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The type of advertising will you apply to this product

The social networks I want to promote the product are Facebook, Instagram, and
Tik Tok.The reason why I choose these three social media platforms is that first,
these three social media have a high audience that uses them. Secondly,
teenagers are who mostly and often use these apps as our targeted market is
teenagers and youth this will help us to reach out the most to youth and teenagers.
Third, strategies in these three social media are almost the same which are
business marketing, local marketing, and advertising. The type of advertising I will
apply to this product is persuasive advertising. This is because persuasive
advertising is important with increased competition to build selective demand.
Persuasive advertising focuses on the benefits the product will offer to the targeted
audience. It uses the desires and interests of the consumer to persuade them to
purchase our product. More than that, I choose persuasive advertising because
consumers will be motivated to purchase products by emotional appeals.
Consumers purchase products based on how they feel when they see the
advertisement. Other than that, a persuasive advertisement can build bonds and
connections with our brand, it encourages them to purchase more. It will truly help
us in establishing credibility and trust in our products and services by enabling
customers to purchase products based on their quality, value, benefit, and
features. Therefore, I choose persuasive advertising it helps us gain brand loyalty.

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