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Paper #407 / Page 1

Steven Feuerstein, HA-LO Industries / RevealNet

Why Tune PL/SQL Code?

You can spend all day tuning your SQL statements. You can apply any one
of a number of fantastic first-party (Oracle) and third-party analysis tools to
the SQL side of your application. You can bring in an Oracle tuning
specialist. Yes, you can tune and tune and tune -- and still your PL/SQL-
based programs can run very inefficiently. It is difficult to find detailed,
comprehensive recommendations for tuning the PL/SQL side of one's Oracle
applications. After spending 12 years learning, using and writing about
Oracle's PL/SQL language, I have assembled 1,247 tuning tips for PL/SQL
developers I have even selected the top 200 most terrific of these tips for this
presentation -- yeah, right!

OK, to tell the truth, I do not have 1,247 tuning tips for PL/SQL developers.
I suppose it is possible that I have 200 tuning tips. But could I possibly offer
them to you in the 6-10 pages allowed in the ECO/SEOUC format? Could I
possibly present all these tips in the span of time allowed for the talks at
Oracle conferences? NO WAY!

So I hope that you are not mad at me. And I will do my best to not let you
down by using this paper to focus on a time-honored tuning principle:

Avoid unnecessary code execution!

This would seem to be rather obvious advice. Surely, if the code is not
necessary I would not include it in my program. And just as surely, after I
have written my code I can easily identify extraneous lines when I do my
code review and remove them.

Sure. And under the pressure of the moment, I have never, not possibly ever,
found myself taking short-cuts, doing things that I know are not right,
because I just don't have the time to pay the necessary attention to write
optimized code. And my manager understands the value of code review, of
code walkthroughs, so we always have time for that very critical step for the
improvement of code quality.

The reality is that we usually rush headlong into our coding tasks, feeling
just a bit panicky and overwhelmed, annoyed that management won't buy us
good tools and, fundamentally, on our own to get the job done and done
well. And that is why, contrary to the laws of logic, it is usually all too easy
to identify code that really does not need to be executed in our programs.
Removing such code will usually improve performance, sometimes in a
dramatic fashion.

This paper offers advice on how to identify and avoid extraneous code
execution, specifically within the context of the Oracle PL/SQL language.

The Search for Unnecessary Code

I must, first of all, put this tuning exercise in context: I do not suggest that
you read this article and then scour every line of code in your application, in
search of potential performance gains. You might find lots of changes to
make -- and when you are done making those changes, you might also
discover that the response time of your has not improved enough for your
users to even notice.

Don't take a theoretical approach to your tuning efforts (the theory being that
every line of code in my application should be perfect in every way:
performance, readability, etc.). Your time will be much better and then
focusing very tightly on those programs.

Once you have selected the area in your application that needs tuning,
follows this advice to more rapidly find the problems:

Check your loops: code within a loop (FOR, WHILE and simple) executes
more than once (usually). Any inefficiency in a loop's scope has, therefore, a
potentially multiplying effect.

Check your SQL statements: first of all, you should of course make sure
that your SQL statements have been optimized. That topic is outside the
scope of this article; there are many fine tools and books that will help you
tune your SQL. There are situations, however, when pure SQL results in
excessive execution -- and when the judicious use of PL/SQL can improve
that statement's performance.

Review heavily patched sections of code: In any complex program that has
a lifespan of more than six months, you will usually find a section that has
been changed again and again and again. It is very easy to allow
inefficiencies to slip in with such incremental changes.

Don't take the declaration section for granted: Sure, that's the place
where you declare all variables, give them their initial values, etc. It is quite
possible, however, that some actions taken in that section (the declarations
themselves or the defaulting code) is not always needed and should not
always be run on startup of the block. I explore these and other topics in the
remainder of this article.

Check Your Loops

Code within a loop (FOR, WHILE and simple) executes more than once
(usually). Any inefficiency in a loop's scope has, therefore, a potentially
multiplying effect. In one tuning exercise for a client, I discovered a thirty-
line function that ran in less than half a second, but was executed so
frequently that its total elapsed time for a run was five hours. Focused tuning
on that one program reduced its total execution time to less than twenty
minutes. Always go to your loops first and make sure you are not
introducing such a problem.

Here is an obvious example; my procedure accepts a single name argument

and then for reach record fetched from a packaged cursor, it processes the

PROCEDURE process_data (nm_in IN VARCHAR2) IS

FOR rec IN pkgd.cur
process_rec (
UPPER (nm_in),

The problem with this code is that I apply the UPPER function to the nm_in
argument for every iteration of the loop. That is unnecessary, since the value
of nm_in never changes. I can easily fix this code by declaring a local
variable to store the upper-cased version of the name:
PROCEDURE process_data (nm_in IN VARCHAR2)
v_nm some_table.some_column%TYPE :=
UPPER (nm_in);
FOR rec IN pkgd.cur
process_rec (
v_nm, rec.total_production);

It is not always so easy, of course, to spot redundant code execution. In this

example, one would assume that I uppercased the name because either (a) I
knew for certain that process_rec would not work properly with a lower or
mixedcase string, or (b) I am not really sure how process_rec works and so
"take out insurance" to head off any possible problems.

If I have found the process_data procedure to be a bottleneck, it is very

important that I understand how all of the code on which it depends works.
An incorrect assumption can intersect in very nasty ways with the
algorithms of underlying programs. It may well be the case, for example,
that process_rec always performs an upper-case conversion on its first
parameter. That would make my UPPER unnecessary and its UPPER

In this situation, it might well be necessary to ask the author of process_rec

to remove the UPPER action, or make it optional by providing a third
argument, perhaps something like this:

PROCEDURE process_rec (
name_in IN VARCHAR2,
prod_in IN NUMBER,
uc_name_in IN BOOLEAN := TRUE)

and then I can pass FALSE for the third argument to bypass the UPPER.

Here is block of code with a loop. See if you can identify areas for

CURSOR emp_cur
SELECT last_name,
FROM employee;
FOR rec IN emp_cur
IF LENGTH (rec.last_name) > 20
rec.last_name :=
SUBSTR (rec.last_name, 20);
process_employee_history (
rec.last_name,, USER);

There are at least three different examples of unnecessary code execution


I call SYSDATE repetitively within the SELECT statement, yet I am

selecting only the date and not the time. Assuming that this block of code
always starts and finishes within the same day (something one should be
able to determine without too much trouble), I can move this computation
out of the query and into a local variable. Not only will I avoid multiple
formatting calls, but I also perform just one SELECT FROM dual, which is
how SYSDATE is implemented in PL/SQL.

Within the loop, I make sure that I do not pass last names with more than 20
characters. An alternative approach is to perform the SUBSTR within the
query and do not perform a LENGTH check at all. If many of the strings are
short (< 20 characters), this change might not actually improve performance.

I call the USER function for each iteration in the loop. Does the value
returned by USER change during this time? Not at all. It will always give
me the same value during a connection to Oracle. So I should call this just
once, cache that value in memory (in a local variable or perhaps even better
a packaged constant, so it is accessible throughout my session), and avoid
many SELECT FROM dual calls.
Here is a revised version of my block:

v_today VARCHAR2(20) := TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'MM/DD/YYYY');
v_user VARCHAR2(30) := USER;
CURSOR emp2_cur
SELECT SUBSTR (last_name, 1, 20) last_name FROM employee;
FOR rec IN emp2_cur
process_employee_history (
rec.last_name, v_today, v_user);

You can compare the performance of these two scripts by running the
someplsql.tst script.

Check Your SQL

Suppose I have fully tuned my SQL, using one or another explain plan
utility, or a third-party analysis and tuning tool -- and I still find the PL/SQL
program in which the SQL is executed to be running slowly. The problem
may well be that the SQL statement itself has introduced unnecessary or
excessive execution -- and in a number of these situations, the judicious use
of PL/SQL can improve your performance.

Consider the following query:

SELECT 'Top employee in ' || department_id ||

': ' ||
E.last_name || ', ' || E.first_name str
FROM employee_big E
WHERE E.salary =
(SELECT MAX (salary)
FROM employee E2
WHERE E2.department_id = E.department_id);
I use this query to display those employees who earn the highest salaries in
their respective department. I can very easily write a correlated subquery to
handle this requirement. The problem with this approach is that the
maximum salary for a given department will be recomputed many, many
times (assuming a large number of employees).

I can rewrite this single query into nested PL/SQL loops that gets the job
done much more efficiently:

CURSOR dept_cur IS
SELECT department_id, MAX (salary) max_salary
FROM employee_big E
GROUP BY department_id;
CURSOR emp_cur (
dept IN department.department_id%TYPE,
maxsal IN NUMBER)
SELECT 'Top employee in ' || department_id ||
': ' ||
last_name || ', ' || first_name str
FROM employee_big
WHERE department_id = dept
AND salary = maxsal;
FOR dept_rec IN dept_cur
FOR rec IN emp_cur (
dept_rec.department_id, dept_rec.max_salary)
str := rec.str;

Run the script found in the useplsql.tst file to compare the performance of
these two approaches. [Note: the useplsql.tst script also includes another
SQL-only implementation involving an in-line view that matches the
performance -- in this case -- of the PL/SQL nested loop. There are generally
a number of different ways to write SQL and PL/SQL to obtain the correct
answer. Criteria for determining the optimal implementation should involve
not only performance, but the accessibility of the code (to enhance,
maintain, etc.).]

Defer Execution Till Needed

Just because you have a declaration section positioned "before" your
executable section does not mean that you should declare all your program's
variables there. It is quite possible, that some actions taken in that section
(the declarations themselves or the defaulting code) is not always needed
and should not always be run on startup of the block.

Consider the following block of code:

PROCEDURE always_do_everything (
criteria_in IN BOOLEAN)
big_string VARCHAR2(32767) :=
ten_minute_lookup (...);
list_types.big_strings_tt :=
two_minute_number_cruncher (...);
IF NOT criteria_in
use_big_string (big_string);
process_big_list (big_list);
/* Nothing big
going on here */

I declare a big string, and call a function that takes ten minutes of elapsed
time and lots of CPU time to assign the default value to that string. I also
declare and populate a collection (via a package-declared table TYPE), again
relying on a CPU-intensive function to populate that list. I take both of these
steps because I know that I need to use the big_string and big_list data
structures in my programs.
Then I write my executable section, run some initial tests and everything
seems OK, except that it runs too slowly. I decide to walk through my code
to get a better understanding of its flow. I discover something very
interesting: my program always declares and populate the big_string and
big_list structures, but it doesn't use them unless criteria_in is FALSE,
which is usually not the case!
Once I have this more thorough understanding of my program's logical flow,
I can take advantage of nested blocks (an anonymous block defined within
another block of code) to defer the penalty of initializing my data structures
until I am sure I need them.

Here is a reworking of my inefficient program:

PROCEDURE only_as_needed (
criteria_in IN BOOLEAN) IS
IF NOT criteria_in
big_string VARCHAR2(32767) :=
ten_minute_lookup (...);
list_types.big_strings_tt :=
two_minute_number_cruncher (...);
use_big_string (big_string);
Process_big_list (big_list);
/* Nothing big
going on here */

One other advantage of this approach is that when the nested block
terminates, the memory associated with its data structures is released. This
behavior would come in very handy in the above example if I needed to
perform lots more operations in my program after I am done with my "big"
variables. The former approach meant that memory would not be released
until the entire program was done.
Be a Good Listener
Are you a good listener? When people speak do you expend more effort
figuring out how you will respond, instead of attempting to truly understand
what they mean? Being a good listener is, I believe, a sign of respect for
others, and is a skill we should all cultivate (I know that I need to make more
of an effort). Being a good listener is also a critical skill when a programmer
uncovers requirements from users and translates them into code. All too
often, we hear what our users say, but we do not really listen. The
consequence is that we end up writing code that either simply does not meet
the requirements, or does so in an efficient manner.

Consider the following example:


deptno_in IN NUMBER,
new_deptno_in IN NUMBER)
emp_count NUMBER;
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO emp_count
FROM emp WHERE deptno = deptno_in;
IF emp_count > 0
SET deptno = new_deptno_in
WHERE deptno = deptno_in;
DELETE FROM dept WHERE deptno = deptno_in;
END drop_dept;

This procedure drops a department from the department table , but before it
does that, it reassigns any employees in that department to another. The
logic of the program is as follows: If I have any employees in that
department, perform the update effecting the transfer. Then delete that row
from the department table.

Can you see what is wrong with this program? Actually, there are two
different levels at which this program is objectionable. Most fundamentally,
a good part of the code is unnecessary. If an UPDATE statement does not
identify any rows to change, it does not raise an error; it simply doesn't do
anything. So the remove_dept procedure could be reduced to nothing more


deptno_in IN NUMBER,
new_deptno_in IN NUMBER)
emp_count NUMBER;
SET deptno = new_deptno_in
WHERE deptno = deptno_in;
DELETE FROM dept WHERE deptno = deptno_in;
END drop_dept;

Suppose, however, that it was necessary to perform the check for existing
employees. Let's take a closer look at what really is going on here. The
question I need to answer is "Is there at least one employee?", yet if you
look closely at my code, the question I really answer is "How many
employees do I have?". I can transform the answer to that question into the
answer to my first question with a Boolean expression (emp_count > 0), but
in the process I may have gone overboard in my processing.

There are, in fact, a number of ways to answer the question "Do I have at
least one of X?"; the path you take can have a serious impact on
performance. Here are some possibilities:

Use COUNT(*) as shown above:

SELECT COUNT(*) INTO emp_count
FROM employee
WHERE deptno = deptno_in;
atleastone := emp_count > 0;

2. Use an explicit cursor to test for existence by fetching once and checking
the ISOPEN cursor attribute:

CURSOR count_cur IS
FROM employee
WHERE deptno = deptno_in;
rec count_cur%ROWTYPE;
OPEN count_cur;
FETCH count_cur INTO rec;
atleastone := count_cur%FOUND;

3. Use an implicit cursor and rely on exception handling to determine the


SELECT 'x' INTO dummy
FROM employee_big
WHERE department_id = &2;
atleastone := TRUE;
THEN atleastone := FALSE;
THEN atleastone := TRUE;

4. Get fancy with SQL. There are a number of things you can do to reduce
the potential excesses of COUNT or otherwise cut down on the work
performed by the SQL engine to get its answer. Here are some examples:

FROM employee_big
WHERE department_id = &2
atleastone := dummy > 0;
FROM dual
SELECT 'x' FROM employee_big
WHERE department_id = &2);
atleastone := dummy IS NOT NULL;
Wow! Those are fun to write, I guess. So you can use ROWNUM to cut
down on COUNT's work. You can even use the EXISTS operator and a
subquery to get the job done. The games SQL developers play! Which of all
these techniques yields, however, the most efficient program? You can run
the atleastone.sql script to compare each of these different approaches (note:
the beginning of the script creates a rather large copy of the employee table;
this code is commented out to avoid the overhead of this step when the table
is already in place. You will want to uncomment this section the first time
you try the script.)

Here is output typical for this script (each different approach is executed
1000 times, checking for the existence of at least one employee in
department 20):

SQL> @atleastone 1000 20

Implicit Elapsed: .84 seconds. Factored: .00084 seconds.
Explicit Elapsed: .34 seconds. Factored: .00034 seconds.
COUNT Elapsed: 4.22 seconds. Factored: .00422 seconds.
COUNT ROWNUM < 2 Elapsed: .27 seconds. Factored: .00027 seconds.
EXISTS Elapsed: .36 seconds. Factored: .00036 seconds.

The explicit cursor along with the two "clever" implementations score the
best benchmark results. You can also see that COUNT(*) is much slower
than any other approach. Given these results, I would generally choose to
answer the question "Is there at least one?" with a straightforward, efficient
explicit cursor. Even though the COUNT(1) with ROWNUM < 2 is a bit
faster, it is overly complex (as is its EXISTS partner). The incremental
improvement in performance does not offset the increased difficulty in
maintaining and enhancing such code. While this scenario and the
accompanying script focus on a particular requirement, I was only able to
come up with a
better implementation by making certain that the code I wrote (the "answer")
was responsive to the "question", the user requirements.

Understand How Your Tools Work

Oracle Corporation has worked over the last several years improving the
PL/SQL language. We've seen our software run faster due to low-level
tuning. We can do so much more with PL/SQL than ever before, due to
language enhancements. Of particular importance is the addition of so many
built-in packages to our repertoire. Few developers have, however, enough
time to learn all the available, new techniques, and even less time to figure
out how best to take advantage of all this great stuff. The code we write in
this environment of almost forced ignorance can have significant problems.

Use (or misuse) of the DBMS_SQL package offers an example of this

dynamic. DBMS_SQL is the only way (prior to Oracle8i) to execute
dynamic SQL: SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks that are constructed and
executed at runtime. DBMS_SQL is far and away the most complicated to
use of the built-in packages. Improper use of the package can lead to serious
performance issues.

Consider the following block of code:


rows_updated INTEGER;
FOR rec IN (
SELECT name, bonus
FROM ceo_compensation
WHERE layoffs > 1000)
'UPDATE ill_gotten_gains
SET compensation = compensation + '
|| rec.bonus ||
'WHERE slave_to_profits = '''
|| || '''',
rows_updated := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(cur);

This program is straightforward enough: add the bonus received by each

CEO who has laid off more than 1,000 employees to their total
compensation package. Truly ill-gotten gains (and also not an example that
requires the use of DBMS_SQL, but please bear with me for the purpose of
illustrating the issue).

At first glance, the construction of this program seems quite logical: open a
dynamic SQL cursor, parse the UPDATE statement with the specific values
for that CEO, execute the UPDATE and close the cursor. A simple test plan
confirms that the code works just fine. Yet this program actually has two
serious flaws, in terms of efficient execution:

When you work with DBMS_SQL, you do not need to open and close a
cursor for each separate SQL statement that you execute. You can open one
cursor and use that cursor for any number of completely different
statements, such as a query, followed by a delete, followed by a PL/SQL
In the no_justice procedure I use concatenation to place the specific values
for a CEO into the string. While this works, it is not nearly as efficient as
using bind variables. If I concatenate literal values into my SQL strings,
then each SQL string is physically different and must be parsed individually
by the SQL engine. If, on the other hand, I use bind variables (and
placeholders in the SQL string itself), I can parse just once and do nothing
more than bind with each row fetched from the cursor.

Here is a rewrite of the no_justice procedure incorporating these changes:


rows_updated INTEGER;
'UPDATE ill_gotten_gains
SET compensation =
compensation + :bloodMoney
WHERE slave_to_profits = :theCEO',
FOR rec IN (
SELECT name, bonus
FROM ceo_compensation
WHERE layoffs > 1000)
cur, 'bloodMoney', rec.bonus);
cur, 'theCEO',;
rows_updated := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(cur);

Now I only execute code that actually needs to be run at any given point.
The result, depending on the complexity of the SQL statement and the
overhead of parsing, can be dramatically lower execution times. You can run
the effdsql.tst script to compare the performance of a few different
approaches to this same query.

Lean, Mean Executing Maintainable Machine

That's what our programs should be and do: write and run just the code
needed to get the job done -- and write it in a way that makes it easy to
enhance over time. This paper offered a number of different examples that
will hopefully make it easier for you to visit your own programs and identify
areas for improvement. And as you do encounter your own opportunities for
and perhaps some other excellent illustrations of "unnecessary code", I
encourage you to post your examples (before and after) on the PL/SQL
Pipeline's Pipetalk "Debugging, Tuning and Tracing" conference.

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