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Video Audio

SHOT 1: LS fade from black to timelapse NARRATOR: In a world ravaged by bandits

narrator monologue shows chase looking and crime, people take their chances of
becoming the next best criminal. Sought after
over edge of garage from a distance from left
to be known worldwide as infamous Is the
to right goal of our main character Split Jackson and
his partner in crime.

SHOT 2: MS Opens to Split looking over the CHASE: Tck, he’s taking too long

edge of garage waiting for partner(checks

watch), looks uneasy and slightly nervous

SHOT 3: LS Camera goes black and opens

back up to kenny driving ho the ramp arriving
at the destination while it’s dark outside

SHOT 4: match on action from the back of the

car to the outside, puts on mask as getting
out and walks over to chase on the ledge
SHOT 5: MS shows both on ledge then close

up match on action while both talk

CHASE: About time you got here, i’ve been
waiting over an hour by now, how are we
gonna pull this off if you cant even make it
here on time?!
KENNY: I know, I'm lucky to be alive, I ran
into some… issues.

CHASE: WHAAAT do you mean issues?!!!!!

SHOT 6: LS both gets in car with a shot

KENNY: I'll tell you on the way.
showing the back of the cars

SHOT 7: Ends with us pulling off the top of


set fue

SHOT 8: faded into black with ambient cop

siren quietly

Title screen is shown Epic music plays

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