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Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Service Leaming Contract Just as a teaci her “Goes the extra mile,” so will Viginia Teachers for Tomorrow students. You will ontroct for one test grade each erie Each students responsible for eaming ten (10) service Points P - ing. hous of work = one Ranier Onc must acquire appropriate signatures. Generally specking, one Here are some suggestions: Nolnteering to help a teacher, administrator or staf member with creating bulletin boards. ing materia, setting up classrooms, orre-shelving books. You are bmited to 5 hours per varies for this type of actly: PMtclatt) Aasting with a special event/actvily. This may include Math/STEAM Night, BeachGitsRock. African-American Male Summit, peer tutoring, or field day. Other activities may be acceptable, please see me for approval. Grading Papers ing exma viene Spe ae Nook Gt ave Pal erase vinaenan =e gs aS fl = contach Seta Sones Sumter Sai ge CMUTAD © 5 endes +20 ‘rl (808) 3\4-66S5 15/21, ip KarPmcy Cars pl] VAS SBIVNREr/ ieadesnip FFP Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Student's Name: Kay A Rock ni Total Hours Earned: (4 27) Service Learning Test Grade:, VIRGINIA BEACH CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHARTING THE COURSE

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