exploitation of the labor of others. This assertion cost him the loss of his scholarship.

wrote his most important work, System of Economic Contradictions or Philosophy

of Misery (Système des contradictions économiques ou Philosophie de la misère, 1846),
in which he sets himself up as the spokesman for a libertarian socialism and declares
that the ideal society is one in which the individual has control over the means of
production. In this sense, he opposes Marxism and communism, since he considers
that in such systems man loses his freedom; Marx himself replied a year later to
Proudhon's theories in the book entitled Misery of Philosophy. In 1847 he returned to
Paris, where he founded a newspaper, Le Répresentant du Peuple. After the
revolutions of 1848, he was elected deputy in the Constituent Assembly, due to the
popularity of his radical theories. As a member of the Assembly he launched various
revolutionary proposals, although without success; one of his initiatives consisted of
founding a popular bank that would grant interest-free loans. He also tried to establish a
tax on private property. He published pamphlets where he qualified his anarchism with
the denomination of mutualism, which promulgated the union, including financial, of
bourgeois and workers in a single middle class

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