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Ghalia T.

March 6, 2022
Career Goals

Once I graduate, I plan to sign up for the National Counselor’s Exam and get started on

everything I need to submit and work to become licensed in New York City/State. I have a

document I downloaded from New York’s website on counselors and requirements to practice

that highlight all the things I need to get done, fees, and timelines so I plan to use this as my


In terms of my goals for the year, I plan to continue to travel the world as this is

something that feeds my love of psychology, culture, traditions, people, languages, and therapy,

and energizes me at the same time personally and professionally. This is a goal I can continue to

grow and cultivate for years to come but it is a goal I have been working on making more of a

mindful effort on since being in school, working, and being an intern has stunted that a little bit

for me. I am working on that by organizing my schedule more and figuring out remote, but more

preferably hybrid options of being a therapist. I have talked with my current supervisor who has

a fully remote practice about working under her during my internship and beyond. I also want to

start looking into conferences or other means of finding psychology groups internationally where

I can gain more multicultural sensitivity and knowledge.

For the next three years my yearly goals will still apply, or at least the continuation of

that constant effort. I am going to get my PhD after becoming licensed, licensure will take

roughly about two years after I graduate if all goes well. I currently have a list of schools and

supervisors I would like to work with for my PhD, but I plan to add to that or change things more

seriously after licensure. My interests right now are in neuroscience research or neuropsychology

research, I don’t think that will change since I have wanted this for almost a decade now but I am
going to allow myself room to grow and change things if my interests shift, especially after

gaining more experience as a counselor.

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