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GO ON Happen or take place. Paulina doesn't go on
CARRY ON  To continue moving. Carry on until you get to
the junction, then turn left.
GO OFF To leave a place, especially in Sergio went off to get a
order to do something. drink.
JOIN IN To take part in an activity with I wish he would join in
other people. with the other children.
GET DOWN TO To move, make progress or I can't keep up with all the
increase at the same rate as changes.

LOOK FORWARD TO To be thinking with pleasure I'm looking forward to the

about something that is going weekend.
to happen (because you
expect to enjoy it)
GET OVER To deal with or gain control of She can't get over her
something shyness.
LOOK AFTER To be responsible for or to I'm looking after his
take care of affairs while he's in
somebody/something/yoursel hospital.
COME UP To happen I'm afraid something
urgent has come up.
TAKE AFTER To look or behave like an older Your daughter doesn't take
member of your family, after you at all.
especially your mother or
TAKE TO To start liking I took to my new boss
somebody/something immediately.
TAKE UP To fill or use an amount of I won't take up any more
space or time of your time.

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