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The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American
literature and other text types serve as means of preserving
CONTENT unchanging values in a changing world; also how to use the
STANDARD features of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active
and passive constructions plus direct and indirect speech to
enable him/her competently performs in a full-length play.
The learner competently performs in a full- length play through
PERFORMANCE applying effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT
STANDARD resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery
and Dramatic Conventions.
LEARNING 1. Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history,
COMPETENCIES environment and other factors (various types) (EN9LT-IVi-3)
a. Identify which historic events inspired various given texts
b. Explain how one’s culture and environment is reflected in a
given text
c. Write a three-paragraph essay about role model’s influence
Literature produced by a society is often reflective of the values of that
a. Concepts
society. Therefore, the literature we read influences our view of the
history and cultural identity of that society.
b. References English CG- May 2016, Learner’s Material, Teacher’s Guide
c. Instruction Paper-pencil test, gadgets, answer sheet, bond paper and art
al Materials materials

DAY 1 of 5

A. Reviewing of Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson

Welcome to Week 6 of your English 9 Quarter 4 SiPACKS! We have new lessons to

uncover and activities to accomplish this week. But first, let’s try this simple activity.
Analyze each picture of cultural symbols and try to recognize which countries
are represented.
Picture 1
Picture 2

Image Source: Image Source:

Picture 3 ving-Goddess-Kumari_1.jpg
Picture 4

Image Source:

Image Source:

Which countries did you think were related to the pictures?

Did you find it difficult to identify the culture shown in the pictures?
Check the list below to see if you have gotten them right.

o Picture 1 which shows a giant dragon costume is used in the Chinese

Dragon Dance. It was then used in a ceremony for worshiping ancestors and praying
for rain, and it gradually developed into an entertainment activity. It is a famous
symbol of China.

o Picture 2 which shows a young lady with elaborate make-up and traditional costume
is from Nepal. The said lady is a Kumari, or Kumari Devi, or Living Goddess. This is
a tradition of worshiping young prepubescent girls as manifestations of the divine
female energy or devi in Hindu and Buddhist religious traditions.

o Picture 3 shows a Mariachi band from Mexico. The usual mariachi group today
consists of as many as eight violins, two trumpets and at least one guitar, including a
high-pitched vihuela and an acoustic bass guitar called a guitarrón, and all players
taking turns singing lead and doing backup vocals.

o Picture 4 shows one of the oldest types of body modification in world, and one that
many women still follow in a few different parts of the world— Neck Elongation.
There are many countries that have women do this for beauty purposes such as
Myanmar and Thailand, but in this picture specifically, it shows a woman from a tribe
in Africa. In the Ndebele tribe, the women wear copper and brass rings not only
around their necks, but around their legs and arms, as well.

References: Chinese Dragon Dance:
Living Goddess of Nepal:
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
The simple activity in the previous section teaches us that, diversity in culture,
tradition and environment is real. There are many stories of life around the
world that we know so little about. There are many societies that exist, and
our way of life could have similarities or they may be entirely different from
each other. These are all reflected in literature. The only way to understand it
is to keep an open mind when reading. Are you prepared to discover these
diversities? Continue reading this module and be “schooled” about the world
through literature!

DAY 2 of 5

C. Presenting Examples/ Instances of the New Lesson

Before reading and analyzing literary texts and how they reflect one’s history,
culture, traditions, and environment, let us first study the definition of the said

 History a chronological record of significant events (such as those
affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of
their causes
 Culture the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that
characterizes an institution or organization
 Traditions the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word
of mouth or by example from one generation to another without
written instruction
 Environmen the mix of social and cultural conditions that influence the life of
t an individual or community
 Milieu the physical or social setting in which something occurs or
 Literary the original words and form of a written or printed work such as
Texts novels, short stories, poems, essays, screenplay, or
Reference: Merriam Webster Dictionary

D. Continuation of the Discussion of New Concepts and Practicing New Skills

After knowing the meaning of History, Culture, Traditions,

Environment, and Milieu, how do we actually identify their influence in
the texts that we read? Does the author’s background actually affect
his works? Does the time a poem was written affect its meaning?
These are the questions that we want to answer in this module.
In order to analyze the influence of history in a literary text, here are sample
questions that you want to have answered:
1. When was it written?
2. Was there an important stage in history reflected in the text? For
example, World War II, Spread of the Black Plague, or death of an
important person.
3. Do the events in the story show similarity with an actual historical event?
Image Source:

To evaluate how culture is shown in a literary text, here are a few ideas to
think about:
1. What is the author’s cultural background and is it reflected in the
2. What are the characters’ views of religion?
3. Are there instances in the story that show the customary gender
roles? For example, in most cultures before, men decide for the
Image Source:

To identify traditions featured in a literary text, you may ask:

1. What is the author’s background and is it reflected in the text?
2. Are there distinct practices shown by the characters? For example,
eating monggo every Friday is a traditional Filipino practice.
Image Source:

To examine how the author’s environment is reflected in and how the

milieu affected his/her work, here are some guide questions:
1. What current issues are reflected in the literary text?
2. What place inspired the setting of the story? For example, farm life or
night life in the city.
3. What values of a certain era is shown in the text? For example,
90’s fashion, 70’s disco fever, or pop culture.
Image Source:

DAY 3 of 5

E. Continuation of the Discussion of New Concepts

Excerpt from “O Captain! My Captain!” by Walt Whitman
(1865)All of the concepts discussed in the previous section prove that Here are notable
a literary text is
literary texts
heavily influenced by the author’s experiences and/or the issues s/he had
O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done, that show
experienced or learned about from others.
influences of
The ship Buthas what we haveevery
weather’d to take notethe
rack, of prize
is that,
wethe cultures,
sought is traditions, history, and
won, the environment and milieu presented on everything that you read or watch
shape the way you think or remember about a certain society or the events of
The port history, and the
near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
And your interpretation of all these may define your attitude towards your own
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; and milieu.
                         But O heart! heart! heart!
                            O the bleeding drops of red,
                               Where on the deck my Captain lies,
                                  Fallen cold and dead.

 This poem is about the death of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. Abraham
Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was assassinated by well-
known stage actor John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865. He is pertained to as
the “Captain” in the poem because Lincoln led the nation through the American
Civil War, the country's greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis.

Excerpt from “John Brown” by Bob Dylan (1962)
Then the letters ceased to come, for a long time they did not come
They ceased to come for about ten months or more
Then a letter finally came saying, “Go down and meet the train
Your son’s a-coming home from the war”
She smiled and went right down, she looked everywhere around
But she could not see her soldier son in sight
But as all the people passed, she saw her son at last
When she did she could hardly believe her eyes
John Brown is an anti-war song composed and performed by the American singer-
songwriter and Nobel laureate Bob Dylan. It tells the story of an American mother who
sends her son John Brown to war on some foreign land. The singer shows us the true
fate of the American soldiers who are stationed in foreign countries for war. He also
questions the very nature of war and shows us that there is no nobility in warfare,
thereby strengthening the idea of pacifism.


The two excerpts presented above are classic literary pieces, however,
influences of cultures, traditions, history, and the environment and
milieu in literature may also be seen in modern or contemporary
literature just like the examples shown below.

Crazy Rich Asians is a satirical 2013 romantic comedy novel

Black Panther is aby Kevin fictionalKwan.
Kwan stated that his intention in writing the
appearing in American comic
novel books
was topublished
"introduce a contemporary Asia to a North
by Marvel Comics. The American
character audience".
was created He claimed the novel was loosely based
by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Jack
on his own childhood in Singapore. The novel became a
Kirby. Black Panther's bestseller
real name is andT'Challa,
was followed by two sequels, China Rich
and he is depicted as the king and protector
Girlfriend in of
2015 and Rich People Problems in 2017. A film
the fictional African nation of Wakanda.
adaptation of the novel was released on August 15, 2018.

If we think about it, many authors wrote about war during the time of war.
And during the era of slavery towards Black people, African-American
authors wrote about their experiences about the said tragedy. The Chinese,
on the other hand, were usually written before as the “Martial Arts” experts.
But in the cited examples above, we see various cultures in a different light.
We see Asians as global leaders and intellectuals, and we see Black people
as empowered leaders with their untouched culture and technology. These
reflect how time changes and how these changes are seen in literature and
media. Because of these representations in literature, we know more about
other people and their unique experiences.


DAY 4 of 5

F. Developing Mastery

Let us practice your learning in this simple activity. Read and

analyze each item about some of the literary texts we had
covered so far and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following scenarios in the play Romeo and Juliet shows customary
a. Juliet and Romeo’s love at first sight.
b. Juliet’s father arranging for her to marry Paris.
c. The Capulet and Montague’s long history of feud.

2. Based on the poem of Edwin Markham, “The Man with the Hoe” How does the
society treat the hard-workers?
a. Treated with little significance to the growth of society
b. Has a big contribution in terms of quality
c. They are loved and treasured

3. The story of Shirley Jackson,” The Lottery,” states that the tradition has changed
over time, and people really don't remember much but do it anyway. What point is
the author trying to get across with this aspect?
a. Things change and that's ok
b. Doing something just because it's tradition is ridiculous
c. It's not okay to change the tradition

G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

Let us practice even more! How well do you know your own
history? How deep do you understand your own self? Let’s test
your knowledge in this short activity. Copy this graphic
organizer on your answer sheet and supply the information
needed to show your “personal” influences.
Family Traditions Where I Grew Up
that I Treasure and How It Affected

My Personal

Most Unforgettable My Cultural

Experience I Had Background
That Changed Me

(Teacher-Made Activity)
H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson
Literature is a big part of culture and environment. Different countries study
books that shape their nations and children and adults will read them so that
they understand what made their home how it is. Literature can inform
people, it can share history and it becomes the history of a certain place or
the world. The documentation of an event or even a story made up can
change a culture. With every setting comes a societal influence. The things
around and occurring during the period of book writing impacts the story in
the way people act, speak and practice every day events.

DAY 5 of 5

I. Evaluating Learning

How well did you understand the lesson? Let us test your
knowledge in this short activity.

ACTIVITY # 16: STORY ANALYSIS. Complete the table below based on the given
text. Limit your thoughts in at least 2 sentences for each column.

Short Summary of Bob Ong’s 2007 Novel “Macarthur”

Policemen chase Cyrus after he snatches a fat lady's necklace worth thousands

of pesos. Refusing to share the spoil with the corrupt officers, he was beaten by
the police and he swallows the necklace while he's on the run, manually
retrieving it when he takes a dump.

Cyrus is a troubled teen who constantly has nightmares of police running after
him who will transform into big dogs who tries to eat him. His fear of this
nightmare, pushes him into buying a gun one of his friends is selling.

Abandoned by his parents, Cyrus is raised by his grandfather, Mang Justo, who
works as a part-time barber. Mang Justo is rushed to the hospital and is
eventually diagnosed to have end-stage renal disease. To pay for the transplant
surgery, Cyrus steals two necklaces and attempts selling drugs. He was told by
doctors that his grandfather will only be saved through a liver transplant. Cyrus
decides to become the donor.

The surgery pushes through, his grandfather is saved, if only for the meantime,
and all is well again until Cyrus and his friends once again fall in the hands of
illegal drugs which one of them sells. Under the influence, Cyrus mistakes his
grandfather as the dog in his dream, and he takes the gun he keeps under his
pillow and empties the magazine on his grandfather’s chest.

Note: The motive of the character is good BUT his ways of helping like stealing and
selling drugs are NEVER right. Moreover, possessing/using any unauthorized firearm is


(How is Filipino Culture (Is the text connected to (What could be the place or
shown in the text?) what is happening in our event that inspired the
country nowadays?) author to write the text?)


J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

Congratulations for almost finishing Quarter 4 Week 6! But you’re still in for
one last activity. To accomplish that…REMEMBER: Role models have an
astounding effect to our lives and in society. They have the ability to shape the
views, ideals, and actions of a person.

ACTIVITY # 17: MY ROLE MODEL. Answer at least three of the following questions to
figure out how you can write about your role model’s influence on your life.

1. Who has been an influential person or role model in your life?

2. What do you admire the most about this person? Why?
3. What specific things have you learned from this person?
4. How have you used teachings from your role model in your life?
5. Which of your role model’s traits (e.g., special talents, skills, way of treating
others) do you hope to one day have yourself?
6. Can you think of specific examples of what this person did or said that made a
lasting impact?

7. How is your life different since meeting your role model?


ACTIVITY # 18. Read the summary of the piece. Then, answer the questions that


By Amador Daguio
There was a couple named Awiyao and Lumnay. They were married for a long time
but Awiyao her husband has to marry another girl named Madulimay because
Lumnay cannot bear a child. On the night of the wedding of Awiyao and Madulimay,
Awiyao went to his and Lumnay's house where they used to live to personally invite
his ex wife to join the dance but Lumnay refuses to join. Lumnay is the best dancer
in their tribe.

They had a heart-to-heart talk about their separation, and on their conversation they
found out that the couple still had a thing on each other. They still love each other
but they have to separate because their tribe’s custom is--every man in that tribe
should have one (or more) child that would carry his name and if his wife cannot
give him a child he can marry another woman. It's a man's necessity to have a

Lumnay can hardly let go of her husband. The two both agreed that if Awiyao's
second marriage did not work, he will go back to Lumnay's arms and this was
sealed by the beads that Lumnay will keep. Then Awiyao goes back to the wedding
because someone is calling him already. After being fetched by others, Lumnay
decided to go to the wedding not to dance or to join the celebration but to stop the

She decided to break the unwritten law of her tribe, but when she is near all her
guts to stop the wedding suddenly disappeared. She did not have the courage to
break into the wedding feast. Lumnay walked away from the dancing ground, away
from the village. She went to the mountain instead and in the mountain is where
she diverted all her bitterness in her and she partly reminisce their story of Awiyao.

Source: Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio. (2016, Jul 23). Retrieved from

For full story, you may search this site:


Questions: (2 points each)

1.Search and read the author’s cultural background. Is it reflected in the text? Explain.
2. What is the theme of the story? _______________________________________
3.What is the symbol for dancing as part of their (characters) culture?
4. What are the expectations for men in Awiyao’s culture?
5. How did Awiyao’s culture influence his decisions? Did it affect his life?
6. What is your reaction toward Awiyao’s marriage to Madulimay? Explain.

7. Does culture affect the decisions and lives of the characters in the story? Why?


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