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Introduction to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

Week 3 Unit 1

00:00:08 Hello, and welcome to week three of our openSAP course, Introduction to SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server.
00:00:15 My name is Craig Cole. I am an instructional designer
00:00:18 and training engineer at SUSE. This week, you will learn about
00:00:22 software and network management. This is a short week, but you will learn about
00:00:27 management of RPM packages, software management with libzypp, and finally, network
00:00:33 with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Let's begin with the first unit
00:00:37 on management of RPM packages. RPM is the installer piece for packages and software
00:00:49 in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. RPM is made up of several components.
00:00:54 There is an RPM database, which contains information on all of the installed RPM packages
on a system,
00:01:02 it also keeps track of all of the files that have been changed or created as a user installs
00:01:11 and it works in the background with the package manager, which we're going to discuss later.

00:01:18 Now, the RPM package manager is a utility that handles installing and uninstalling of the RPM
packages themselves.
00:01:28 And then of course, the smallest of these building blocks is the RPM package itself,
00:01:34 which is software that's packaged, software or other files actually,
00:01:40 that are packaged for easy installation onto a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
00:01:46 So, let's talk about the individual components of an RPM package.
00:01:52 The RPM itself has an informational header. This is a package label
00:01:59 that has information about the software that is going to be installed or has already been
00:02:06 It also has a GPG signature. That's a key signature to validate
00:02:12 the integrity and the source of the package, it came from somewhere reliable and we can trust
00:02:19 There's also a CPIO archive. This is like a zip file of all of the files in the package
00:02:28 that are prepared to be deployed or pushed out to the target system.
00:02:34 And then you have your installation scripts. So, sometimes these scripts have to make
00:02:42 before the packages are copied out, during the installation of the software itself,
00:02:49 and of course, after it's done it might need to clean up or perform other tasks as well,
00:02:55 in order for that package to be successfully installed, all defined by the package maintainer or
00:03:03 So that's an RPM package itself. Now, when we name our RPM packages
00:03:10 in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, they are named in a very particular manner,
00:03:14 in order to be clear as to where they are, where they came from, what versions they are,
00:03:20 and where they're intended to be installed. And they're broken down, as you can see on this
00:03:25 in the following manner. You have the name of the software.
00:03:29 You have the version of the software. You have the release number.
00:03:33 So, if we release a different version or different number on the same version of the software.
00:03:40 Let's say we change the release notes or update some non-important file
00:03:44 or just informational file, we'll change the release number without changing the software
00:03:50 And then of course, the architecture. It's possible you're installing this on x86-64,
00:03:56 but it might also be on System z or on ARM, and so you'll want to know which package to
00:04:03 and thus it's included in the name of the package so there's no confusion.
00:04:08 So, that's the RPM name. It's important that you understand that,
00:04:13 so that going forward you can identify what it is, what version it is,
00:04:18 and where it should be installed. Now, installation of RPMs
00:04:23 can be done with multiple different tools. But the most common tool,
00:04:28 or the tool that is always included, is the RPM command itself.
00:04:33 "rpm -i", and then the name of the package will install a package onto a SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server.
00:04:42 You can also use "rpm -u", which stands for upgrade or update. However, if it is not already
00:04:52 a version of that software is not already installed, it will install that software as well.
00:04:58 There's also the "rpm -f". Now, the -f stands for freshen.
00:05:03 It means, if there's already a version of the software on the machine, update it or reinstall it at
that version,
00:05:12 but it does require that the software already be installed. There must be a pre-existing version
on the machine
00:05:20 in order for it to work. Now, RPMs can also be uninstalled with the RPM command
00:05:26 "rpm -e", for erase, which will remove or uninstall an RPM from a SUSE Linux Enterprise
00:05:36 So that's installation and working with RPMs with the RPM command.
00:05:42 Another very important and frequently-used function of RPM is the query of an RPM database.

00:05:50 Remember that the RPM database contains useful information about the package
00:05:56 and about the files that have been installed with a package, including modifications, dates and
times, and so forth.
00:06:06 As an administrator, being able to query and to work with this information
00:06:11 is very useful and frequently used. So, the command to query this database
00:06:17 is the "rpm -q" option, for query. If you do something like "rpm -qp",
00:06:24 you can query, instead of the database, you can query a package, the "p" in that option will
00:06:32 read this RPM itself and tell me about it. It reads the header information
00:06:37 and gives you that information. Now, some options that you'll use
00:06:41 with the "rpm -q" frequently, "a". So, "rpm -qa" would give you a list of all installed packages.
00:06:51 You might also do an "rpm -qi" for information about a package.
00:06:58 So, "rpm -qi zypper" would tell you information about an installed package called zypper.
00:07:07 "rpm -ql", that's a lowercase L, will display a file list for a package,
00:07:14 so you can see which files were included with the package as it was installed.

00:07:21 "rpm -qf", which package does the specific or the specified file belong to?
00:07:27 This is useful when you know where the file is but you don't know what package it came from.

00:07:32 "rpm qf", space, and the name of the file, it will tell you where that came from.
00:07:40 "rpm -qd". I want to see the documentation files
00:07:44 that were installed with a package, so I can see if that package has documentation,
00:07:49 so I can go read it and make sure I understand how the software or the components that were
00:07:54 with that package are to be used. If you do an "rpm -qc", that is for configuration files.
00:08:02 So, for a given piece of software, what configuration files were included
00:08:07 as part of that particular RPM? So, that's just a small subset
00:08:14 of what you can do with RPM queries. But this is a good start in helping you to understand
00:08:20 how to extract information from RPMs when working with them. There are additional queries
that you can do.
00:08:27 Sometimes you want to display or dump information about the RPM database, the "--dump"
option is used.
00:08:36 We can also use "--provides" so we can see what other services
00:08:40 or other packages might provide that service. We also have "--requires".
00:08:47 When we are looking for capabilities of packages, we can use that to query it.
00:08:52 We can also take a look at what scripts are going to be run. Sometimes you don't want all of
the scripts
00:08:57 that are included with an RPM to be run, and so you can check to make sure
00:09:01 that you understand what's going to happen. And of course, there's the ability to look at the
00:09:06 what's different in this version of the package versus a previous version of the package.
00:09:13 Now, another component with RPM itself is the ability to validate that a package is both intact,
00:09:22 but that it hasn't been compromised by any, perhaps malicious, individuals or programs out
00:09:31 So, the RPM command can be used with a checksig, that's check the signature of an RPM,
00:09:40 we can make sure that the signature is correct. So, does it actually match where we got it
00:09:46 And then we can do an "rpm -V" and then the package name, and it will return codes
00:09:52 that will tell us information about it. Like an M says that the mode has changed.
00:09:59 Remember, mode is another way of saying permissions. If it gives us a five,
00:10:04 then it says that the size is different. It might give us a U, where the ownership
00:10:12 on a file or directory is changed as well. So we can see what's happened,
00:10:16 using this verification system, to validate that the software has done
00:10:21 what we expected it to do and that it hasn't been manipulated in some
00:10:25 possibly malicious or maybe just buggy way. This concludes our first unit for this week.
00:10:33 In the next unit, you will learn about software management with libzypp.
00:10:38 Thank you.

Week 3 Unit 2

00:00:08 Hello and welcome to week three, unit two of our openSAP course,
00:00:13 Introduction to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. My name is Craig Cole
00:00:17 and I am an instructional designer and training engineer at SUSE.
00:00:21 In this unit, you will learn about the library for software management called libzypp.
00:00:27 Let's get started. libzypp is a package manager,
00:00:33 a library and a set of utilities that allow for package management on Linux systems.
00:00:40 It has a built-in resolver for package dependencies called SAT solver
00:00:46 and it supports various software repository types. And it supports signed repositories,
00:00:53 delta packages, package updates, and so forth. And there's a basic diagram
00:00:58 that kind of points out that files live inside of RPMs, delivered to the system by RPMs,
00:01:05 but RPMs are delivered to the system via libzypp in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
00:01:12 Now, we mentioned them in the previous slide, software repositories, but what is a software
00:01:19 A software repository is a directory that contains RPM packages themselves
00:01:25 along with metadata files about those packages. They can be accessed via RPM package
00:01:33 such as libzypp and can be accessed from different media and file systems.
00:01:38 It can be a regular directory, it could be an actual part of a hard drive,
00:01:43 it could be on an ISO or CD-ROM or DVD image. It could be on a DVD itself.
00:01:50 There's lot of potential directories you can point to. Now, how do we access those?
00:01:56 Well, we can access those directly. It could be on the local system,
00:02:01 it could also be via an NFS share, it could be via FTP or HTTP or HTTPS
00:02:08 or it could be a SMB or CIFS share, a Windows share. These are all possibilities.
00:02:13 This is not the exhaustive list, but it does give you some idea
00:02:17 that software repositories sit in a directory, they have information about what's in that directory.

00:02:24 They can sit on various different types of media and they can be accessed via different
00:02:32 Now, the goal of libzypp itself is to allow for access to RPMs on a repository
00:02:40 and allow you to install them. There are four Ps in libzypp categorization.
00:02:48 There are packages, which are the RPM "packages" themselves.
00:02:52 This includes patch RPMs and delta RPMs, we'll talk more about those in a minute.
00:02:58 And they contain the actual files that will be installed on a system.
00:03:03 You then have "patterns", which reference one or more packages, and typically a pattern is a
set of packages
00:03:13 that need to be installed in order to fulfill a specific role.
00:03:18 As an example, if I'm installing an Apache Web server with scripting languages with scripting
languages that might be used on it,
00:03:25 that might be a pattern that I would install that would include all of the necessary RPMs
00:03:31 to provide that particular service or role. We then have "products".
00:03:37 Products contain one or more patterns. So we have the packages, the smallest piece,
00:03:43 you have the patterns, which are a collection of those packages, we have our products which
contain one or more patterns
00:03:49 inside them, and they're associated usually with its own product for support
00:03:56 and maybe even a subscription and maintenance agreement. And then you have "patches".

00:04:01 These reference one or more update packages that could either be a full RPM, a patch RPM,
00:04:08 or a delta RPM. So those are the four Ps - packages,
00:04:12 patterns, products, and then of course patches to provide those updates to software.
00:04:18 So those are the four Ps of libzypp. Let's look at libzypp a little bit more closely.
00:04:23 libzypp is actually kind of a back end and a bunch of utilities that provide installation
00:04:30 and update functionality for RPMs that are installed on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
00:04:36 You could use various different utilities to perform that task though. Since libzypp is the back
00:04:42 you need front-end utilities to provide that function.
00:04:46 We use YaST, which is a graphical or ncurses interface,
00:04:52 even a non-interactive interface for installing and upgrading packages.
00:04:58 You can also use PackageKit. This is the graphical desktop toolkit.
00:05:04 So if I have, and am booting into a graphical environment, and I log in to the desktop,
00:05:10 there will be an updater as part of that environment
00:05:14 that will allow for the upgrade and patching and even installation of patches
00:05:20 and other software on that machine. Now, the other utility is zypper.
00:05:26 Now, zypper is very frequently used. In fact, in most cases,
00:05:29 it's the most frequently used. It's a command line tool
00:05:33 that allows for all of the software management, from repositories, patterns, packages,
00:05:39 all the way down the line. But remember that all three of these things,
00:05:43 YaSt, PackageKit, and zypper, are all just front ends.
00:05:47 They simply communicate with the libraries and the utilities that sit on the back end, libzypp,
00:05:53 and provide the ability to install RPMs as files onto a system.
00:06:00 So let's kind of recap that. There are some terms that we've defined here.
00:06:05 A repository is a local or a remote directory containing packages and metadata about those
00:06:16 You have products, which represent an entire product. You have patterns, which are
installable groups of packages
00:06:24 that are dedicated to a particular role or purpose. Then you have the packages themselves.
00:06:29 These are compressed files in an RPM format
00:06:33 that contains the files for a particular program or purpose.
00:06:38 Then you have patch, which consists of one or more packages that may be applied by means
of a delta RPM
00:06:46 that simply update an existing program. Then you have delta RPMs.
00:06:51 Now, delta RPMs are similar to a regular RPM but they are meant to only provide the binary
00:06:59 between two different versions of software or packages that are available.
00:07:04 So if I have a package that's version one and I need to update to version two,
00:07:10 I can imply, in a lot of cases, a delta RPM that will replace just the things
00:07:15 that have changed between those two versions. Now, the last thing we need to describe
00:07:20 is what is called package dependencies. Certain packages might depend on other packages
00:07:27 in order for them to function. In other words, there may be libraries
00:07:31 or other things that are needed in order for, let's say, the Apache Web server
00:07:35 to run on top of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. And those package dependencies need
00:07:40 to be calculated when running an install on that machine. Package managers, such as libzypp,

00:07:47 can do that kind of calculation and make sure that the necessary pieces
00:07:52 are installed during the installation process. Now, zypper, the command line utility,
00:07:59 is the most frequently used utility for performing the management of repositories
00:08:05 and the management of software. We're going to talk about zypper quite extensively
00:08:10 for this very reason because, in most cases,
00:08:13 this is what administrators use the most to perform tasks.
00:08:18 Now, zypper can be used for both repositories and individual package installation.
00:08:23 So let's talk about, first of all, repositories and then we'll talk about the other functions
00:08:27 that zypper provides. If we want to, let's say, list all of the repositories
00:08:33 that we currently have on a system, we can do a zypper, that's "zypper lr",
00:08:41 that's list repositories. And that would list all of the repositories
00:08:46 that are on that system. That's actually the screenshot that's on the screen here.
00:08:52 We can add a repository as well. "Zypper ar"
00:08:57 and then the location of it and the alias. An alias is just a short name
00:09:02 that we use to make it easier for us to remember or reference that repository.
00:09:07 We can also modify repositories. We could change the alias or maybe change the location
00:09:12 of where it's sitting with "zypper mr" for modify repository
00:09:18 in order to get to it. So that's using zypper for repositories.
00:09:22 We can also use zypper to manage packages themselves. We can search for packages
00:09:29 inside of the available repositories with the "zypper se" command.
00:09:34 You can also spell out the word "search" if you want, "zypper search"
00:09:39 and then the string that you want to search for. Let's say I want to install Emacs,
00:09:44 "zypper se emacs" and it will search for and show me what is available to me.
00:09:51 You can also display information about a package using the zypper command,
00:09:57 "zypper if", space, the command. Give me information about the zypper
00:10:05 or, excuse me, about the Emacs tool. You can see that on the right-hand side
00:10:10 in that screenshot. We can also install packages,
00:10:15 "zypper in" for install. You can also type out the word "install".
00:10:20 And we can remove a package with zypper as well, "zypper rm" and the name of the package

00:10:26 you wish to install. In most cases,

00:10:29 when we put in here "package", we just mean the name of the package itself.
00:10:34 We don't mean the entire name of the RPM that was used to install it.
00:10:38 As an example, Emacs. We don't have to specify the version,
00:10:43 the release number, and the architecture as well. Now, we can also do all of those things
00:10:51 that I've described inside of YaST, both for the repositories
00:10:56 and for the individual software packages themselves if I want to install them.
00:11:02 YaST can do it graphically for us if that's what we choose to do.
00:11:06 This is the graphical version and the ncurses, that blue and white version
00:11:10 that we run from the command line, can also do all of these functions as well,
00:11:15 or you can add a repository, edit, delete, or even make inactive
00:11:22 inside of that. We can also search for and add software
00:11:25 as we need inside of the tool just using the search functions
00:11:30 as is shown on the right side of this slide. This concludes our unit on software management
with libzypp.

00:11:39 In the next unit, you will learn about network management with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.

00:11:44 Thank you.

Week 3 Unit 3

00:00:09 Hello and welcome to week three, unit three of our openSAP course,
00:00:14 Introduction to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. My name is Craig Cole and I am an instructional
00:00:19 and training engineer at SUSE. In this unit, you will learn network management
00:00:24 with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Let's begin.
00:00:29 Now, before we get too far in, we need to define some terms.
00:00:34 When we start talking about Linux networking and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server networking
in particular,
00:00:41 we start talking about things called devices, interfaces, link, address, broadcast, and route.
00:00:48 Now, let's define those. A device is a network adapter found within the system,
00:00:53 usually a physical device but of course it could be represented by virtual hardware
00:00:58 inside of a virtual machine. An interface is a software component
00:01:04 that is created as an interface to a physical device itself.
00:01:11 So an interface is something that the Linux operating system uses to represent a device, a
physical device
00:01:20 for networking on a Linux host. Now, a link is a connection of a device
00:01:28 to the network itself, its actual physical or virtualized
00:01:33 connection to the network. The address is exactly what you think it is.
00:01:37 It's an IP address assigned to an interface. Notice that the address is assigned to the interface,

00:01:46 not to the device, although they're associated. Then you have the broadcast,
00:01:51 which is an address that's given to reach all the hosts on a local network or a specific set
00:01:58 depending on the version of IP that you're using, TCP/IP. And then you have route, which is a
00:02:05 a network packet would take from the source to a destination host.
00:02:14 So within SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, there are, for each interface,
00:02:20 there are configuration files that are created that store the configuration information for that
00:02:27 for the interface associated with a device. Each file is contained inside
00:02:33 of the etc/sysconfig/network subdirectory. And they're given a very obvious name
00:02:40 such as ifcfg, that's the interface configuration, dash, and then the device name, such as eth0,

00:02:48 the first network card or network device interface in the system.
00:02:55 As you can see, in the slide, you can see a printout of the contents of the ifcfg for device eth0.

00:03:06 You can see that the boot protocol is DHCP, meaning it doesn't have a static IP address
00:03:12 and thus it doesn't need the netmask or anything else defined for it
00:03:18 as the DHCP protocol usually handles such things. Now, on top of this, name resolution is
00:03:29 and as you see here, via various files. You have the /etc/hostname,
00:03:35 which refers to the local system. Then you have where do I go
00:03:40 for resolution on my local system? So /etc/hostname is the name of the current system,
00:03:48 /etc/hosts is a list of maybe the current system but also any other hosts on the network
00:03:54 or that can be reached remotely. Then you have the resolution of names themselves
00:04:04 with the DNS servers. That information is stored in the /etc/resolv.conf,

00:04:09 resolv.conf. And then of course you have to decide
00:04:16 in what order I should look up those things. and that's in the /etc/nsswitch.conf.
00:04:23 What I mean by that - do I look at the local /etc/hosts file
00:04:28 before looking at the remote DNS servers? That's the case in most places
00:04:33 but sometimes you might not want that, and you can reconfigure that in /etc/nsswitch
00:04:41 if you wish to change that. So those are just some network-related files,
00:04:46 those for the interface card itself and of course the name resolution
00:04:54 configuration files as well. Now on top of having these interfaces,
00:05:01 let's say you need to start up a network interface. How would you do that?
00:05:06 Well, in SUSE Linux, there are some sysconfig or utilities that are included with the sysconfig
00:05:13 that allow for an interface to be turned on, turned off, or even just check the status on.
00:05:21 The ifup command, as an example, along with an interface you want to start, would start up or
00:05:29 bring up a configured Ethernet interface and start it, get it started performing its task
00:05:37 as an interface, ifdown and the device would turn it down or turn it off.
00:05:44 Then you have ifstatus. What if you just need to see the status
00:05:47 of any particular device? And there's a nice screenshot showing that as well.
00:05:53 So there are tools for manipulating or working with these interfaces, should we need to -
00:05:58 the ifup, ifdown, and ifstatus commands are just some of them.
00:06:04 Now a lot of what we're talking about can also be done from inside of the YaST configuration
00:06:11 It is recommended that most networking functions that you will perform as an administrator
00:06:17 be done inside of the YaST lan module. This is the module in YaST that manages
00:06:25 all of the networking functions, or the vast majority of the networking functions
00:06:30 that you will likely perform in a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
00:06:34 As you can see here, we have a screenshot showing where I can configure the IP address,
00:06:39 whether it's DHCP or static. I can configure more than a single IP address
00:06:44 on a single interface. So it can have multiple IP addresses assigned to it.
00:06:49 I can set up its own host name. I can tell it where to look for name resolution.
00:06:55 These are all things that we've talked about before. We can even add additional devices as
shown to the right.
00:07:01 And add things like network bridges, VLANs, and so forth
00:07:07 that we may need in order to perform our jobs on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
00:07:13 So YaST allows for the configuration of network interfaces from creation, configuration, name
00:07:23 and even more complex setups like VLANs, bridges, bonds, and so forth.
00:07:30 Now there are times when you want to test a given IP setting before you write it
00:07:36 into a configuration file, which is what happens when you make changes
00:07:41 with the YaST lan module. The IP command is the most commonly used tool
00:07:47 and it can add IP addresses, it can remove an IP address, it can also affect routes,
00:07:53 it can do bonds and bridges, and all sorts of functions that will likely be something that you are
00:08:00 as a network administrator or as a Linux administrator. IP, space, the name of the address,
00:08:10 or the subcommand that you want to perform, the specific task you want, and any arguments
00:08:16 that go with it are the basic syntax. So "ip addr add",
00:08:23 that's add an address, and then you specify the address,

00:08:27 and the device you want to add it to, as it's shown in the screenshot on the right on the top.
00:08:34 And as you can see, it adds that address to an existing machine.
00:08:39 You can see under two the address has been added successfully.
00:08:47 The IP command can also be shown or be used to show what IP addresses are configured,
00:08:52 "ip a s", IP address show is what that stands for, and it will show you information
00:09:00 about a particular device, if you want to, or all of them, which is what this one is doing.
00:09:07 We can remove an IP address. We can add an IP address.
00:09:11 We can delete an IP address. We can also add or work with the routes
00:09:16 that are required in order to perform routing functions using the IP command.
00:09:23 Now one thing I want to point out, although we can do all of these with the IP command,
00:09:27 one of the things I mentioned previously is that the IP command is not permanent.
00:09:32 In other words, if I want to test out a configuration, I can use the IP command to validate
00:09:39 that a setting works the way I want, and then generally I go into YaST,
00:09:43 and I make the change there in order to make it a permanent setting.
00:09:47 But being able to test with the IP command is very useful, especially in test environments
00:09:54 and in lab environments. Now there are several other
00:10:01 network management tools out there, some of them you're probably already familiar with,
00:10:05 and they work for the most part just like they do on other operating systems.
00:10:09 With the ping command, we send out an ICMP packet just to validate the reachability of a host,

00:10:17 and it comes back with it. The ping command is slightly different on Linux,
00:10:23 by default it doesn't time out after four, so it will keep going until you tell it not to.
00:10:30 You can put a count number on it, so you can tell it only do it four times and then stop,
00:10:36 otherwise it will keep going indefinitely. You also have the traceroute command,
00:10:43 traceroute allows you to display the route that a certain packet will take
00:10:50 in order to get from host, your origination, to your destination.
00:10:57 And it uses UDP or datagrams in order to do that. And we can also tell it with the -n,
00:11:03 which is a frequently used option, don't display the fully qualified domain name,
00:11:09 just give us the IP address as well. So those are the management tools of Linux
00:11:16 or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for the network. Both the IP command, the ping, the
traceroute commands
00:11:24 that we've mentioned, but also the YaST tool that allows you to configure most of those things
00:11:30 that as an administrator you will be using when performing management tasks
00:11:35 on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Now there's one more topic that almost always comes up
00:11:42 when we start talking about networking on an operating system, and that is, can we do
00:11:48 Well, of course we can with SUSE Linux. We can use a firewall.
00:11:52 But what is a firewall? It's just a term that says it's something
00:11:56 that controls the data flow between networks. And in this particular section,
00:12:03 when we start talking about that, what we mean is a packet filter.
00:12:07 A packet filter is something that inspects the traffic as it comes toward the host,
00:12:12 and then based on rules, performs a filtering function, either allowing it through or denying it.
00:12:20 Now it could also mean forwarding or other functions but that's a little bit deeper in.
00:12:27 The firewall in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is managed via a tool called firewalld.
00:12:37 Although the functions of the firewall are part of the Linux kernel, the iptables tools,
00:12:43 the firewalld manages the launch, the startup, the rule determination and application

00:12:51 within that environment. It's a daemon that resides on the system
00:12:57 that manages those rules, and it includes various components.
00:13:00 We need to talk about them. First is iptables, that's a rule-based firewall
00:13:05 that's included with the Linux kernel and has been in play and used since the 2.4 release
00:13:12 back in the early 2000s. firewall-cmd is a command line utility
00:13:18 for interacting with firewalld, and then there's firewall-config,
00:13:24 which is a graphical tool for configuring or interacting with that firewall.
00:13:30 As you can see, in the bottom left, we can see the firewall-cmd command
00:13:36 does some basic examples of interacting with the various firewalld tools
00:13:43 for changing iptables. On the right, you have an example
00:13:47 of the firewall-config tool for interacting with firewalld. Now firewalld implements what are
called security zones.
00:13:58 And several zones are already predetermined or predefined, but of course the administrator
has the option
00:14:04 to define their own custom zones if they want to. Each zone has its own set of iptables rules.
00:14:13 And each network interface is a member of exactly one zone. So as traffic is coming in through
an interface,
00:14:21 it can only belong in a particular zone. Generally, these zones are things like public and
00:14:28 meaning external or internal, depending on how things are defined.
00:14:34 Now, connections can be assigned to the zone based on the source addresses.
00:14:38 And each zone represents a level of trust. Obviously, we don't trust as much traffic
00:14:43 that's coming in from, let's say, the Internet, versus traffic that might be behind our corporate
00:14:51 Each zone, again, allows us to control whether something is trusted or is not to be trusted.
00:14:58 Now there are two different configurations in firewalld that we should talk about.
00:15:03 They are the Runtime and the Permanent. Now, Permanent, we're going to talk about first
00:15:09 despite being listed second here, it represents the saved rules that will be applied
00:15:14 when restarting the firewall, or firewalld. Runtime, however, it represents
00:15:23 the currently active rules, and allows for temporary rules to be tested.
00:15:28 And then once you've validated that the rules work as you want, you can push them into
00:15:35 Otherwise, they will be discarded when firewalld is restarted.
00:15:42 This concludes this week's topic on software and network management.
00:15:46 Next week, you'll learn about storage administration and shells.
00:15:50 See you in a bit. Thank you.


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