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D (S.A.T.B) Charles Wood
Allegro =126 (1866 - 1926)
My soul doth mag ni fy the
My soul doth mag ni fy the
My soul doth mag ni fy the
My soul doth mag ni fy the
Allegro =126



Lord, and my spi rit hath re joic ed in God my

Lord, and my spi rit hath re joic ed in God my

Lord, and my spi rit hath re joic ed in God my

Lord, and my spi rit hath re joic ed in God my

© 2006 Peter Gibson. Distributed under the CPDL licence

Edition may be freely distributed, duplicated, performed or recorded.

Sa viour. For he hath re gard ed the low li ness of His hand

Sa viour. For he hath re gard ed the low li ness of His hand

Sa viour. For he hath re gard ed the low li ness of His hand

Sa viour. For he hath re gard ed the low li ness of His hand


maid en. For be hold, from hence forth all ge ne

maid en. For be hold, from hence forth

maid en. For be hold, from hence forth all ge ne

maid en. For be hold, from hence forth


ra tions shall call me bless ed. For

all ge ne ra tions shall call me bless ed. For

ra tions shall call me bless ed. For

all ge ne ra tions shall call me bless ed. For


He that is might y hath mag ni fi ed me,

He that is might y hath mag ni fi ed me,

He that is might y hath mag ni fi ed me,

He that is might y hath mag ni fi ed me,


and ho ly is His Name.

and ho ly is His Name.

and ho ly is His Name.

and ho ly is His Name.

senza Ped. Ped.

40 dolce

And His mer cy is on them that fear Him, through out


And His mer cy is on them that fear Him, through out


And His mer cy is on them that fear Him, through out


And His mer cy is on them that fear Him, through out

senza Ped.

all ge ne ra tions, through out all ge ne ra tions.

all ge ne ra tions, through out all ge ne ra tions.

all ge ne ra tions, through out all ge ne ra tions.

all ge ne ra tions, through out all ge ne ra tions.


He hath shew ed strength with His arm, He hath

He hath shew ed strength with His arm, He hath

He hath shew ed strength with His arm,

He hath shew ed strength with His arm,


scat ter ed the proud in the i ma gi na tion of their

scat ter ed the proud in the i ma gi na tion of their

He hath scat ter ed the proud in the i ma gi na tion of their

He hath scat ter ed the proud in the i ma gi na tion of their

ad lib.

senza Ped.

hearts. He hath put down the might y from their seat,

hearts. He hath put down the might y from their seat,

hearts. He hath put down the might y from their seat,

hearts. He hath put down the might y from their seat,

66 sempre

and hath ex alt ed the hum ble and meek. He hath


and hath ex alt ed the hum ble and meek. He hath


and hath ex alt ed the hum ble and meek. He hath


and hath ex alt ed the hum ble and meek. He hath


fill ed the hun gry with good things.

fill ed the hun gry with good things.

fill ed the hun gry with good things. and the rich He

fill ed the hun gry with good things. and the rich He

hath sent emp ty a way.

hath sent emp ty a way.

85 dolce

He re mem ber ing His mer cy hath hol pen His


He re mem ber ing His mer cy hath hol pen His


He re mem ber ing His mer cy hath hol pen His


He re mem ber ing His mer cy hath hol pen His

senza Ped.


ser vant Is ra el, as He pro mis ed to our fore fa thers,

ser vant Is ra el, as He pro mis ed to our fore fa thers,

ser vant Is ra el, as He pro mis ed to our fore fa thers,

ser vant Is ra el, as He pro mis ed to our fore fa thers,


A bra ham and his seed, for ev er.

A bra ham and his seed for ev er.

A bra ham and his seed for ev er.

A bra ham and his seed, for ev er.



Glo ry be to the Fa ther, and to the

Glo ry, glo ry be to the Fa ther, and to the

Glo ry be to the Fa ther, and to the

Glo ry be to the Fa ther, and to the


Son, and to the Ho ly Ghost; As it

Son, and to the Ho ly Ghost;

Son, and to the Ho ly Ghost; As it was

Son, and to the Ho ly Ghost; As it


was in the be gin ning, is now, and ev

As it was in the be gin ning, is now, and

in the be gin ning, is now, and ev er

was in the be gin ning, is now, and ev er


er shall be, world with out end. A men,

ev er shall be, world with out end. A men,

shall be, world with out end. A men,

shall be, world with out end.

129 rall.

A men, A men.

A men, A men.

A men, A men.

A men, A men.

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