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In a job interview

The alarm clock goes off early, I wake up, put the
computer on, read my emails, I have a shower, and I put
on a new white shirt, goes with a smart blue wool suit,
and a pair of black stilettos. to look taller, then I have
breakfast, have a cup of tea to relax, and do wash up the
dishes. When finished, I brush my teeth, put on perfume,
I comb my hair, then I pack my bag with my personal
documents and then I take about 15 minutes to
rehearse some possible answers to the questions that
will be asked in the interview then I pray that I do well
and finally I go out for the job interview.

On a first date

I get up and take 10 minutes to meditate I put the TV on

and watched it while I have my breakfast and I make a
coffee to give me energy at the end I put the radio on
and do my housework, then I have a shower, I dress and
as the first impression is important I put on a black
blouse which suits me well with the colour of my eyes
and to feel comfortable I wear denim jeans and black
leather ankle boots. Then I put on my makeup, put on
perfume, brush my teeth and then pack my bag, take it
and I leave the house for my date.

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