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Our Planet, Our Future – Fight Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most serious challenges facing

our world today. Our planet is experiencing significant and
accelerated climate change that began over a century ago. Many of
us have seen – and even experienced – the effects of climate
change. Slower and less noticeable changes in our climate have
the potential to completely alter the way we live.
Biodiversity is the sum total of life on Earth. It includes
every individual living being, from the tiniest mosses to the
largest whales, and the resulting benefits produced by this web
of life.Earth’s climate patterns are, in part, a direct
consequence of its biodiversity.
The next time you put something in the bin, think about it.
Even though the amount of waste being recycled is rising, a lot
still ends up in landfill sites. As waste rots, it releases huge
amounts of methane – a powerful greenhouse gas – into the air,
contributing to climate change. Today, better waste management
means more energy is being recovered, landfilling is making a big
difference. Preventing waste is becoming more important as the
global population increases and we are eating away at our finite
supply of natural resources.
It is important to solve climate change because the long-
term impacts of it will put every organism on the Earth at a big
risk. One of the effects is drought which leads to a lack of
water, and without water, we die. Ways to bring more attention to
climate change and its impact on food are by making posters to
describe the problem, ways to solve it and show others that is
something that needs to be solved. Posts on social media about
the dangers on the food supply from changing the weather like:
climate change increasing the risk of foodborne illness. Lastly,
you can attract people to join environmental organizations that
talk about the environment and the impacts of climate change on
it, so they have a better understanding of the problems and know
what should be done. There are plenty of ways to attract people’s
attention to climate change, but we need to find the best way.

- Dennies A. Elefante Jr. 11-STEM OLLS

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